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Now that I'm working out I'm constantly hungry.
Help! I don't want to reverse the weight loss. All suggestions are welcome.
Tue. Jan 10, 5:40am
Hmmmm, are you drinking enough water during and after your workouts? I find that when I workout I eat less, but I also down tons of water which seems to be filling in itself. Are you getting enough protein and the right amount of carbs in your diet? What about fiber? What type of eating plan do you follow? All of that makes a difference.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 6:10 AM
Make sure you are eating the best fuel for your body - you're working it hard, so give it premium! Make sure you are eating enough lean protein (I've heard 30% of calories from protein is a good goal for someone who is exercising a lot, but you should do some research and figure out what is right for you), eat high fiber foods that make you feel full faster, drink lots and lots of water, and avoid empty calories that your body will burn quickly and then ask for more.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 6:11 AM
As someone who has recently gone from working out a few hours a week to working out 3 hours a day, my #1 piece of advice is to eat 4 or 5 times a day. I was already consuming over 100 oz of water, 80-100g protein, and 20-25g fiber, so the increased hunger was not as hard to deal with as it has been in the past. (In other words, the advice of the previous posters is solid).
If you experience slumps in energy, well, there's nothing quite like caffeine for me. I choose tea -- I don't like coffee, and at least tea has lots of antioxidants, though coffee has over double the caffeine.
(Spotlight Rome)
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 1:27 PM
I would check with a doctor first but you could try a diet supplement pill. they are designed to get rid or the hungry fealing.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 3:43 AM
Definitely check with a doctor before trying diet supplement pills. They can be unhealthy to the point of being dangerous.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 12:02 PM
I'd say check in with when you're eating, too. Maybe try adjusting your schedule so that you are eating 5 or 6 smaller meals a day, or so that you have a meal when you are the most hungry (3pm for me! - I eat a snack then to make it to dinner).
Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 12:04 PM
Also, because you are working out, you will naturally need a few more calories than a sedentary person. Make sure that you have not limited yourself to too few calories...
Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 1:52 PM
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