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Some things that are WORKING for me!

I went cold turkey and cut out caffiene, excess sugar (as in sugary snacks), and meat and I have never felt better!

I have been watching my portions and eating only when I am truly hungry. Instead of reaching for sugar or caffiene for a boost, I have either a cup of decaf green tea or a piece of fruit.

I have lost 4 lbs over the last 10 days, I no longer crave sugar the way I used too (though I still need to work on this), and I wake up well rested and energized and don't need a cup of joe to get started, nor do I need another to get through the rest of the day.

I truly believe for long lasting weight loss without the side effect of feeling deprived and depraved :) making drastic changes worked for me and sticking to them. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, probably like 10 or 15 lbs as I am 5'4" and weigh 139, but I wanted to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Just sharing what's working for me!

Fri. Sep 28, 9:22am

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Good for you!

Here's what works for me!
I focus on eating healthy food but allow myself to "splurge" in moderation whenever I am craving anything. I do not consider myself on a diet, there is no food that is restricted, I just eat small portions.
I run at least 12 miles per week and have a very active lifestyle.
I lost 25 pounds to reach my goal 1 year ago and have kept it off since.

Friday, September 28, 2007, 11:22 AM

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I focus on eat enough food during the day, especially fruits and vegetables so that I don't have junk cravings at the end of a stressfull day at work. I also exercise 1 hr every day or more. I am in better mood, thiner and more attractive!!

Friday, September 28, 2007, 1:18 PM

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This is such a great thread!!!!

What worked for me:
Cutting down on my caffeine
5 smaller meals throughout the day instead of 3 bigger ones
Getting a dog (three 15 min walks a day adds up)
Varying my workouts
I would binge at night so I started eating a bowl of light microwave popcorn whenever I had a craving and that really helped

I lost 25 lbs in the course of 3 months a couple years ago, and I've been at my goal weight ever since.

Friday, September 28, 2007, 4:23 PM

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