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I am the op of the other post (AM I Crazy) I now want to train for one. Has anyone done this and is willing to give out adive? If so Why dioes it say I must train in a pool that is 25 meters long? My pool is 40' is that really not good enough to train?
Also I work full time and have 2 kids ( 3 year old and 5 month old) Plus a husband, how many hour per week do I need to log? Can I do this with only 10 hours a week?
Anyone want to start a Triathlon group?
Thu. Oct 25, 3:50pm
I have done many sprint triathlons, I have three kids, husband and a full time job that requires more than full time. But like everything else I squeeze it in, it is amazing that we make time for what we love. I try to combine training like I run or bike to the gym to swim, this way I get a "brick" work out in. That is one of the only ways a busy person can go. I also run around the park while my kids are playing or at practice, etc.
Good luck you will so love it! I am always training for my next one.
Thursday, October 25, 2007, 8:10 PM
I trained in dinky pool that was maybe 20 feet long. More importantly I completed a lot of open water swims, including the course swim the last 8 weeks prior to the race. The pool helped me work on technique but the lake helped me work on wind, waves, milfoil issues, etc. Make sure you get as many open water swims in as possible next summer. That helped me a lot.
Whether you're overweight or not, I recommend the book "Slow Fat Triathlete" by Jayne Williams. She's very funny and inspiring.
See if your community has a triatlon group. Luna Chix is a good one. Google Sally Edwards' website. I think she has a few books out there, too. It's more fun to train with someone. Good luck.
Friday, October 26, 2007, 2:00 PM
Training for long-distance swimming in a 40' pool is tough. It's better than nothing but you can't truly get into a consistant steady pace because you are constantly stopping to turn. So do it when it's the only option, but like the 2:00 PM poster said, try to get in some open water or larger pool swims when you can. I think a 25-yard pool is fine.
I trained for a sprint triathlon about 4 years ago with a husband and two kids. It does take putting in several hours a day, but not necessarity every day. If you can get in two hours a day, 5 days a week, I'm sure you will get there. LIke the previosu poster said, do brick work (one hour bike, one hour run or one hour swim, one hour bike),
Good luck!
Friday, October 26, 2007, 2:12 PM
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