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Raw Food Meal Plan

Hi Peertrainers! I have been doing some research and am considering this major lifestyle change. Anyone out there have any input or experience with this uber healthy way of eating? Let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Tue. Oct 16, 11:42pm

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Ex Living Foods Person Tells of the Experience...

When I was on raw (living) foods diet I loved it. Never felt healthier, more alive. It got to where I swear I could taste the vibration of the food. It was great. Lots of energy and an extremely healing diet. Skin looked great, lost weight and ate alot but didn't want to eat too much. Biggest down side was the amount of resources that one must commit to the endeavor if you like variety. I grew my own sprouts, soaked my seeds, planted and grew my wheat grass, etc. I loved seed cheese (made from sunflower seeds.) Really loved home made almond milk. The milkshakes you can make with homemade almond milk are out of this world. Now I am way too busy to devote all that time and energy to rinsing jars of seeds, and squeezing bags of seedcheese at just the right time and doing it all over again every couple of days. My lifestyle these days doesn't support all that but it may yet again someday and I may take my run again at it. Many blessings on your journey.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 11:52 PM

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I'm considering the Raw Foods Diet, too

I know several people who have done this diet (due to severe health problems - cancer, advanced MS, etc.) and it worked wonders for them. I really believe in this diet - if you have the time to commit to it, DO IT! I think you'll feel amazing.

If you look at the anti-cancer diets out there, they tend to focus on Raw foods. (I'm no medical professional and am not going to claim this diet is a cure all).

I've been increasing the amount of Raw Foods I eat recently and have noticed my energy increasing and I am craving better foods.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 1:22 AM

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OP here

Thank you very much for your feedback. In the past week I have added more raw/live foods and have cut back on cooked foods. I love warm stuff but am cutting back on that too. I can't believe how my scale has reacted. I've been watching my calories for the past year & losing weight, but the scale dropped alot this first week. Interesting. I'm not doing this simply for weight loss, but also for more energy & the spiritual effects I keep reading about.

Thanks again!

Thursday, October 18, 2007, 11:59 AM

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I'm just starting to look into this, myself. It sounds like some of you have already done a bit of research. Can you suggest any good books or websites about with benefits of raw food as well as practical tips and recipes?

Thursday, October 18, 2007, 12:05 PM

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