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Abnormal cramping pains when running
Ok, so we have all had the occasional side ache when we run, usually after eating something or whatever. But two times now this month I have had to cut my treadmill running short because of seriously painful cramps in my lower abdominal - it's different from side aches - it feels like seriously bad menstrual cramps, but its not that time of the month. I am pushing myself really hard with high intense sprints, but should that cause cramping? Anyone experience this? Any idea?
Wed. Oct 3, 11:11am
Next time you go to your gyn, ask about this. I get random pains like that, which apparently come from a tipped uterus - odd, because that sort of thing isn't so common amongst those of us who've never had a child. I'm not sure if anything can be done about it because it rarely bothers me, and never during a workout. Anyway, that might not be what's going on with you, but it's a possibility.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 12:10 PM
I get those pains sometimes if I've eaten or drank anything too soon to my run. I don't even have to be "full", even a light snack will give me lower abdominal cramping or even a pulling sensation. I usually have to slow down a bit till they ease up, but since it can be painful and uncomfortable I try to make sure I haven't eaten anything at least 2 hours before my run.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 1:42 PM
Thanks for the info...I have my next annual exam in 2 weeks and will ask about the tipped uterus. I googled this and found a lot of women out there with the same question but no real answer. So strange! I run on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, with only water to drink. It's just so different from the cramps you get from eating anything before running.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 9:52 PM
hey i have a tipped uterus and have no children. but i've never had it come of anything as far as my workouts.
but- tonight while out on my 9 mile run, i had crazy severe lower abdominal pain at about mile 2 and 6. very different than just a side stitch or too much food in the belly, just like the OP. at mile 2 i even stopped to go #2 to see if it helped. it did! it came back about mile 6 and all i could figure is my guts were just churning more? i really have no idea, but going to the bathroom seemed to help. is it possible you're constipated further up in your system and it's working it's way down? i really think that's my problem.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 10:32 PM
10:32 edit- the abdominal pain i had, did NOT feel like i needed to go... felt nothing like the urge to #2. it was severe and concentrated in one spot. it was a whim that i tried to solve it by going to the bathroom.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 10:34 PM
tipped uterus and pain?
Long story short: It seems like the last two runs I did (only 1 1/2 mi) but a little faster than I normally do have caused the same kind of lower ab/pelvic pain-along with a little lower back pain and hips. My chiro thinks I may have "pulled" a muscle (my tipped uterus); the doctor I went to thought it was diverticulitis, but the CT scan came up negative for my intestines, colon and appendix. Now they want to check out with two ultrasounds the possible fibroids they may have found in my uterus. My chiro is skeptical. Weird, huh? btw, I'm 39 with 3 kids. Thoughts? Thanks!
Thursday, October 18, 2007, 9:03 PM
same pain
i have experienced the same pain since i was in high school (i am 25 now). it feels like terrible menstral cramping, but almost feels as if i have to go #2. at times it's so bad i feel like i am going to hurl. if i do intense/distance running it happens 9/10 times. sometimes, like this morning, i only a ran a mile when it started. i went to the gyno when i was 18 thinking it was endomitriosis (sp?) but that came back negative. i've had colonoscopies looking at my digestive track, as well as abdominal and uteran ultrasounds and nothing indicated there was a problem.
as far as the tipped uterus (i have no kids) - would they be able to tell this from an ultrasound?
Thursday, June 25, 2009, 10:02 AM
I went through lower abdominal cramping for some time, had all kinds of ultrasounds of my uterus and ovaries, etc., but it turned out to be my gut that was the problem. Even if you do not feel constipated or have any urges to "go" or problems with "going," a morning dose of metamucil, which is all soluble fiber, can solve this problem.
For some people, abstaining from dairy before your daily run can help, too.
Thursday, June 25, 2009, 10:36 AM
Let me clarify that: a dose of metamucil every day. Hey, it's cheaper than all those medical tests, and all that fiber is actually good for you. I'd recommend trying it for a week before tons of expensive testing.
Thursday, June 25, 2009, 10:39 AM
dehydration and too much fiber
I've had the same exact problem and I found this article which I think has the most comprehensive answer. I hope it helps!
Monday, July 20, 2009, 9:35 PM
When I'm on or near my period, I get cramps while exercising, and the more vigorous the exercise, the worse the cramps. They're definitely menstrual cramps, and they hurt like hell. My mom also told me that she used to get cramps all the time when exercising, even when it wasn't that time of the month. I think some women's uteruses just work that way....It sucks, I know.
Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:54 PM
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