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How about this for a chocolate fix?
My hubby found some "vegan cooke bars" called "Nana's Cookie Bars"... Despite our misgivings, they taste pretty good, and mostly organic as well. No refined sugars or genetically modified ingredients (GMOs).. We tried one-- they taste suprisingly good (no wheat, hydrogenated oils, added salt, dairy or eggs either!)
it's 140 calories for a 35 g bar, 7 grams of fat (yes, a bit high in percentage), but only 7 sugars, and it's made with real cocoa-- might be a good alternative for a fudge craving....
We got them at the Whole Foods store near our house....
here's the website:
We tried the "Fudgy Wudgy" bars....(We aren't vegan ourselves, but "taste-tested" them before giving a box to a family member who is health-conscious.
Does anyone else have any other chocolate or sweets alternatives?
Thu. Jan 5, 7:18pm
Why do so many people here "need" a chocolate fix? I don't understand this. That sugar actually alters your state, like a cigarette would or a beer. Why feed into an addiction?
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:40 PM
Why do so many people here "need" a chocolate fix? I don't understand this. That sugar actually alters your state, like a cigarette would or a beer. Why feed into an addiction?
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:40 PM
Why do so many people here "need" a chocolate fix? I don't understand this. That sugar actually alters your state, like a cigarette would or a beer. Why feed into an addiction?
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:40 PM
It's just a small indulgence. (or should be) I think when people start to "diet" they feel restricted and this is something that has been put in their heads that they're not supposed to eat. Everything in moderation is fine. Even beer. :)
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:48 PM
It's just a small indulgence. (or should be) I think when people start to "diet" they feel restricted and this is something that has been put in their heads that they're not supposed to eat. Everything in moderation is fine. Even beer. :)
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:48 PM
It's just a small indulgence. (or should be) I think when people start to "diet" they feel restricted and this is something that has been put in their heads that they're not supposed to eat. Everything in moderation is fine. Even beer. :)
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:48 PM
I love Uncle Eddie's vegan cookies
I'm pretty much a vegan eater, and I love these cookies. My favorite is the chcolate/peanut butter, which are my two weaknesses! I actually prefer peanut butter over just about anything!
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:55 PM
I love Uncle Eddie's vegan cookies
I'm pretty much a vegan eater, and I love these cookies. My favorite is the chcolate/peanut butter, which are my two weaknesses! I actually prefer peanut butter over just about anything!
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:55 PM
I love Uncle Eddie's vegan cookies
I'm pretty much a vegan eater, and I love these cookies. My favorite is the chcolate/peanut butter, which are my two weaknesses! I actually prefer peanut butter over just about anything!
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:55 PM
My Response to "WHY FEED AN ADDICTIN?"
Ok, first of all, why dont u reapeat after me...ADDICTION!!! Yes, very good, u know what that word means??? For many people, this isn't something that magically dissapears on its addiction! Have u ever truly been addicted to something? I'm really wondering because your insensitivety to it, and your harsh reaction to a simple suggestion to a healthier sweet snack, really leads me to think that u have absolutely no idea what it would be like to be addicted to anything! And if that is the case... I think you should keep your judgmental opinion to yourself! Being harsh like that ( and yes, I know that I am being harsh right now too, for a much different reason tho!) will support and encourage NO ONE!!! How much of a help do you really think u are being!?!
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 9:57 PM
My Response to "WHY FEED AN ADDICTIN?"
Ok, first of all, why dont u reapeat after me...ADDICTION!!! Yes, very good, u know what that word means??? For many people, this isn't something that magically dissapears on its addiction! Have u ever truly been addicted to something? I'm really wondering because your insensitivety to it, and your harsh reaction to a simple suggestion to a healthier sweet snack, really leads me to think that u have absolutely no idea what it would be like to be addicted to anything! And if that is the case... I think you should keep your judgmental opinion to yourself! Being harsh like that ( and yes, I know that I am being harsh right now too, for a much different reason tho!) will support and encourage NO ONE!!! How much of a help do you really think u are being!?!
