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Is the Beck Solution and Intuitive Eating the same thing?

I am looking to get one of these books? Any opinion on which is better or are they the same thing?

Thu. Oct 11, 7:01pm

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Im doing beck and I love it.. its helped me resist emotional eating and all sorts of chocolates/

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 7:59 PM

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I'm also doing Beck, and it's been great. It has really changed how I think about eating

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 8:12 PM

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I'm doing the Intuitive Eating and I really love it. As near as I can tell, both help with the mental part of overeating.
At first IE is scary because you are supposed to stop thinking of food as good or bad and eat what sounds good to you. I was so afraid that I could never stop if I started on things that I really crave. What they say is that especially if you have been dieting a lot, you may not crave a veggie for weeks. But eat what sounds good to you when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied (full). I had to do that with, of all things, english muffins and margarine with honey on it! At first I thought I might eat a whole bread department. But I just chose a day when my hubby wasn't going to be here for meals and I at a muffin every time I got hungry that day. By night I was about over it. The next day I had one with breakfast and then one for mid morning snack and that was all. Now I eat one when I feel like it, but I don't eat 3 or 4 at a time because in your head if you know that you can have one any time you want, you just eat what you need for now. No binging.
Just cutting out the crazy binges made me start losing weight. Now I am having a little more time and am concentrating on feeling my hunger. Don't wait till I'm ravenous to eat. Then take time to notice about half way through a meal whether or not I'm full. Do I need a little more? Okay. Eat a little more and then check again. Am I full yet?
Well, I kind of got to rambleing, but that is the stage I'm at. Good luck to you on your quest.
PS Did you try the library? You might be able to compare the two and then choose for yourself.

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 8:21 PM

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I read both - Beck Diet Solution was much better - it stuck with me and I use the principles daily. I can't even remember much about IE - but I know it didn't "move" me as much as Beck. Look at both the websites - but its good that you are asking people their opinions, as well.

Friday, October 12, 2007, 10:20 AM

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Thanks everyone for your opinions. I think I am going to check out Beck first. I know eating is emotional for me a lot of the time.

Friday, October 12, 2007, 10:59 AM

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