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Is this realistic/healthy?

Jessica Alba is one of my idols, I LOVE her. I think she is an amazing actress, she seems very personable in interviews, and her body is my dream goal. Ive been told shes too skinny, but I think shes the perfect weight. She has muscle, so I dont think she has any kind of eating disorder.

I know I will never have the same body, mainly because I have a fuller hips and chest than her.. also I am 3" taller. But is is realistic to aim for my body to look alot similar to hers?

(her picture is the "Associated URL")


Wed. Oct 10, 3:53pm

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I must admit, when I saw the title of this post, before I even opened it, I thought - for sure - the answer would be "no."

But now I'm not so sure.

I don't think it's unhealthy to look like Jessica Alba. I don't think she looks unhealthy. The part that would be unhealthy is the way you want to get there. Do you plan to follow a regimen of healthy eating and working out, and dropping a pound or two a week, which will likely slow to probably half a pound or less per week when you near those goals (just not so much to lose), while gaining muscle and toning up? If that's your plan, then looking like Jessica could potentially be a long-term goal. However, if you're trying to look like her by starving yourself, or anything really extreme, or any fad diet, really, then no, it's not healthy.

Also, will you be upset if you never end up looking like her? If so, then it may be an unhealthy goal, mentally. Many people don't have the discipline or time to commit to looking like her. Remeber, it's part of her job to stay in shape, and she works different kinds of hours than most people - working for a few weeks, and then off for quite awhile, and then repeat. And she has plenty of money to hire personal trainers, personal chefs, etc. Doing it all yourself is a huge commitment.

Good luck!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 4:21 PM

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