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What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to lose 10 lbs and I think I am doing something wrong I weight 133 lbs. Just had a baby 4 month ago) I work out 5 days a week doing 60 min of cardio 45 min arc trainer 15 min jogging the machine says I burn 600-700 calories and I only consume 1350 (They deliver my food everday) I have been doing this for 2 weeks and have not lost any weight. What am I doing wrong?
Fri. Sep 28, 3:12pm
There could be a multiple of things at play:
1. After having a baby your body is obviously still changing, so it will tend to gain or lose without much rhyme or reason - breast feeding, starting or stopping, can cause weight loss/gain and so can just getting your hormones back to normal levels.
2. I would assume that your machine is overestimating the amount of calories burned. This is a really common problem with newer types of machines (ellipticals, cross trainers) and the best way to figure out your calories burned is by using a chart and comparing your cardio to it. For example jogging for an hour a 155 lb woman would burn about 495 calories.
you can find the chart here:
3. I do not know how long your have been doing your current workout regimen but it's possible that your body is use to it and therefore it's not being very productive. I'd try switching it up. To be honest you would be better off doing 60 min cardo, 30 min weight training, 30 min pilates/yoga each day while doing a different type of cardio each day.
4. Are you only consuming the 1350 calories that you're given or are you grabbing a snack hear or there. Mindless snacking can definitely add up.
5. If you really are at 1350 calories a day (depending on your height) you might be pushing your body into starvation mode with the amount of exercise you do, which would make your body hold on to all the possible weight it can.
I'm not sure if any of this applies to you, but they're at least things to think about.
Friday, September 28, 2007, 4:14 PM
Thank you for your response. I do not snack at all once in awhile I will drink 1 or 2 glasses of wine which I was told is 100 cal a glass I have been dieting and exercising for 2 weeks. WHat should I change?
Friday, September 28, 2007, 4:19 PM
Sounds to me like you're doing great. Some times it just takes the scale a little while to catch up with you. Be sure to drink plenty of water and get as much sleep as you can with a 4 month old baby. I bet you'll see results soon. :)
Friday, September 28, 2007, 4:37 PM
Oh, if it's been 2 weeks, then you just need to give it some time.
1. Muscle weighs more than fat, you're building a lot of muscle. Maybe it would be more helpful if you take measurements (waist, hip, arms) and compare them weekly.
2. Your first month of dieting/starting exercise you actually gain some water weight.
3. Wine is 110 calories, but that's an 8 oz serving, most wine glasses hold more. Also, some wines can be higher in cals.
4. 3500 calories = 1 lb so let's assume you that even with your new workout regime you need about 2200 calories. You are burning an extra 800 calories so it's still going to be 4.5 days before you see a pound loss. Which this is fine, because the recommended amount for someone to lose is 1.5-2 lbs a week.
Friday, September 28, 2007, 5:02 PM
You are building muscle!
I used to be an aerobics instructor and I heard this type of thing a lot. You are building muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. Do'nt forget to drink plenty of water...
With this exercise regime, you need more calories.
Check your measurements, as they are a far better indicator of weight loss.
Good luck!
Saturday, September 29, 2007, 9:37 AM
I would be concerned about your statement, "I only consume 1350 (They deliver my food everday)," with everything else being true to what you said, I believe you should have lost something, even with you building more muscle. So could it be possible that your meals are really more than 1350 cal? Can you create your own meal plan and count your own calories for a week, and see if you lose weight when you are in contorl of your calories?
Saturday, September 29, 2007, 10:12 AM
Chances are good, for whatever reason, you are retaining water and it's masking your weight loss. Hang in there. Chances are in the next couple of weeks your body will probably let go of all that water and you'll see a big drop. This happens to me fairly regularly. If I graph my weight loss I can see that there really is a fairly steady weight loss in the long run, but I can have several weeks where it seems I'm at a plateau and then there'll be a sudden loss that puts me back on the steady decline curve. I also find that eating a lot of prepared foods or eating out at restaurants, I retain more water. The salt in all that food is not your friend. Drink a lot of water to flush those salts out of your system. I would also ditch the food plan and learn to prepare your own food with fresh fruits and vegetables that are naturally low in salt.
Saturday, September 29, 2007, 12:25 PM
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