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What do you reward yourself with?
I've read many times that it's a good thing to reward yourself for hard work. When you achieve a small goal in your weight loss, what sort of things do you reward yourself with? Food for me is a reward, but obviously that might not be such a good idea.
Sun. Oct 21, 6:13am
for me the best reward is somehing to do with my acheivement ( weight loss) ... new clothes that fit.. new sports gear, work out clothes, or something indulgent like a massage or pedicure, facial... etc.
Sunday, October 21, 2007, 7:26 AM
As a busy mom of 4, there are a lot of things I don't take the time to do. Some time ago when I was on a self-devised system that awarded points for good health choices and rewards for points, I came up with a list of things that I loved to do but was always putting off or that I never felt I had time for. Money was tight so they couldn't cost much, and food was out of the question.
My favorite was to arrange to spend an afternoon at the library all by myself. No kids to watch and worry about! I could usually arrange to leave my littlest with a friend; the rest were in school. It wasn't hard to arrange, really, but I normally didn't because it just seemed weird to inconvenience another woman in order to indulge myself. But if I *earned* the library trip...somehow that was different. (As for my friends, they were perfectly happy to take my little one for an afternoon...)
Another was buying flowers. There was a flower shop that sold stems half-price on Friday, so I made Friday morning my weigh-in day, and if I had lost weight I bought flowers. Sometimes I kept them; other times I took them to someone else, which often doubled the pleasure for me. Showing up at a friend's with flowers is fun!
Time for art--another indulgence like the library. Had to find someone to watch the toddler, but it didn't seem so bad when I'd earned it.
Visiting some of the little shops I'd never visited and allowing myself a small purchase (usually a $5 or less item) was another. I often mailed the little things I bought to one of my sisters, just for fun.
I think many people, esp. women, have mental lists of things they love to do or places they want to check out, and will get to one of these weeks...I just put my mental list on paper and made it my reward.
Sunday, October 21, 2007, 10:28 AM
Great list, 10:28, And food for thought!
Sunday, October 21, 2007, 5:24 PM
I didn't reward myself for my first hundred pounds but when the next hundred comes off I am going to buy myself a new digital camera.
Then when I reach my goal I am going to go on a vacation. The camera is preparation in advance for the vacation. I have not been able to do anything fun like that since my weight has kept me from it so I am going to do what I always wanted to do. And to help me get there I visualize myself on these vacations and what I will do and how wonderful it will be.....
I kinda want a dvd cam corder too so I can remember everything and live off those memories while I pay off the vacations.
I have thought about some type of jewelery like a charm for a charm bracelet when I hit certain goals as well. But I haven't followed up on it yet.
The one thing I don't think a person should do is reward with food. That is what got me to this place and I don't want to stay here. Have to change those thought patterns.
Sunday, October 21, 2007, 8:14 PM
The link below takes you to a previous thread on this topic.
Sunday, October 21, 2007, 9:45 PM
Hah--the other thread made me laugh! Sex? Are they kidding? In order for sex to be a reward for weight loss, one would have to abstain from sex until she reached her goal.
No freakin' way! LOL...I'm married to a good-lookin' man.
Monday, October 22, 2007, 9:59 AM
Luxury Bag :)
Monday, October 22, 2007, 11:58 AM
I actually have no problem with the concept of rewarding myself with food. An incredible bottle of wine or a portion of decadent opera cake from Whole Foods is one of the reasons I am so disciplined the rest of the time. However if I havn't been sticking to my healthy habits, I have to forgo these little treats, and that's one of the things that keeps me on the straight 'n narrow. I just don't get into spas, clothes or time out all that much. Instead I love going out to nice restaurants - thus when I've been disciplined, that's my reward. To me it's all about quality not quantity when it comes to these things, so I think that's why I've been able to lose weight while using food as a reward...
Monday, October 22, 2007, 12:06 PM
LOL 9:59. I'm with you! My hubby is way too hot to abstain. Plus, isn't that just punishing him for my problem?
Monday, October 22, 2007, 12:59 PM
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