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The Junior Whopper Discrepancy

Well, I admit it. I like a Junior Whopper from BK once in a while: right between my orange and my banana. I was on this site to look up the nutritional information on that sandwich eariler today, and found a major discrepancy between what was listed on this site and what was listed on the nutritional PDF at Can anyone explain this difference to me? On the nutritional page at, they claim that the Junior Whopper sandwich has 15g of protein, as well as notable amounts of calcium, iron and some vitamins. This site claims that the Junior Whopper has no significant ammounts of any of the above mentioned. Check it out at:



Tue. Oct 9, 10:25pm

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Maybe Canadian Burger Kings have more nutritional burgers? Just kidding.
Anyone can write anything they like on the PT wiki, so I'd go with what Burger King officially says. If it's meat, it ought to have protein and iron, for sure.

Here's a site I like for all kinds of foods: processed, restaurant, and fresh:


Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 10:30 PM

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A lot of fast food chains have different nutritional info for Canada and other countries - either you have different reporting criteria or portion sizes are different (e.g. quarter pounder v. 100g). I also think that the dressings they put on things are different, for greater appeal.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 11:26 PM

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so you're telling me that there is no protein, vitamins or iron in american junior whoppers, but there's lots in canadian junior whoppers? i highly doubt it. my whole point was that someone wasn't telling the truth or made a mistake...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 11:31 PM

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Are you trying to make an excuse for eating a junior whopper? LOL. Use this time to go have a workout and get your mind of the burger. I think we all know Burger King isn't the most nutritious of choices.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 11:45 PM

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Dude, this is a wiki. A simple trip to Burger will give you exactly what you need to know - we all update the wiki when we see mistakes. No need to complain, just fix it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 11:50 PM

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wiki and the light saber

yes, i know. it's updated many, many times a day. wow wiki wow. i'm going to call 7 of 9 and ask her opinion. i'm not looking for an excuse to eat anything. it just seemed strange that most of the Burger KIng burgers had the wrong information that made them seem quite unhealthier; like it was an intentional evil jedi health conspiracy or something. republic credits will do fine. or canadian dollars.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 1:11 AM

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I think the OP is the brand manager for Burger King. Hey, Burger King rep, I'd like to make a few suggestions because after all, Mcdonalds is totally winning:

Please make a salad that tastes good. It is possible.
I'd like a hummus option with vegetables.
Could you offer the Burger King "minis", a whole menu that is mini size, sort of like a snack wrap concept but much better.

Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 1:49 AM

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You are funny. Have you ever played the McDonald's video game? It's hilarious.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 2:09 AM

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this is the usa info from bk site: cal,fat, s fat,tran fat, chol, sod, carb, fiber, sugar,protein & serving size

WHOPPER JR.® Sandwich 370 21 6 0.5 50 570 31 2 6 15 158

WHOPPER JR.® Sandwich with Cheese 410 24 8 1 60 780 32 2 6 18 170
the canadian info is just a tad different w/ it being about 10 cal, and 1 gm of fat less and the canadian version lists all the vitamins and stuff the US version doesn't require that to be listed. So basically it is the same values. As with most chain fast food places.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 1:08 PM

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 6:31 PM

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