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gyms stink... I want to DANCE!
I really don't like going to gyms. I always feel like everyone is watching me work out and it's just... weird. I absolutely LOVE doing dvds or videos at home, though, but I've gotten pretty bored with the basic aerobic ones that I have been doing. Are there any high (or low) intensity dance videos that anyone has done that are fun without annoying instructors? I absolutely love dancing :) Thanks!!
Fri. Jan 6, 10:56am
Hip Hip Dance
I love my QuickFix Hip Hop Dance DVD. It has a total of 40 minutes of cardio, broken down in 4 10-minute sessions (3 plus 1 bonus.) You can find it on Amazon by searing for Quick Fix. It's only about $8.
Have you tried Jazzercise? I used to be a member before I moved. It's much more like dancing than cardio, but it's definitely a great workout. Try finding a local class at the link below. I totall miss it!
Friday, January 6, 2006, 2:31 PM
If you want a great workout (and have a partner),
try Swing dancing!!! (There are many differrent styles, such as lindy hop, jitterbug, other forms of jazz or ballroom dancing). It's also a great social dance-- swing dancers have their own "etiquette" that is a throw-back to the older, more polite days of dancing...
It's a great way to keep on moving (if you can find a club to go to)... Or, if you have a dance partner and you learn how to swing dance, you can "wow" people at weddings when they play Sing Sing Sing, and the other old-fashioned swing songs... :-)
There are lots of videos on the market.... here's a website that lists lots of videos:
One of the original lindy-hoppers is Frankie Manning-- I recommend learning the East Coast swing before moving to the LIndy Hop... :-)
If you want something fun, swing dancing is almost a sub-culture in itself--vintage clothing and dressing up is part of the fun-- and, swing dancers come in many shapes and sizes--because it's more of a structured social dance, many engineers like it, as well as people who profess to have 2 left feet--
Anyways, I could go on and on, (it's a lot of fun to dance when a live band is performing!) Although it's not as popular now, depending on the city you live in, there may still be a few bars that offer "free lessons" on occasion...
Good luck!
Friday, January 6, 2006, 2:46 PM
Try the Crunch workouts
Ballet/Latin Dance are awesome. The most challenging workout ever for me is the NYC Ballet Wokrout- you can get the DVD online at SOOO hard but awesome.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 2:55 PM
As a former competitive dancer - I second most of the Crunch series (I like the Salsa one best) and NYC Ballet
Friday, January 6, 2006, 5:46 PM
I am a former dancer as well and I love to do videos at home, it is my primary source of cardio. If you are looking for a cardio workout, I would suggest any of Christy Taylors workouts. They are not labeled as "dance" but that give me a good cardio workout and have pretty fun choreography and music. I would check out before buying anything. There you can read in depth reviews and descriptions of all the video's and also see a video clip.
Saturday, January 7, 2006, 11:08 AM
has anyone done the "stripper" videos? Are they worthwhile? Which ones are recommended?
Saturday, January 7, 2006, 12:12 PM
The Carmen Electra Strip Tease Aerobics is fun. Right now I love the belly dancing videos. There is the Goddess Workout, three of them I believe. I can suggest more if you'd like, just post that you would like other titles :)
Monday, January 23, 2006, 9:37 PM
Haven't made a firm decision, but I"m thinking of actually taking belly dance lessons... sounds like fun. (if I'm not too self-conscious about my chubby belly.. :-)
Monday, January 23, 2006, 9:42 PM
Stripper Videos
I LOVE the Carmen Electra videos - they are fun, I like the choreography, and it's always fun to show off what you've learned ;)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 2:40 PM
Salsa dancing
I love it. Take some classes at a dance studio or club, you will get hooked and go out and dance all the time and burn so many calories, and it will never feel like a workout. I think I've lost a lot of my weight this way.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 2:57 PM
The Goddess Workout by Dolphina is a fun Belly Dancing DVD to try out :)
Redmaiden :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 11:06 AM
Don't worry about your "belly", belly dancing will help with that. If you want something that really works the abs do the Tamillee Webb "I want that body" workout, my abs are getting flatter by the day :)
Redmaiden :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 11:09 AM
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