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Need to stop drinking
Lost weight easily several years ago. All I did was just drink water and follow a sensible plan. Didn't even have to exercise I had such an active job.
NOW I am married to a Home Beer Brewer who is very social and we have been together almost 2 1/2 years. Didn't realize how much alcohol was a part of our lives until now. We always have a happy hour, birthday party or wine tasting to go to and I am having trouble not drinking! It seems that has been my way to relax longer than I knew. Ideas? Perhaps some recipes for non alcoholic drinks that are good for me and still will help me feel good and relax?
Mon. Jan 9, 7:48pm
This is a problem that I struggle with as well. I do great during the week and then on the weekend I end up drinking a gazillion beers. I eat junky food when I'm drinking and also when I'm hungover the next day. It's pretty much my social life though. Definitely a problem and I don't have a solution for you, I'm afraid.
Monday, January 9, 2006, 5:50 PM
I understand the difficulty of losing wight when you like to enjoy a drink. I tried to limit myself to one night a week, but then went a little overboard. Then I do the eat to cure the hangover feeling thing. One thing that works for me usually is to have something else in my hand before happy hour or whenever you usually start thinking about it. Flavored Iced Teas, bottled water that's ice cold, just some ideas. Then you at least start later and drink less.
Monday, January 9, 2006, 7:29 PM
I can relate, too. I had a very active social life for awhile that included a lot of drinking. It became something I was dependent on in order to have a good time. (It doesn't sound like that is your issue.) I also really LIKE the feeling of a buzz. As I've gotten older, I married somebody who doesn't drink at all. I still do, though, but it's not much fun when my husband doesn't drink. I would recommend keeping a glass or bottle of water with you when you drink. Take as many sips from that as you do of alcohol.
Monday, January 9, 2006, 8:27 PM
I have made a few changes that help me when I go out. I no longer drink the fruity drinks and opt for diet coke & rum or vodka & cranberry most of the time. I also make sure to order a water with each drink. I drink both before ordering another. That not only helps me drink less alcohol, but also eliminates the hangover. I'm not foolproof at it, but it helps me be good most of the time.
Monday, January 9, 2006, 9:22 PM
Do you think you are a problem drinker or is this just packing on the calories?
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 2:35 AM
I just wanted to say that I am right there with all of you. I love to have my wine and beer. It is such a great stress reliever...... But here was my kicker. I started watching what I ate and counted the calories and did the workouts. No drinking during the week and I saw dramatic weight loss. Then the weekend comes, and after the damage I did drinking and the foods the next day to help with the hangover, I might as well not have done anything prior, because I was almost right back where I started from. So now I guess I can't drink at all. Which, my husband does and he hits it from Friday - Sunday. And He is a irratating drunk. (I wonder how I will keep my patience with him while sober). Maybe I should take a weekend vacation or just lock the bedroom door and sleep. ugh...
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 5:59 AM
I can totally related. I love my wine, but I notice that when I don't drink the weight comes off much easier. And doing WW Flex Points, 4 oz of wine just doesn't cut it, you know? So I usually end up drinking 12-16 oz and trying to only count 2 or 4 points! Obviously that doesn't work! So I polished off the wine this weekend and am not buying anymore. You're not alone!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 6:08 AM
I actually think it is becoming a problem/crutch just like food. My husband can eat 10 chips or one cookie - likewise he can drink just a beer or two. I seem to be incapable of limiting once I start to eat or drink something that I shouldn't I figure - what the heck I'll do better tomorrow...? Doesn't seem to work because tomorrow is always the same problem. Yes I think I drink too much and currently I am drinking everday - my way of hiding from the world.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 7:33 AM
above poster. I am the same way. Drink to forget the fact that I am fat and hideous. I know I sound harsh, but it is exactly how I feel.
So what I have been doing is not thinking about my weight. Do my diet and workouts. and only focus on the hour or day instead of so far ahead.
