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Nutrition Facts vs Serving Size

Do the Nutritional Facts on a package take into account every bite until every bit is eaten? If I don't consume the sause from my Healthy Choice meal, am I leaving behind some calories?

I'm curious to understand the industry standards for calculating calories for the meal. Do I have to lick the plate clean to consume the entire amount of calories?

Tue. Oct 23, 4:36pm

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If the servings per container is 1, then yes, the calories listed are for ALL of the food in the container.

Many containers, however, say "servings per container: 2" or 3.5, or whatever. In that case, eating the whole thing would be the number of calories per serving times the servings per container.

If you eat something with one serving per container, and you leave some, then yes, you are consuming fewer calories than are listed on the label.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 4:41 PM

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Great question - because when you look up, say, a piece of fruit in a calorie book or on a website, not all of them differtiate between 6oz of apple and the yield from a whole apple that weighs 6oz. They're getting better though...still, I have problems with meat information (some meats have more calories cooked than raw, others have more raw than cooked...I theoretically understand why, but sometimes the difference is so great that it makes no sense).

Warning about food labels - they're allowed to lie by up to 20% without the FDA getting on their case. I often count a 300-calorie Lean Cuisine as 330 calories to mitigate this.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 4:55 PM

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