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i watched a rerun last night of 'america's next top model' and one of the models was sort of criticised by the judges because she'd lost weight and was losing her curvy, attractive shape!!!! the judges only mentioned it when discussing amongst themselves the fate of the models, but even tyra pointed out that the message was all too rare in the world of models and fashionn!! it was very refreshing to see that the judges judged eah model according to the style that best fit that model, not some cookie-cutter-type of model!!

Tue. Oct 16, 3:52pm

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I love ANTM and watch it every week. I have noticed that they are more leniant on the weight of the models, especially since Tyra isn't "model thin" anymore either. Just a couple years ago they were bugging Keenya when she gained weight so it is refreshing.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 4:16 PM

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I am also addicted. but the real reason that they were upset with her is b/c now she will be to othin to be a plus size girl and too big to be a "real" model. Even Twiggy said- "in front of me your dont look like a model"

Remember first season -the religious girl was not stick thin. tat was great!

And how skinny were the twins!!

Friday, October 26, 2007, 4:34 PM

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Yeah, I have the feeling that the ANTM models are, by and large, thinner now than when the show first debuted. Some of them are scary skinny!

Sarah, this season's "plus-sized" model is a size 8!

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 9:17 AM

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Yeah, but "plus-sized" means "real-sized" in model world. Sad but true.

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 9:52 AM

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how PO'ed was Tyra when Ebony quit last week :) LOL

I do hope that the "plus sized" girl goes far- but I am sure they will find some reason to force her out. :(

Remember not long ago when the designer that was picked didnt have anything for the larger girls. Couldnt the producers know that when picking the designers? In real life a plus sized model can be very successful, but she is not going to go out for the designers that dont make real sizes...

Monday, October 29, 2007, 10:09 AM

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They want her to either be plus sized, or the average model size. Since she is in between right now, she probably could not make it as a working model. I think that was their point, not that they thought she looked better with more weight on.

Monday, October 29, 2007, 11:20 AM

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I also love how not only do they showcase women with different body types, skin colors, etc. but also those with disabilities. They've had a blind woman, one with Lupus, and now there is currently a young woman with Asperger's Syndrome. Watching her is fascinating. She's so beautiful and clearly working to improve her social skills.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 2:17 PM

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