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Just started 4 weeks ago and wanted to know if this is good:

I ran today 55 minutes total
10 min warmup st 4.2
5 min at 5.5
5 min at 5.8
5 min at 6.0
5 min at 6.3
2 min at 5.5
5 min at 6.5
3 min at 7.0
5 min 7.5
the rest was a cool down at 4.2

It said I ran 5 miles is this possible and is this good for a beginner? I also did chest 4 exercises and 4 sets

Tue. Oct 23, 10:14am

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Surely this is going to depend on you and what you are like (and the machine you are on). I walk at level 6.5 (which is pretty fast) and run at 10 - 11. The important thing is whether, after your warm-up you are warm with your heartbeat in the cardio-vascular training zone. If so, then you need to keep that heartbeat up until you cool down.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 11:31 AM

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Holy sh*t 11:31! You run at 10-11 mph! There's no way my little legs could do that for even 15 seconds :)

10:14 - your time and your pace are great. And 5 miles for a beginner is fabulous no matter how long it takes you or at what pace!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 11:47 AM

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11.31 here. If the average walking speed is 3 mph, is it abnormal to cover 3-4 times that if you are running for an hour? I never think of myself as being particularly fast, but I can't sustain it for more than 10 - 15 mins at a time, so I only use running as a warm up! I sure can't do five miles! Plus I despise running with a passion.

I was careful in my original post to say "level," as I'm not sure whether the machine I'm on is mph or kph and I accept that even I probably don't walk at 6.5mph (more probably 6.5kph). So I'm probably running at about 7mph.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 12:04 PM

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if you are trying to get into running, i would suggest just setting a time goal and jogging at a comforable pace for you. the speed is not something you would want to focus on this early on. also, you may want to start at a certain point and work up to higher mileage, especially if you are new to running. jumping in at 5 miles and doing this regularly too fast can lead to injuries super-quickly.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 12:12 PM

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