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OT - Food Poisoning
I came down with food poisoning Friday night and spent the weekend in bed (with frequent bathroom trips) with a 102-103 degree fever. My fever is gone now and I tried eating again yesterday for the first time since Friday, but my *ahem* gastrointestinal issues are still no better. I'm getting lots of fluids and since my fever is gone I believe I am on the mend, but I'm going into my 5th day now and that seems a little long to me. Part of me thinks I should go see a doctor, but if I'm not dehydrated I don't think there is much they would do. Do I just keep trying to stay hydrated and not eat? Does anyone have any actual knowledge about this, not just an opinion? Thanks very much in advance.
Wed. Oct 24, 8:32am
I would see a Dr. as soon as possible. Anytime you have a stomach bug for whatever reason beyond 24 hours, it could be something very serious. Even if it isn't serious, the side effects of being w/o proper nutrition for too long could be detrimental. Think about it, if for some reason you contracted salmonella or e.coli or something along those lines... it's not just going to go away. You should see a doctor at once if it has been this long. If not for anything but peace of mind.
Keep us posted!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 8:57 AM
OP Here
But would the Dr. be able to do anything? My understanding of the situation is everything just has to run its course and Dr. intervention is only needed when dehydration is a factor. Since I'm doing a good job of avoiding dehydration, I don't want to take time off work to see the Dr. if they would just keep telling me to do what I'm doing anyway.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 11:12 AM
Even if the doc can't do anything he can confirm that there isn't something else maybe going on. If you don't see improvement by this evening I would see someone. Try eating just a piece of dry toast or sipping a little chicken broth.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 11:26 AM
Agreed, after 5 days this thing should have been long gone. You should definitely see a doctor. And there is a good chance (if you're lucky!) that you're just taking a while to get this out of your system and will be fine... but if that's not the case you need to take action asap. You're never wasting your time and effort seeing a doctor is there is something wrong with you. And being this sick for 5 days means something is wrong.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 12:50 PM
go to the doc. if this doesn't get out of your system by 72 hours, then yiou will most likely need an antibiotic. you should be sure to be drinking salty drinks too because you can be dehydrated without knowing it. i just know this after having amoebic dysentery and i collapsed from dehydration (but i thought i was fine). btw, i didn't live in the US then.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 5:18 PM
My adult son had food poisioning a few months ago and he was really, really sick for almost a week. He went to the emergency room and was given an antibiotic. It might be good to see a doctor.
Thursday, October 25, 2007, 9:00 AM
OP Here
Since I waited too long I can't get in to see the Dr until Monday morning. I asked them to give me a call if they have any cancellations though. Thanks very much for your help everyone, I'll let you know what the verdict is.
Friday, October 26, 2007, 9:55 AM
Have you been on antibiotics lately? You might have contracted C. Dif which can actually kill you. do you still have a fever? Just b/c you are driking water does not mean that you are actually hydrated. I would also suggest taking some magnesium.
Friday, October 26, 2007, 10:08 AM
OP- R U Ok?
Go to the doctor yet, or did the weekend do you good?
Monday, October 29, 2007, 10:21 AM
Op Here
I just got back from the doctor. I have 2 antibiotics and I have to bring back a sample (that will be fun!). The doctor doubts its food poisoning since I've had it for 10 days now and my fever was so high. He said I should have gone to see him after the first 24 hours. So, all the advice was correct and I should have listened. (Live and learn I guess). Unless the tests say something weird, he says I have an infection.
Thanks very much for all of your help, everyone. I really appreciate it.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 12:40 PM
good luck. I pray you feel better soon :)
Monday, October 29, 2007, 2:45 PM
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