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Needing Support in Baton Rouge, LA Part two

continued from other thread...

So, about three weeks ago I bought an excercise bike for the house. I made it a point to get on every day and ride for 20 minutes. The weight loss I'd noticed just a month before had seemed to stagnate. I hoped that the stationary bike would kick start my metabolism a bit. Well, it did for the first week. I lost another 5 lbs very quicly it seemed to get down to 210 lbs. It was at this time I was discussing weight loss with some co-workers and I was encouraged to also start resistance weight training. Of course this was not a new concept to me being ex-military, but I was reminded that muscle burns fat more efficiently than diet alone. So I went that evening and bought a set of free weights to replace the old set I had from years ago. I already had a weight bench (in storage) and I set it all up at home.
Wow, how weak I am. LOL. I found that I struggle with weight that I could easily handle 7,8 years ago. But no matter, I have a new determination to press on and hey, maybe even become a "body-builder". I honesly have never been this motivated to shape my body. Even when I was in the military I really didn't care about my build. So I didn't let the condition of my muscles deter me.
Well, after about a month of this, I have noticed my weight loss has slowed down. I have been eating small meals throughout the day, been drinking 1-2 protein shakes, and my snacks have been apples and bananas. I estimate I'm only eating 1200-1400 calories a day. As of a week ago, I weighed about 208 lbs still. I feel like I'm reaching another plateau. I have been talking to friends and reading online, and my explanation is that I am building muscle at this stage and the lbs will shed slowly for a while. One friend who is very athletic and works out daily suggested that I quit thinking in terms of weight and focus on the mirror. He said he never weighs himself, but instead focuses on his goals based on what he sees. Well, that's easy to say when you are 6'3 and are built like a football player. He's maintaining and I'm trying to lose, so the psychology is different. But then again, he is correct in that I CAN'T let plateaus deter me from pressing on. So last week I joined a gym to give me more motivation. I have been spending 2 hours/day about 5 days a week at the gym. yesterday I jogged 2 miles on the treadmill with a 5 minute break in the middle to walk and get my breath. I spent another 20 minutes on the nice stationary bike and the rest was lifting free-weights on the various machines and benches. I'm still not lifting what I feel I should, but I feel my arm and chest starting to bulge and take some shape. Man, I wish the results would come much quicker!
This morning I weighed myself at work with my heavy work clothes and steel toe shoes and I weighed 206 on the scale. My scale at home (naked)said 199.5...yippeeeee! One of my short terms musts was to get into the "100's". I feel a renewed vigor now!
OK, so that is my story in a (very big) nutshell. My ultimate goal is to be between 160-170 lbs, and for this to be mainly muscle. I want to be "cut". I want broader shoulders, I want a sexy chest. I doubt I'll ever see them, but nice abs would be great. I'm seeing loose skin around my mid section so my fear is that my abs will never look like a teenager's.Even when I was young I always had a little gut. But hey, a little pooch belly wouldn't be so bad if the rest looked good!
So here I am, with another 30+ lbs to lose. It seems like so much! I'm at the weight where many people START! Why did I ever let myself get so out of shape? Looking in the mirror, I still see a fat guy. Granted, I see a lot of people much bigger and I feel closer to "average" now, but I am SO determined to look young again. I need a female presence in my life. I have so little confidence in myself right now, even with what I've achieved. I'm not a bad looking man at all. Just a little chubby with a baby face. I wear glasses and I don't stand out in a crowd. I'm conservative and reserved. Sometimes I can be very funny and a hoot, but sometimes I try to hard and come across as desperate.
OK, last paragraph. The other problem I have is even deeper than my weight. I live far away from where I grew up and from my family. I have no long term friends other than a few coworkers (who are generally much older and/or married). I am trying to get out and socialize. I've been going to some "clubs", playing pool, started taking dance lessons (for added excercise and social activity) etc. But I am going alone. I'd actually like to meet some "guys" around here with common interests. To be frank, I am just as socially inept with other men as I am with women...maybe more so. I need a couple of friends, guys who aren't judgemental. Guys who'll appreciate me for who I am. Friends like that are hard to find, especially at my age. I have a hobby and I've met some fellows through it, but they also tend to be married or older. I just don't know how one goes about making friends of strangers. All the more, sometimes when I strike up a conversation with someone I feel like they may think I have other than heterosexual motivations :) ...its a strange catch-22. In my mind I am telling myself to work on my physical fitness right now and the rest of it will come. Men are just as prejudiced to other men about their physical appearance as women are. I feel that if I do manage to accomplish an athletic physique, that my first impression will be better whenever I meet anyone new. And it is always the first impressions that get in the way for me.
OK, thanks for reading my story, maybe I'm like you, maybe you can give me advice or offer support. Maybe someone in my area (Baton Rouge, LA) who is battling weight loss might be interested in a social network.
Thanks, Heath

Mon. Oct 1, 2:58pm

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Did you live in the Portland Oregon area growing up?

Monday, October 1, 2007, 3:03 PM

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Congratulations on your weight loss so far. It seems like you have a good solid start in changing your life and your health.
Just don't be too tough on yourself, remember it's all a journey!

Monday, October 1, 2007, 3:38 PM

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Nah, I grew up in East Tennessee near Knoxville, but thanks for asking. Did you know a Heath in that area? My name isn't common :)

Monday, October 1, 2007, 4:50 PM

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I did grow up with someone named heath in PDX and his birthday was in Oct as well.

I was impressed reading your 2 entries, it sounds as though you have a real clear view on yourself and your wife.

Have you joined any groups on PT?

Monday, October 1, 2007, 5:39 PM

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