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Neverending battle. Will I ever get there?
Do some of you ever feel like we are fighting a never ending battle and that you'll never reach your goal?
I have these days often. When i look in the mirror and think, " I'll never get there" Everytime i lose weight, i gain it back, then i lose it again...and gain it back again.
Do you wonder if you'll ever get there? I wonder how much longer i can keep up trying.
Sun. Oct 14, 1:03am
I think you just might want to change your attitude. Yes, staying healthy, fit, and slim is a long-term process -- that's why so many people regain the weight they lose -- but why not look at it as a lifestyle change, rather than a neverending battle? It's worked for me. I lost 30 pounds and kept it off for 6 years (till I got pregnant.)
So try to keep positive -- and keep trying! there's really no good alternative, is there?
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 3:01 AM
I feel the same way! I'm so sick of it- the losing and then gaining back. I've started a new group- the 30 day challenge! I'm ready to commit to reaching my goals once and for all, and take the next 30 days to push myself harder than ever before to form habits that stick!
join me!
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 4:33 AM
Yes I have felt that way and sometimes still do for a time.
But it is funny, this time I have changed everything about the way I diet. I don't know any better way to put it. I know some people take offense to the word diet.
But I have changed the foods that I eat. I am learning how to substitue healthier foods for the ones I used to eat. And portion size is really important.
Instead of using so much meat in meals I use veggies. Lots of different kinds of them. And I try to not have to eat the same thing every day. It is so easy to get bored with your food. It does take effort. More than just picking up a burger on the way home from work or whatever.
The interesting thing is I love the food I eat. It is low calorie and taste amazing and I am losing tons of weight.
It is worth the fight. It is worth the effort. YOU are worth putting out the energy it takes to get healthy.
Try not to look at it as trying, but I am going to do it. Period.
Keep at it and I wish you the best.
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 5:50 AM
I used to wonder if I'd ever get there and I've done the gain, lose, gain, lose cycle for years. But then I quit trying to fool myself. New body requires new habits -whether it's overhauling the entire diet, eating less of the current diet, making small changes, big changes, moving more, moving period - current habits do not get us to our goals.
Consider this - when you DO IT, when you put your mind to it, you lose weight. You have proven to yourself that you CAN lose weight. It's when you stop trying that you gain it back. Every time I stop what I was doing to lose the weight - I gained it back - no surprise there. I REALLY, REALLY wish I could keep all my old habits and get to my goal weight, but, sigh, it is not to be! And nothing says we have to go full throttle, if it takes a year, so what? A year will pass either way - the question is do you want to have the same body a year from now?
Next time you look in the mirror tell yourself, 'I've done it before and I WILL do it again.'
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 9:03 AM
i know how you feel
boy do i feel the same . If you want to talk let me know.
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 9:18 AM
what is the challenge about
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 9:20 AM
For those who have more than ~30 pounds to lose....
Deal with the reasons you gained all that weight in the first place - there's a reason you needed the Fat Suit. If you've hit the obesity benchmark (BMI 30+), it wasn't just because you "love food". Maybe it's depression, or an emotionally manipulative husband, or past sexual abuse, or the inability to forgive yourself for some perceived mistake... acknowledgement/treatment/rectification won't necessarily help you lose the weight, but it's essential for keeping it off.
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 9:33 AM
Not at all. I'm not fighting any battles and I'm not in a race, trying to lose as much weight as I can, as fast as I can. In fact, I'm not trying to "lose weight" at all. My whole goal is to eat healthy, natural, whole foods and feel better, while "releasing" extra weight. The weight just naturally leaves when I do that. It leaves slowly but it leaves. And the mindset of always thinking "release" (or "get rid of", or "let go") rather than "lose" works best for me. "Losing" weight always leaves an opportunity for it to be found again, which is something I absolutely do NOT want to do! :-)
Workinit (my logs are public if you want to take a look at how & what I eat, and see my running weekly weigh ins)
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 10:52 AM
(10:52 poster again)
And remember, one slip up doesn't ruin the whole plan. If you have an unhealthy snack, or too large of a portion at a meal, just move on. The next meal or snack you can get back on track. And tomorrow is always a new day.
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 10:56 AM
workinit I couldn't agree more.. its a lifestyle change not a diet.. its something for life.
eat healthy meals.. avoid processed crap as I call it. get creative with trying different foods.
I have lost alot of weight that way..
my logs are public too if you want to see what I eat.
keep believing in yourself.. be patient.. it will hapen . lynneta
Monday, October 15, 2007, 1:47 AM
Lynneta, always nice to hear from you and I agree with almost everything you've said. Except that, in my view, it is a lifestyle change AND a diet. There is no ignoring the fact that we are trying to eat less calories than we are burning right now, and so we are going to experience more hunger than when we are finished the diet. But it's no fun being hungry. If you try too hard, and keep yourself too hungry, it's much easier to slip up. Perhaps you need to be less aggressive in your dieting? I aim for "almost full". Which means I generally that when I'm finished a meal or snack I am still a little hungry. But I have a cup of tea (caffeinated or herbal) to signify the end of the meal/snack and most of the time I'm at "almost full" when I'm finished it. I have made the lifestyle change. I'm loving my new lifestyle. But I'm also looking forward to "full".
Monday, October 15, 2007, 11:15 PM
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