I think to myself "I did great today" If I keep this up, by June I will look hot!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 10:55 AM
My husband likes to have a drink every night after work. Does this mean he has a problem? I'm not sure....the problem is that it is hard for me to say no I don't want one when he is having one. I don't need the calories and it makes me sleepy! But we are in charge of our lives, right?! So start with today. I will not have a drink today. And that will be one drink less. And tomorrow maybe I will want one and that will be o.k. and I will just keep it to one. Actually, I am going to make it a goal to not drink at all Monday thru Thursday. Like the water plan too!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 10:57 AM
I can relate
I am 24 and my friends and I still act like we are in college on the weekends. Here are a few things I have tried.
1) If you want a drink with dinner have 1 glass of wine or 1 low cal/carb beer.
2) I designate myself to be a sober driver for one night over the weekend by Wednesday. That way I can't back out.
3) I tell myself that if I don't drink I get a treat (I know this sounds pathetic but it works) I say to myself "If I take it easy tonight I can have 1 fattening dessert next week."
4) Also don't have to high of expectations at first. Take baby steps at making smart decisions and eventually it will pay off. If you go cold turkey you will just lash back and over indulge.
Good Luck!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 11:36 AM
I agree
I agree that cold turkey creates such a void that sometimes we slip into the old routine. I have a wine tasting to go to tonight...I won't have a problem not nibbling but as far as walking aorund with a glass of wine to taste...I am not sure how I am going to handle that. I have to go for my job so I really can't get out of it. There are perhaps 50 different wine vendors all coming to show off their wines, cheeses, CHOCOLATE, Chili, Fudge...HELP!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 11:57 AM
Eat healthy before you go and drink lots of water while you are there. Convince yourself that water is cleansing your palet. It will make you full faster.
Good Luck
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 1:44 PM
water is great
I always alternate glasses of wine with water. It works well & limits the nasty after effects as well as the alcohol intake. Stick to wine or beer rather than spirits. They have less alcohol and take longer to drink than nips.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:46 AM
non judgement
moderation is the key
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:58 AM
Just be sure to account for the calories in your drink in your daily calorie intake. If I've already eaten all my calories for the day, I won't indulge in an unhealthy dinner or eat dessert for an extra several hundred calories; why would I go out and drink several hundred extra calories? If you think of it as the same thing, it'll all work out for you. If I eat a healthy dinner, I'm allowed to have a glass of wine with it; if it's not as healthy, I drink water. I think the biggest step is just realizing that drinks are calories to be rationed, just like food.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:09 AM
No drinking Dr.'s orders
This fall my Dr. suggested that I stop drinking for three months. I was devastated. I didn't feel like I had a problem with alcohol, but I really enjoyed it and it was a big part of my life.
But I gave it an honest shot and bought a case of San Pelligrino sparkling water and a bag of limes. Every time I would have had a drink I had a glass of water. It was tough sometimes, but because I didn't have a "problem," it was far from the biggest challenge I faced in my life.
I think the key for me was to have something special to drink as an alternative and also having the support of my alcohol loving SO. I wholeheartedly encourage you to give it a try. My body felt great and totally hydrated all the time, it was awesome. But set a limit, say three months, or even one month. It is easier than you think and feels awesome...but so did my first glass of wine afterwards. ;)
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:34 AM
I'm so glad that there seem to be other people out there with the same problem. I drink almost every night... and it's usually more than one drink. I just like the way it makes me feel. So, for me there is usually no point in having just one drink. It just packs on the calories...
My vow is to not drink tonight, although, I'm already feeling anxiety about that and it's not even noon yet!
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 11:48 AM
I think there are more of us than we realize. Maybe we should have a group?
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 1:08 PM
Need to stop drinking
Why is it that I start my day thinking I will not have a drink when I get home, but by the end of the day I am frazzled and want to relax. My boss is an old man that has no respect for anyone in the office. I scramble home (30 min commute) to make supper, do dishes, start some laundry, and maybe run the vacuum. Having a drink while you cook shouldn't be a bad thing. But it seems to be. Why does alcohol add the pounds?
