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what is the worst thing an in-law has said to you?

my sister in law just emailed me and told me to divorce her brother so he could be with the woman he "really" loves. Hmm, I think I feel a little hurt and confused!!

Tue. Oct 2, 1:54pm

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What you do, since it's in email form is to not say a thing to anyone and just forward it to your husband.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 2:54 PM

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Do you and your husband have a good relationship, or do you think there is a possibility that he has interests outside the marriage, that he has spoken with his sister about?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 3:14 PM

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i think i would forward it to my husband, then let him deal with his sister for being a total bitch. what's her problem anyway? (i don't really want to know, i just can't imagine someone doing that.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 3:30 PM

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wow; definitely forward it to your dear sweet hubby...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 6:48 PM

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I have a sister in law that acts the same way. The day I lost my pregnancy at 18 weeks, she said to me (out of earshot of my husband) "You can have my daughter. I didn't want her anyway". A few years later, she told her oldest daughter "I am going to hit her upside the head with a baseball bat". The daughter told me at Thanksgiving dinner. All because I didn't want her drug dealing boyfriend at my house. Unfortunately, you don't marry a man, you marry his family. I agree with the others. Involve your husband in this issue. My husband has come around and seen what his sister is really like.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 7:16 PM

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nothing they have said tops yours. my father in law made a comment about my weight with my first pregnancy and it really hurt my feelings. i had only gained 26 lbs during the entire pregnancy but...anyway, my own father has said rude things about my weight so I guess I should get used to it. I am about 5 - 10 lbs over weight.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 8:04 PM

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I have teenage kids and whenever someone says something to them I ask them to ask themselves " What do you think that persons' motivation was?"

Then I remind them that the rule of talking is 1. Is it helpful and 2. Is it kind? This comment of your sister-in-law was NEITHER.

You are understandably upset, confused, and hurt. BUT (and this is big) it is HER issue, you don't have to make it yours.

I would definitely show it to my husband, but I would laugh about "You will not believe what your silly sister sent me today - ha, ha, ha". It can only hurt you if you let it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 8:31 PM

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