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Does anyone else have major problems with overeating? Do you have any tips to try and overcome it? I want to get healthy and I have great intentions, but the food gets in the way.
Mon. Jan 9, 8:22pm
oh, boy do I. You are at the right place. I'm in a couple of groups where that is the main focus. I definitely learned to eat out of emotional need. I still struggle with it. I have found, though, that being accountable and writing it down helps to keep a perspective on it. Trying to find other ways to deal with stress and avoiding the things that stress me out helps, too. I'm trying really hard to not beat myself up about it too much, too. That's the hardest part for me. Sometimes just knowing there is somebody else out there who deals with the same thing helps. Thanks for starting the thread. You have support here.
Monday, January 9, 2006, 8:30 PM
Me too!!! You are definitely not alone! I'm a terrible overeater. I know what and how much I should be eating -- I could write my own diet book. It's not the knowledge that's the problem. Nor is it really WHAT I eat. I think I make fairly healthy choices. For me, it's always been an issue of quantity. I feel hungry all the time. My stomach growls. I love eating. I don't eat because I'm depressed or bored or anything else. I eat because I love eating. It makes me happy. I feel good while I'm eating and I feel good after I've finished eating. Help!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 3:32 AM
I have found that filling a spiritual void has helped me. Not necessarily any specific religion (or any religion at all).....just addressing personal/spiritual issues eliminated some of the "non-physical" hunger.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 5:25 AM
The mind has a CRAZY power over the body, and feeling hungry (even with your stomach growling), is a manifestation of something you're trying to keep buried inside of you and not deal with. Is it anger, sadness, loneliness? I have struggled with overeating for a long, long, time, and recently had a breakthrough. It may not be as dramatic for everyone, but once I confronted my family and father this past summer over a relative that abused me when I was very, very young, and continued to be around me (psychological TORTURE) until I was 15. How's this for textbook? He used to buy me BOXES of candy for me alone to eat. During fundraisers at school, he'd buy all the boxes I had and tell me to eat them whenever I wanted. So I'd lock myself in my room (age 9) and eat the entire box of M&M's, or whatever it was. By the time I was 14, I weighed just under 200lbs. I still struggle with overeating sweets, but I've made a lot of progress since that confrontation in the summer and since joining PeerTrainer in particular.
There's something there making you overeat! I never believed it until I allowed my anger to come out and put my foot down. I did it taking the chance that my family wouldn't speak to me again, and I'd still have to stand my ground. I always thought I just "loved" this or that food-- but then why eat it to the point of feeling sick and disgusted?
Good luck on your journey of discovery!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 5:35 AM
If you're actually hungry all the time, and it's not psychological, it could be that you're not eating enough fats. I had that problem when I first started PEERtrainer. People would say, "you need to cut your calories," and I'd say, "but I'm hungry now, I can't possibly cut more!" But then I realized that I was snacking mostly on empty carbs, like crackers, Baked Lays, fat free foods, etc., and I could eat them all day and still my stomach would growl. Then I became more conscious of what I was eating - added in nuts, cheese, beans/chick peas for fiber, and cut out all crackers, cookies (except for a special treat), bread and bagels (unless it's low-carb), and just about all of my fat-free snacks, and the pounds just started coming off, and my stomach doesn't growl all the time!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 6:57 AM
pre-portioned foods
I too am an over-eater, but it's situational for me. I live alone and like to cook, and it can be difficult to prepare 1 proper portion. Rather you need to make 2/4/6/8 and I constanly found myself eating way more than I should, eating until the point of illiness, overly full stomach, etc. One way to comabt this was me switching to Lean Cusine for dinner. Although I am not cooking, I am also not over eating. I get my one pre-packaged entree and have never thought of going for a second box. When I do cook for myself I try to choose things that are portion control-able and I can prepare fresh the same day I buy it, ie. 1 6oz piece of fish, 1 2oz portion of pasta, etc. I also try not to buy chips/cookies/ice cream because I can easily eat the entire package in a matter of hours/days instead of the week+ it should take. This is what works for me.
If it's a truly chronic problem that you cannot overcome and is really affecting your health you may want to think of over-eaters anonymous. With the right group of people it seems to be very beneficial.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 6:15 PM
Try drinking a glass of water before you eat I find that helps me at being full. Zero calories! To the lady who mention problems with the family and facing them I too had alot of stress in my life but I came face to face with the problem and now just taking each day as it comes. Add maybe some more fiber to your diet like oatmeal etc. Hope this helps. Have a great night.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 6:25 PM
I had a similar situation with sexual abuse in my past. It was not on a large scale and my family knows about it, but one day I came to the conclusion that I was eating so that I wouldn't be found attractive to men and then I wouldn't have to worry abou the abuse again. Then later in life (after I was fat) I was nearly raped on a blind date. My struggle is not really knowing how to turn my knowledge into power and even more importantly willpower against food. I think now it has just become habit.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 10:39 PM
I've heard people talk about overeating huge pots of vegetables; that sounds like a pretty good idea. I might try that tonight, in fact. There are some great recipes in some of the recipe threads. There's a great cauliflower-cheese soup that's just a whole head of cauliflower simmered in chicken broth until it's soft, mashed up with skim milk and a couple pieces of laughing cow cheese (or food-processed). The whole pot, which is about 4+ BIG bowls full if you use a big head of cauliflower, is probably under 500 calories, and it's thick and creamy and yummy!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 10:31 AM
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