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Eating sweets prevents me from forming a bettr shape at the gym.

I'm almost 30 yrs old man and I keep training at the gym the last 3 years (4 times a week). I'm focused on building muscle but also have my aerobic exercise (35 or 45 mins elliptcal or stepper machine each time). The problem like many men I have those extra pounds around my waist (lovehandles).
At times I'm goin on diets through the guidance of a specialit at the gym and also I have my fat measured. Indeed, when I have somebody to 'watch me' I'm more controlled in my diet but still have a big weakness on sweets.I kept my fat low (up to 6.7 %) many times but still all the fat I have in my body is kept around my waist. I like sweets and usually in the weeksn I eat ice creams, cookies etc. Most of the times I go for the 0% fat, 0% sugar ice cream (in order not feel guildy for consuming the whole pack) but the whole pack of ice cream is gone in just one day! I simply can't stop eating when I know I have something sweet at home. The solutions is not buying them but when weekend comes I feel like I have to treat myself. All this procedure prevents me from getting in-shape, burning that fat around my waist even if I keep exercising at the gym. Anybody knows what else I can do with the sweets? I guess this is the reason I will never achieve a 'V' shape. Food consumption is no problem for me since I eat normal portions and no junk food or fried but sweets area huge addiction.Lately gained 2 more kilos so this is getting things even worse.Thanks for reading me guys!

Sun. Oct 21, 2:16pm

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Have you tried reducing your sweet size? Instead of buying a pint of ice cream, buy one ice cream bar from the corner store. That way you are never faced with the temptation of having the treat in the house. :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007, 4:33 PM

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I've been a sugar addict as long as I can remember. The key for me is zero-sugar. I use Splenda to sweeten coffee and on fruit, with ricotta etc. Once I succumb to even a little bit of sugar, the dam has broken and my desires come flooding out. Make a one day goal of "zero sugar", then try to build from there.

I'm nervous about citing info I have confirmed, but I have heard that sweets/hi glycemic carbs cause you to gain fat around your abdomen in particular.

Monday, October 29, 2007, 8:09 AM

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