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Getting over my first relapse--any advice?

I've been doing great on peer trainer, so far. I've had a bit of a relapse lately and am wondering what people do to stay motivated. It would be so easy to say screw it--this isn't working.

Mon. Jan 9, 10:58am

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I slip up too. I think the best thing is to not focus on where you went wrong. But move forward to where you want to be.

When I think about cheating and I tell myself.... "oh have months before I have to have all this weight off, I can have this cookie or cake or whatever"... I stop and remember I have said those things for 3 years and I am still fat if not fatter than I was when I first started.

So now, I try to see myself thin and in shorts this summer and being able to wear cute clothes!

Good Luck!

Monday, January 9, 2006, 11:17 AM

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I weigh myself every day and that does help me stay on track. Sometimes I get motivated when I'm about to slip up if I really see in my mind what would happen if I don't exercise or eat. I really visualize myself getting bigger, the number on the scale, feeling uncomfortable in my clothes etc. I know that I am more motivated AWAY from things than towards things, so even though this sounds negative, it helps me get motivated.

I know other people get much more motivated if they visualize what they will have. If you are more motivated away from things you'll find that when things are really bad you can do it, but as things start getting better, you start doing poorly.

Monday, January 9, 2006, 11:59 AM

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It can help to have another physical activity goal, like running a 5K, whatever the pace or something. Having people to talk to here on peertrainer can help. Making sure that the goals you set are motivating in and of themselves and putting them somewhere you'll see them is great.

I also think that picking exercise that you enjoy can make a world of difference, whether it's a team sport, swimming, dancing, kickboxing, cycling, other things, or a combination of lots of things. Variety in your physical activity can keep it interesting!

I recommend coming up with great ways to reward yourself for being good... that don't involve sabotaging the success you've had. For example, once you hit a short-term weight goal, get a pedicure, get a haircut, do something that works to motivate you!

Also, be prepared for the things that you know can be your downfall... Keep healthy snacks available, drink lots of water, set limits on what you eat at parties, potlucks, etc and stick to them.

You can do it. We all can do it. Establish your goals (short-term and long-term), pick a fun variety of types of physical activity, allow yourself some healthy rewards, don't beat yourself up about slips, and figure out ways to keep yourself from falling off the path. Good luck and keep us updated.

Monday, January 9, 2006, 12:38 PM

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I hear you! I have had a few "relapses" in the last year. However, I took a photo of me in a pair of work out shorts and a sports bra and put it on the fridge. Unfortunately, the entire family has to look at my pudgy belly when they go into the kitchen, but hey, it really does work! It makes me think twice about getting food out of the fridge!

Monday, January 9, 2006, 3:18 PM

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OP here: Thanks for all of the supportive comments. I think so much of my eating is "emotional" and when I'm feeling emotionally vulnerable it's difficult to keep the energy going to be positive about these things. I will keep focused. Perhaps I'll adjust my expectations a bit, too. Thanks again.

Monday, January 9, 2006, 3:21 PM

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When I have a relapse, I just forget it happened and move on. There's no point dwelling on it -- you'll just get angry with yourself and relapse some more. Just start fresh and keep going. Perfection isn't all it's cracked up to be (besides being pretty nearly impossible).

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 3:34 AM

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