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Step Aerobic DVD - Trying to find some good ones.
Working out at home. Right now I enjoy stepping but most DVD's I think either horrid or too difficult (I am between beginner and intermediate). The 2 only DVD's I REALLY like so far is the original THE REEBOK VIDEO and THE REEBOK POWER WORKOUT. With both of them I love the music and the setup and I can follow the cues etc. - except that the second one is still too difficult and only repeating the first half of the first DVD is getting old. As this is the only workout I get I would love to find something more which is fun, best would be in high definition but I know this is probably wishful thinking. I got two from Cathe but boy, I can't even follow the warmup part, way over my head. I also have STEP which I like but again, it is getting boring, I do 3 steps a week. Any input welcome!
Sun. Oct 14, 12:11am
Walking Aerobics DVD
I love the Leslie Sansone Walk Aerobics DVDs. She has a work out for virtually any person of any fitness level, age; she has workouts for pregnant women and combination workouts of aerobics and toning. I found mine on And you'll really work up a sweat without hurting your joints, the workout can be done in a very limited space, too.
Monday, October 15, 2007, 10:18 AM
I never considered WALKING, but after browsing over an hour on Amazon all the different DVD's from Lesllie, I've decided to give this a try - it sounds actually like fun AND useful!
Monday, October 15, 2007, 7:54 PM
I love the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs, too. I've lost more than 30 pounds so far, mostly with walking and some weight-lifting.
I also LOVE step aerobics. I haven't done it for a long time because I've had hip trouble since I had 2 babies, but I'm looking forward to getting back to it as my fitness improves. The STEP REEBOK original tape is one of my favorites. A few other "easy to follow but still a good workout" step tapes you might enjoy (these are all older tapes, but you can probably find used copies pretty cheap on eBay or ...
Kathy Smith's Step Workout
Kathy Smith's Great Buns & Thighs Step Workout
Cher Fitness: A New Attitude (okay, don't laugh -- her instructor is Keli Roberts and this workout kicks butt!)
Keli Roberts Real Fitness: The Ultimate Step Workout
Keli Roberts Real FItness: Total Body Circuit Training (includes weight-lifting segments)
Kari Anderson: Fitness Formula
Happy stepping!
Monday, October 15, 2007, 8:36 PM
Thank you for the step aerobic ideas. Sometimes, when I read all the comments at Amazon in the end I still do not know if I will like it or not as tastes vary. Also, e.g. I watched a small preview from the CATHE's DVD's and I thought that will work but then I didn't like them at all. So knowing that you also like the STEP REEBOK original video makes me feel much better to try your suggestions.
I'm really excited now with so many things to workout!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 1:38 AM
Gin Miller is the woman who 1) invented step aerobics and 2) did the STEP REEBOK video you like so much. I've done some of her other step DVDs and lovelovelove them. She's easy to follow and, as a person, very likable. I can't recommend her videos enough. Try, and enter her name in the search box. That website allows you to see a preview of each video they sell so you can get an idea of what the video is like.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 1:01 PM
Go to the website below. They sell all exercise DVD's/VHS. I use their website for additional opinions from the staff and customers and then get it used at amazon or ebay.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 2:03 PM
thank you
Thank you for the tips. Yes, I know that it is Gin Miller and I checked out some other tapes of her and I do have the 'everybody steps'. My problem with her newer stuff is that I don't like this 'soothing' voice she uses, I liked the straight on ones much better. But I will look again through her other videos then the ones I have, maybe I will find more that I like. I do have the one 'straight like a stick' (or similar) and that one I do like.
I love the link to the site where I can watch some short previews of the dvd's, I've gone through a lot of them and have now a ton on my wishlist (LOL, worth $300, haha). It REALLY helps in estimating if I will like the style, voice etc. or not.
Thanks for all your input!
Sunday, October 28, 2007, 10:11 PM
Denise Austin!!
The Firm!
Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:55 AM
I get my DVD's from Collage Videos. I love Gin Miller, Cathe, Debbie Rocker, Kari Anderson, and Karen Voight. I don't care for complex steps but i do like moderate and basic type steps. Hope this helps
Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 9:30 AM
do these step videos have good music? that is such a motivating factor for me when it comes to exercise, especially step.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 9:39 AM
I am a stepper. I swear by it, it is the only thing helping me to lose weight. I have tried many different DVD's, but the one's I like the best are by Cathe Friedrich. She has many different levels of exercise, the music is pretty good and it is easy to follow, but keeps you interested.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 10:28 AM
Some workouts I like
I workout at home too. I stumbled onto a site that has some awesome step workouts. You get two per DVD and I like them more than almost any other step DVD I own. It was last year, but the site was
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 5:11 PM
Walking is good
If you have a treadmill the beginner classes at are good. I use them when it is too cold in the winter to actually go outside.
Saturday, July 18, 2009, 5:13 PM
Step Aerobic DVD (very good)
I found a VERY GOOD Step Aeribic DVD. It's by Izette Barnett. You can find it at It's around $20 but it's well worth the money. Ihave been using it for months now. If you like good music and good steps to keep you motivated, definitely try this one. You can look him up on youtube as well. Just enter Izette Barnett Step Aerobics. You will see him in competition, but you can view some of the actual DVD I am speaking about as well. I hope this helps.
Friday, March 26, 2010, 6:03 PM
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