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Biggest Loser fans

Just wondering...
Did anyone else mind that Kim was so egotistical on Tuesday's show? How dare she take full credit for Amy's progress up to that point?? And Bob getting so mad at the 17 lb. gain - "It will look like I did this!!"
I love this show, but the trainers should realize it's not about them.
What the heck?

Thu. Oct 25, 9:12pm

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All of that just makes Jillian look even better. She was happy to take on barely-motivated Amy, and her reaction to Neil's game-throwing gain was focused on the threat to her team, not her reputation.

I used to like Bob, but he changed last season and developed a nasty edge. I'm guessing that's got something to do with the producers, but I much preferred his more "spiritualist with a steel core" persona.

Thursday, October 25, 2007, 11:50 PM

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Yeah,,Jillian is growing on me. I didn't like her whole "those people didn't want you" thing at the beginning of the season but I'm starting to like her more and more.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 12:16 AM

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Kim really ticked me off. She basically said to Amy "you don't belong here," and then she had the nerve to be angry when Amy didn't want her to be her trainer anymore. Ridiculous.

I can see why Bob got upset, though. I can't believe Neil didn't get voted off after what he did.

I do like Jillian, but I dislike the way she's a drill sargent one minute, then your best friend the next. I know one thing- there's no way I could make it through one of her workouts.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 11:55 AM

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Love Jillian! Have since the beginning. I don't mind how she's tough and then friendly. She gets her job done and let's them know she cares, too.

Yea, Kim is annoying. But, you know they only show certain clips, not everything. They cold have totally manipulated it. But, obviously she did say thoses things, so...

And, Bob is just HOT!

Friday, October 26, 2007, 12:13 PM

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I'm with you! Kim acted so hurt when she was the one who didn't want
Amy to stay! I have never liked her as a trainer. They all are strange, although if I had my pick I would pick Bob. He seems the most caring and understanding of the whole bunch. I love the show though and it def. makes me more motivated!

Friday, October 26, 2007, 7:20 PM

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Though Amy does seem pretty annoying so I can understand if Kim wanted to get rid of her...though, again, the way they edit it can manipulate my viewpoint.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 7:51 PM

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