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 2:56 PM
Why does alcohol pack on the pounds?
Because alcohol is pure sugar! Well not exactly, but if you saw the amount of sugar that goes into it, plus the natural sugars that are already in the grapes - you'd get the point.
There's a reason diabetics are supposed to avoid it.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:05 PM
An alcoholic drink is like a "regular" soda - it's not awful for you, but it's not good for you either, and it's full of sugar and other empty calories, pretty much regardless of what alcohol you drink (beer, wine, mixed drinks, etc.) If you count it in your daily calorie intake, and drink when you'd normally eat (don't have a drink at 11pm if you don't believe in eating after 7pm, it's the same thing...) it really isn't a problem. But, if you need to drink in order to relax after a stressful day, or every time you drink it's to the point of "feeling the alcohol" instead of just because you enjoy the taste, you may have a very real problem. If the thought of not having a drink for a week sounds stressful, or even a day, there's a good chance you have a problem that could escalate into far worse. Alcohol is really, in the most basic terms, an addictive poison. One drink a day is not considered unhealthy, but if you're having more than 7 drinks a week, you may want to consider seriously trying to curb the habit and bring it back into the healthy range before it becomes a serious problem.
Also, 7 drinks a week is about 1000 calories - that's about 1/3 a pound a week you'd lose by just not drinking - you'd lose 14.44 lbs in 1 year by cutting out 1 drink per day.
Friday, January 20, 2006, 10:41 AM
When I was in college though, believe it or not, my nutrition professor said that the drinks you're consuming are usually worked off, dancing, running around whatever. A question is, when you're drinking now, are you outside at a football game cheering and burning up calories? Are you dancing? or are you sitting around, boozing it up?
Saturday, January 21, 2006, 8:25 AM
You coulnd't say it any better. All of it.
Sunday, April 4, 2010, 3:35 AM
I loved reading this thread! I know it is from 2006 but I am sure we all still deal with this issue on a regular basis. Yesterday I had a whooping 1799 calories - 1454 in food and then 345 calories blown on a couple of beverages after work. Yikes!
I agree with you all - the occassional beverage is going to happen and we just have to count it. Calories are calories no matter what shape or form!
Sunday, April 4, 2010, 11:39 PM
1) I think cutting back or stopping drinking is just like dieting in the sense that both food and booze are perfectly legal and hard to avoid completely, especially if you are social.
2) I was interested in what a 2:56 said about scrambling home after work to make supper, do dishes, start some laundry and vacuum. I often feel like I am going from duty to duty or chore to chore, and frankly, if I have to spend the evening after work doing dishes and laundry, I want a drink. Of course, once I have a couple drinks I don’t want to go for a healthy walk or whatever.
Has anyone else felt like this? What do you do to make the mundane chores more palatable without drinking?
Friday, May 14, 2010, 2:10 PM
at the end of the day it is a decision and you have to want to have a good reason. In my case I have developed a little gut, and I am very very active. So lets see what a couple weeks of little or no drinking will do.
Friday, May 14, 2010, 3:37 PM
Well, of course it is a decision, but if it were that easy none of us would be here looking for support to meet our healthy lifestyle goals ;-)
I was a daily drinker. I stopped drinking because I got pregnant and I had 9 months to realize how much better I felt when I wasn't drinking. Then i was breast feeding and then I was too busy chasing a toddler to even consider indulging. Also, my husband does not drink, which makes it easier to abstain. Now I drink a couple nights a year, usually with the 'girls' and abstain the rest of the time.
Good luck!
Saturday, May 15, 2010, 11:36 AM
I count calories and if I don't have enough to drink the beer, then I can't have it. If I know I am going out, I 'save' calories during the day to spend at night.
Monday, May 17, 2010, 12:53 PM
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