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Help I EAT TO FAST!!!!!!
I am a middle age man happily married to a wonderful woman. After my marriage to my partner, she has pointed out for the last 2 and half years that I eat way too fast and I dont chew properly and thats why I am overweight and that I should try to change the habit. My habit has not changed can someone help me out?
Sun. Oct 21, 2:39pm
Slowing down will help considerably. You'll not only notice what you're eating, you'll also enjoy it more AND probably eat less. So, what have you tried? There are a couple of different ways I guess you could try - see how fast you tear through a meal and then try to extend that time by one minute each meal. Or, set your fork down between bites, talk to your partner during dinner, and savor the food in your mouth. I also learned that 'proper' etiquette regarding meals is to cut just what you're going to eat and then eat it vs. cutting up everything and then going to town. It does slow you down a bit.
You're the one in control, dude. Consider, too, that that frenzied eating can put others on edge - I find myself anxiously wolfing down my food everytime I eat with a friend who is a speed eater!
Sunday, October 21, 2007, 3:06 PM
try reading a book called the beck diet solution.retrains your mind how to thinkabout food.. its a great book.
Sunday, October 21, 2007, 4:38 PM
I have the same problem! Only I'm 17 and a girl lol. But, I do generally eat very quickly, a habit from having minimal time to eat most of the time.
Some ideas that worked for me.
1. Put your fork.knife.spoon down between every bite. Chew. Then pick up and resume.
2. Talk or occupy yourself while eating alone (books work well for me 'cause it occupies your hands)
3. Fill your plate with what you want. No more. If you finish it quickly, wait a full 5-10 minutes before refilling it, if you even really do after that time
Eating too fast makes us gobble down all this extra food before our brain sends "full" signals back to us. That leads to over eating.
Sunday, October 21, 2007, 6:55 PM
I eat waaay fast as well - comes from having an ex-military dad. Meals at my house were like eating in a mess hall. You inhaled your food and were out the door again. My husband eats very sloooow - used to drive me nuts, but turns out he's onto something there. Sometimes I still inhale, but mostly I just try to match him. He talks, puts his fork down all the time, chews forever and takes sips of water between. It's taken some time, but I'm getting there. Good luck to you!
Monday, October 22, 2007, 1:36 AM
Make a "rule" that you're not allowed to fill your fork again until you've chewed everything in your mouth and your mouth is empty.
Make an effort to think about it during meals. Ask your wife to help out, if it won't make you mad, and to point out when you're eating too fast.
Experiment eating with chopsticks - it's hard (though still possible) to eat fast using chopsticks.
Monday, October 22, 2007, 2:39 PM
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