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Fitness equipment suggestions!
I think it might be nice to have a place on Peertrainer, where people could rate or recommend fitness equipment or gear that they've bought or used.... :-)
Here's a question from me:
I'm looking to buy a new treadmill, recumbent bike and possibly a weight training station.
Can anyone make any recommendations?
I looked at some treadmills by Horizon yesterday, as well as a Scwinn recumbent bike. I'm also looking at the Weider home gyms....
Suggestions would be great!
Sun. Jan 8, 12:44pm
Weight Training Station
I purchased a Marcy Pro One home gym quite a number of years back, and use it for some of my strength training. For all the heavier lifts, however, I use freeweights.
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 7:22 PM
I have the schwinn recumbant bike. I like it and it was not too bad to put together, however I don't think it's quite the quality I was expecting for the price. I and a roommate each use it 1/2 hr a day and after only 2 1/2 months it is starting to make strange sounds. I'll tighten it up and make sure nothing came loose, but not as happy as I would like to be. On the other hand the seat is the comfiest there was and the interface is nice and it's easy to adjust and the resistance levels are good (no strange jumps from too easy to too hard). It felt much more solid and smooth than the others we tries (Welso, Nordic trac and one other, sorry forgot what it was).
I didn't check out the Precors or 'professional' quality ones because I thought they were out of my price range, but the fitness shop next to my grocery store has been having some great seasonal sales. I really enjoy the recumbant, and if I were to choose another one I would try more models.
I also have a Tough Stuff home gym and although it's quite basic and takes up 12x10 ft I really like it (I have the room, so not an issue, but might be for some). It does everything I want and needs few adjustments to go from one exercise to the next. I don't believe my model is sold anymore though.
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 11:54 PM
Precor seems very expensive.
We're looking for something in the 600-900 range (definitely less than $1000, if possible).
We've looked at some Horizon and a NordicTrack as well as one by Epic from Costco.
Any thoughts? It seems like the Horizon ones were pretty good-- the NordicTrack had a great warranty (lfetime on motor), but the motor was pretty noisy when raising the incline... Horizon seems a lot quieter....
Monday, January 9, 2006, 1:26 AM
I just purchased a Pro Form - on sale at Sports Authority for $599. It is usually 899.... and it is awesome. It has a shock system built in so it is like running on air. Plus the belt is wider and longer than most.
Monday, January 9, 2006, 11:48 AM
Anyone else ever heard of this? I tried it at a local pilates studio. It was an intense workout not only from a cardio standpoint, but also challanged my balance and kept me mentally alert.
Monday, January 9, 2006, 1:04 PM
My favorite home equipment is the bowflex- versatile and easy, i love it. Also a big fan of the elliptical trainer(easier on joints than treadmills) and the bosu balance trainer- perfect for core muscles. Throw in some free weights and bands and you are good to go!
Monday, January 9, 2006, 5:33 PM
I love the Bosu- you can do alot with it and its small- a bonus for my very cramped workout room
Monday, January 9, 2006, 5:35 PM
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