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I have just recently started experiencing red itchy spots on the bottoms of my feet.It is very mild like in one or two places at a time and usually only lasts 10 to 20 minutes but the pain can be severe! It itches,stings and feels swolen,sometimes hard to walk but like I said it usually only lasts 20 minutes at the most.I find it strange that this just started happening.My stepmom is a PA and she is the one who suggested hives.I do not believe it is food related because it dosen't happen after I have eaten.I also just recently had my thyroid and iron checked and I take no medication. I heard that exercise or pressure to the skin can cause hives to the bottom of the feet and am wondering if this could be the cause since I recently started walking a lot more.Has anyone else experienced this? and does anyone know other causes besides food?

Wed. Oct 17, 11:52pm

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A few things to think about it...

Did you recently change your laundry detergent?
Or wear new socks without washing them first?
Did you start taking a new medication, antibiotic, supplement?
Perhaps you contracted athlete's foot, ringworm, or other unpleasant little fungal thing (from a hotel room rug, gym shower, etc)?

Thursday, October 18, 2007, 12:26 AM

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No I don't take any medication or go to the gym. If it were ringworm or some other fungus I wouldn't think it would disappear. I did just get a new front load washer and had to switch to an he detergent though.

Thursday, October 18, 2007, 8:47 AM

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i'm allergic to so many detergents, tide is the worst. my suggestion just to rule out variables switch to dreft (baby detergent) and see if that helps. hopefully you can use that in your washer... and good luck!

Thursday, October 18, 2007, 9:41 AM

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Don't self-diagnose

You should go to the Dr. I just made the mistake this week of self-diagnosis only to find out the I was very wrong and had something much more serious than I thought.

Thursday, October 18, 2007, 10:47 AM

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my sister had hives for over a year. (yes, you read that right!) she went to every doctor and specialist you can imagine. NONE of them could diagnose her. They eventually cleared up (after a VERY painful and embarassing year plus) Good luck with that.

Thursday, October 18, 2007, 11:51 AM

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