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self-pay for primary care

this was from another thread and I wanted to raise it as a separate issue. How do you find a good primary doctor, and do you need to go out of network? I am in NYC and it seems most good doctors don't take insurance. You'll get 40% back if you are lucky on most stuff. Since I am going to pay anyway, might as well find a great primary care doc. But all the good, smart guys I know are specialists- ENT's, gynos, etc

Thu. Sep 27, 2:54pm

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I'm in NYC too, and I know your pain all too well. You need to ask people you know if they'd recommend their doctor, ask why, and then don't let a little thing like a less-than-convenient location put you off.

Through a recommendation from another medical professional, I found a truly wonderful primary care doctor. She takes a few insurances, including mine (BCBS PPO) - Dr. Carmen Bosch at 110 East 59th Street. Even her nurse is wonderful (the most painless blood-taking experience ever!). When the time comes that she refuses to take insurance or I change/cancel my insurance, I'll very likely suck it up and stay with her -- no bum's rush out the door, no ridiculous waiting room delays, no let's-see-how-many-meds-I-can-prescribe approach, unbelievably fast turnaround of lab results, and she calls! (the money-grubbing kind make you come in for an appointment just to say "everything is fine" because they don't get paid to make a phone call).

Thursday, September 27, 2007, 5:47 PM

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