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Any experiences with H.I.I.T workouts?

I've been advised by a weight-training friend to try a HIIT workout to burn fat faster. (Find info in the link) Has anyone else tried this style of cardio and had any luck (or no luck) with it?


Thu. Oct 11, 2:22pm

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No obvious weight loss effect, but it takes my cardio performance to the next level pretty effectively. Unfortunately, I absolutely hate the way it wipes me out for the rest of the day, so I only do it when I'm angry and need to make myself too tired to stay angry.

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 3:29 PM

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Yes, I love it and remove more fat with HIIT than any other exercise. What a rush!

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 4:22 PM

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This sounds like spam, spam, spam.

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 4:29 PM

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Uh...what's being sold? High Intensity Interval Training does not involve a video or a special piece of equipment. It's a type of cardio training.

Spam Alarmist, you're usually brighter than that.

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 4:46 PM

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Now I'm convinced it's spam, spammer.

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 4:55 PM

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Don't know if it's spam or not, but this just sounds like interval training to me. Interval training is great, and there is lots and lots of literature out there on it. I was doing some research on training for running specifically, and every book I checked out of the library mentions interval training as a way to build speed.

Personally, I have used interval training to increase my endurance and my speed - I run the hill workout on the treadmill (you can make intervals any way you want as long as you make your exercise either go faster, or go up hill). After about a month, I did the following two workouts (on two different days):

1. 30-min run on almost no incline - I had knocked a minute off my mile pace and ran about 3.3 miles instead of 3 like before

2. 45-minute run on almost no incline - I was able to go 4.5 miles in 45 minutes when before I couldn't go for 45 minutes without being totally wasted afterwards.

I know there have been threads on interval training in this forum in the past. You should do a search for them - they don't have to be so hard that you are wiped out for the rest of the day.


Thursday, October 11, 2007, 5:00 PM

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OP here. I wasn't spamming anything, just asking for information. Thanks for the feedback, folks! I am definitely looking forward to increasing my cardio capacity!

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 5:30 PM

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4:29 and 4:55, why don't you do a little research before jumping all over someone and crying "spam"? Geez, show a little initiative.

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 6:40 PM

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Don't fall for it people. This person is bored and wants to create drama. Look how you have already so many comments about this idiot. Respond to the question and ignore IT.

I have heard only positive things about HIIT and it does wipe you out so you should not do it every day.

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 8:16 PM

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Any experiences with H.I.I.T workouts?

I started doing HIIT last week. Doing the 30/30 routine. 30 seconds at 50% and 30 seconds at 90%+. I'm up to 12 intervals (6 @ 50% & 6 @ 90%+). I usually run 40+ miles a week but lately haven't been making any gains towards fat burning or speed improvement. My question is if I do HIIT 2 to 3 times a week can I still do my 6+ miles day on the other days without stalling the fat burning process?

Monday, January 14, 2008, 4:06 PM

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I've been doing my workouts this way for years. It's similar to circuit training in that your pulse goes up and down. It burns more calories for your pulse to speed up and slow down than it does to just keep it at a steady pace. Take it from someone who has lost ALOT of weight. It does work. Now, if you add some weights in between, you'll gain an even better benefit!

Monday, January 14, 2008, 6:17 PM

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