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What seems to be the best dieting method?

Hi! I've been on a diet for like two years. Well, it wasn't really one, because after I lost like 10 pounds, I started eating those oily stuff and snacks again and I'm so guilty. So then I started REALLY on going on a diet. I eat more healthily now, and still it didn't even work! Well, I'm not the person who eats junk food all the time to begin with, maybe it wasn't really a big change like what everyone else was talking about.

So what is the best way to go on a diet?? I've been dying to know! And how do you keep from getting hungry??

Sat. Jan 7, 1:09pm

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I have lost over 30 lbs following the Eat to Live diet and kept it off (even when not following it 100%). Read Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furhman. I cannot recommend it enough. On this diet you eat a ton of fruit/veggies and are never hungry. It takes a bit of readjustment in how you view eating and food - but it really does make a lot of sense. You have to read the entire book to understand, but I promise you that you will lose a lot of weight following it. I have lost almost 5 lbs since 1/2 following it (strictly) again. You can check out what I eat in the spotlight paris group.


Saturday, January 7, 2006, 1:22 PM

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Last year, I did Windsor Pilates, and I did see some change in my abs, but not so sure about my thighs. I was too much of a rush-head (is that a word?) to notice any changes, ^.^

Saturday, January 7, 2006, 1:59 PM

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