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Coca-Cola Zero--have you seen it?
I went to buy my Diet Coke this morning and saw Coca-Cola Zero next to it on the shelf (with the 47 other varieties of Coke, lol). I looked at the label and it is exactly the same as Diet Coke except with a couple more chemicals. I tried it, and it does taste more like regular Coke. It would be good for someone who is trying to make the switch from regular soda to diet, but I'm already used to the taste of Diet Coke so I think I'll stick with that.
Thu. Jun 9, 11:00am
I saw it yesterday, it was right next to the diet coke with Splenda. I am anxious to try both!! I am a die hard fan of reg diet coke (but limit myself to about 3 sodas a week, down from 3 a day!!) So we'll see if they are as good as the regular diet coke
Thursday, June 9, 2005, 11:22 AM
diet coke with splenda
I was so excited to see Diet Coke with Splenda because I love Diet Rite cola b/c it's made with splenda and tastes more like regular cola! (Diet Rite Orange is pretty good too. In my opinion the other flavors are gross.) But I was disappointed to find that Diet Coke with Splenda tastes almost exactly like regular Diet Coke. I guess they didn't want to lose their huge fan base!
I'm excited for Coke Zero though! Haven't seen that one yet!
Thursday, June 9, 2005, 12:02 PM
Coke is making more moneyfrom their offshoots but the classic is really the best stuff. Except is has 12 teaspoons of sugar, yikes! How is it dissolving in there?
Thursday, June 9, 2005, 1:46 PM
I've seen Diet Coke with Splenda but not Coke Zero... I'll keep my eyes open. Diet Coke with Splenda, by the way, was interesting to try. It smells like regular Coca-Cola and even tastes like it -- at first. Then comes the Splenda aftertaste at the end, which kind of ruined it for me. I'm sticking with Diet Coke for now, and hoping that Coke Zero will be better.
Friday, June 10, 2005, 3:44 PM
I am a huge coke addict and I have to tell ya, I would rather give up soda completely than drink diet anything. That stuff will kill you faster than any regular soda ever will. I tried coke zero and it tasted like cough syrup to me. If you want a soda, just plan it into your daily calorie intake and run a few extra miles. That diet crap will take years off of you life.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005, 11:14 AM
how about seltzer
They come in flavors these days, all calorie free.
Personally, I find soda way too sweet. If you haven't drank it in a while, and then go back to having one, it tastes horrible. Might as well eat sugar right from the bowl...
Wednesday, June 22, 2005, 11:29 AM
Only straight seltzer has no calories - pretty much all of the flavored seltzers either have calories or chemicals, such as aspartame or splenda. Just a FYI to check ingredient labels!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005, 11:48 AM
Coca-Cola Zero
I love this stuff! It taste so much like regular coke. The Coke with Spelenda was OK, but Coke Zero is better I think. Though I should be drinking water. :)
Monday, June 27, 2005, 2:18 PM
sampled it at a concert
I was at a concert this weekend where they were giving out samples. They said it has no sugar, and sure enough, it does taste much more like coke than the diet does. I've never had the kind w/ splenda, so I cannot compare. If I needed caffeine, and a soda was the only option, I'd definitely pick the Coca-Cola Zero.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005, 12:03 AM
nice gotta try it
Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 4:25 PM
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