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I want to lose weight after having baby

overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Does it get easier??!!! tia

Thu. Oct 25, 11:59am

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well, yes and no...It does get easier once you get into the groove but losing weight is always hard work. Get started by eating lots of fruits and veggies and getting active everyday. I know that can be hard with a new baby. Maybe just take ten minutes to turn on some music and dance. Also look around this site for groups and teams of new moms, there are lots of them

Good luck!

Thursday, October 25, 2007, 1:31 PM

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I'm trying to lose my baby weight, too...and my baby is 4 years old ;) Where to start? I don't know your situation - if you're an emotional eater, mindless eater, big portions eater, etc. - but if you're feeling overwhelmed (and who doesn't when they have a new baby??) I would just pick a small change to start and build from there. And do whatever exercise you can, whether it's getting out for a walk (be it 10 minutes or 1 hour), going to the gym, or simply parking as far away as you can when you go to the store - move more than you are now. And get sleep when you can!! I know I did a lot of eating just b/c I was fatigued and I thought food was the answer.

Enjoy that baby, make small changes, and take care of yourself!

Thursday, October 25, 2007, 2:24 PM

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For me it was really important to drink lots of water. I find that when I don't drink enough I get dehydrated and low on energy, plus if you are nursing you need to make sure you are drinking a decent amount (but not too much or you will compromise your milk supply). Try going for a 10 minute walk with your baby in the stroller a couple times a day. Every little bit helps! Good luck to you!

Thursday, October 25, 2007, 2:29 PM

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I am just now at my pre-pregnancy weight, 8 months later. I did a lot of walking with the stroller and watched portion sizes carefully - and more fruits and veggies!

Thursday, October 25, 2007, 2:53 PM

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exercise to lose baby weight

you have to exercise. I'd agree with people who say that diet is 80% of weightloss- except after baby. In my experience it was only when I started to go to the gym- 3-4 times a week that I was able to make good progress.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 10:36 AM

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losing the baby weight 8 months later

I have to agree with the previous poster, after a baby you absolutely have to workout as much as you can. There is something especially about the fat around the middle, stomach. It is almost as if you need to remove it surgically.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 2:26 PM

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To 10:36 and 2:26

It really depends how much weight you gained. If you gained a regular amount (the good old 25-35) then exercise will help get your middle back in shape. If you gained 80 lbs like I did, you really have to change your diet to get rid of the last 45! Not that exercise won't help, but if you've gained a lot, or were overweight to start with, you need to change your diet.

Thursday, November 1, 2007, 11:43 AM

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I had my second child via c-section 15 months ago and I am now weigh less than when I got married 4 years ago. It took me 15 months to get here. For the first five months, I breastfed so I was eating a lot but a lot of it were healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. I limited my fast food fix to 1/week. The key for me is that I bought a double stroller and I seriously strolled all over town with my boys. I felt trapped at home and this really helped with the baby blues. I never really saw it as trying to slim down, only trying to get out of the house, but five months later I weighed 40 lbs less. In the last ten months I started to watch portion sizes with weight watchers and I joined a gym 7 months ago and I go during my work lunch hour. If you are a stay at home, a gym may not be an option, but don't underestimate the weight loss sucess you can have with just walking at the mall, at a park, etc. for at least 30 minutes a day. Your baby will love to get out too. Good luck.

Thursday, November 1, 2007, 2:42 PM

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