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Do you Sabotage yourself?

After many months of working out and eating well I decided to buy some clothes b/c I was feeling baggy in the clothes I previously wore. I was stunned to find that I dropped 3 sizes. I look back and know that I earned it b/c I journal everyday, eat nutritious stuff, and exercise -I am doing what all these threads encourage. Now, I find myself thinking that I did this all for nothing b/c I'm going to gain it all back one day - that really I'm not meant to have this body and this is just a temorary thing. Is that weird? I mean, I know I am sounding very negative and I'm afraid I'm going to sabotage myself. Has anyone felt like this before?

Tue. Oct 23, 12:35pm

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First, Congratulations on all the hard work. It really does pay off.
Second, I have sabbotaged myself in the past. And yes it is something that I wonder about now. But if you keep in your mind how hard you worked to get here and are aware of the fact that sabbotage is even an issue I think that will help.
I think just with any part of the diet process you have to be diligent and pay attention and not let those pounds creep back on.
Just keep fighting for yourself and what you want. It is worth it. As you can see.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 2:47 PM

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Congrats on your accomplishment and success!

I sabotage myself everyday it seems! But, I ultimately believe that I can and will keep my weight off. Even if I slip up, as well all can do, I believe that it's no big deal, I'll get it off, but I do that before I gain more than a few pounds. So, don't start off with sabotaging thoughts - you've proven you can do it! Believe in yourself!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 4:44 PM

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Thanks for your comments - it really helps to know I am not alone.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 5:41 PM

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As long as you keep that knowledge with you, that your aware of how you feel I think you will be fine. Just keep doing what your doing. I had a friend who lost 90 pounds over 2 years only to gain it back plus some in less then 6 months, she was going through a very difficult time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 7:50 PM

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This always happens to me. I am doing really well, lose the weight, and then begin having these negative thoughts. I started reading the Beck Diet Solution and that book explains how do deal with sabotaging thoughts. It's a great book. One of the things that it recommends is to write down your sabotaging thought on an index card and write a positive response to it. Then you read the positive response every time you have this negative thought. It helps.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 7:44 PM

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Do yourself a favor and buy the book "The Beck Diet Solution". It's full of ways to counter sabotage thinking and has helped me go "great guns" on my weight loss. 80 lbs gone so far!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 9:59 PM

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My biggest issue is dealing with change. I am now happily married, but I use to lose weight, feel great, start datin ga guy that took up my time, while we went out and drank, then I would gain it all back.
I am in a great place now with god habits, but we are going to move across counrty so if I dont have a work out buddy, or my gym, or a fridge at work or a room for our home gym or a safe neighborhood to walk.

I am scared that even one of these things will set me off of my good habits

Friday, October 26, 2007, 5:01 PM

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why do I sabotage my weight loss?

new article helps to shed some light on this:


Friday, May 15, 2009, 1:04 PM

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Hi! First off, congrats! That's awesome that you lost weight and went down in sizes!!

2nd..I've lost 53 lbs to date (9 more to go), and I went from a size 14/16 jeansto now I can fit into size 8 jeans. I understand why you would be afraid of sabotaging yourself. What I do, is look at old picsw of myself before the weight loss and also think of how I felt physically and mentally. I got to a point where I would have chest pains after eating a mcdonalds cheese burger, so I knew I had to do something about my weight and eating habits. So, thinking about my life "before" weight loss helps me stay on track and realize that as long as I keep doing what I'm doing, I wont gain the weight back.

Hope that helped, and good luck!

Friday, May 15, 2009, 2:33 PM

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Congrats on losing all that weight. I find that to keep myself in check, I weigh myself everyday at about the same time of the day. That way if you are eating a bit more than you should, you MUST stay on track the next day to get back to where you want to be. That is my little check to keep me from gorging myself on french fries and cheesburgers! The thing I now must overcome is making sure I keep weighing myself. I stopped for awhile and didn't want to face the music, so to speak, because I knew I had gained some weight.

Also keep in mind that it takes about a year for your mind to adjust to the weight you have lost and the new body you have. Be aware of body dysmophia.

Friday, May 15, 2009, 3:28 PM

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i would say, a good way to probably stay on track is to continue using PT even once you have reached your goals. Keep doing exactly as you have been, hopefully that'll encourage you to stay on track.

Friday, May 15, 2009, 5:00 PM

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I suggest finding or starting a group with others who have hit their goal and are dealing with maintaining that goal. I think maintaining may be harder then losing in many ways because you are no longer heading somewhere but rather simply accepting that where you are is it for the long haul. Your new identity. I joined a maintenance group (though I had not yet reached my goal, but thought I would be there soon) and no-one else in the group was satisfied to maintain the weight they had hit (everyone was still thinking of losing more). I dropped the group because of this, and maybe should not have considered joining until I had hit my goal and was ready to maintain. I think that a group where everyone is discussing the issues of maintaining would be a great group to start or to join if there are others out there with that sort of a group.

I just wanted to add that the strong ties that we have to our identity (even negative ties) are so hard to combat and to see as our own personal fictions. I, for one have some beliefs about career success and about relationships that I need to shed, just as a person sheds physical weight. It is pounds of self-defeat that no-one else can physically see, but that I wear like layers of debilitating, unhealthy fat every day.

Monday, May 18, 2009, 6:42 AM

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