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 9:57 PM
My Response to "WHY FEED AN ADDICTIN?"
Ok, first of all, why dont u reapeat after me...ADDICTION!!! Yes, very good, u know what that word means??? For many people, this isn't something that magically dissapears on its addiction! Have u ever truly been addicted to something? I'm really wondering because your insensitivety to it, and your harsh reaction to a simple suggestion to a healthier sweet snack, really leads me to think that u have absolutely no idea what it would be like to be addicted to anything! And if that is the case... I think you should keep your judgmental opinion to yourself! Being harsh like that ( and yes, I know that I am being harsh right now too, for a much different reason tho!) will support and encourage NO ONE!!! How much of a help do you really think u are being!?!
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 9:57 PM
Some chocolate has flavanols!
Some chocolates are better than others. Here is a quote from an article (see link for full text) that describes it more.
"Mars says its Dove dark chocolates -- a 1.3 ounce bar is 200 calories -- also contain flavanols. {NB: a dove dark chocolate promise piece only has 42 calories!}
... Researchers are excited by the potential of flavanols to ward off
vascular disease, which can cause heart attacks, strokes,
diabetes, dementia and hypertension. Vascular diseases are linked
to the artery's inability to make a simple but fundamental
chemical called nitric oxide. Flavanols appear to reverse that
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:29 PM
Some chocolate has flavanols!
Some chocolates are better than others. Here is a quote from an article (see link for full text) that describes it more.
"Mars says its Dove dark chocolates -- a 1.3 ounce bar is 200 calories -- also contain flavanols. {NB: a dove dark chocolate promise piece only has 42 calories!}
... Researchers are excited by the potential of flavanols to ward off
vascular disease, which can cause heart attacks, strokes,
diabetes, dementia and hypertension. Vascular diseases are linked
to the artery's inability to make a simple but fundamental
chemical called nitric oxide. Flavanols appear to reverse that
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:29 PM
Some chocolate has flavanols!
Some chocolates are better than others. Here is a quote from an article (see link for full text) that describes it more.
"Mars says its Dove dark chocolates -- a 1.3 ounce bar is 200 calories -- also contain flavanols. {NB: a dove dark chocolate promise piece only has 42 calories!}
... Researchers are excited by the potential of flavanols to ward off
vascular disease, which can cause heart attacks, strokes,
diabetes, dementia and hypertension. Vascular diseases are linked
to the artery's inability to make a simple but fundamental
chemical called nitric oxide. Flavanols appear to reverse that
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:29 PM
As a matter of fact, I completely understand the word addiction. I smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for years which I subsequently quit. The way that chocolate is obsessed about on here at times sounds like an addiction. Something to take to change your state.
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:30 PM
As a matter of fact, I completely understand the word addiction. I smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for years which I subsequently quit. The way that chocolate is obsessed about on here at times sounds like an addiction. Something to take to change your state.
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:30 PM
As a matter of fact, I completely understand the word addiction. I smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for years which I subsequently quit. The way that chocolate is obsessed about on here at times sounds like an addiction. Something to take to change your state.
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:30 PM
I'm personally not a big sweet eater, (I much prefer salty snacks to the sweet, unless it's ice cream...) but since someone else I was talking to mentioned eating some fudge, I was simply suggesting these bars as an alternative to chocolates that might be made with a heavy dose of fat and refined sugars....
Obviously, there are those who have a weakness for chocolate, and may not be able to quit "cold turkey", even though they may be aware of their "addiction".... in the meantime, I figured that some may appreciate finding an alternative to far fattier chocolate cakes, cookies, brownies or bars.... You know, like a smoker using a nicotine gum in their quest to stop smoking....
For me, cookies and cakes are something that I don't have a craving for-- (in fact, a box of Shortbread Girl Scout Cookies (one of my favorites) survived, half-opened from the time I opened them last spring until I threw them out around Christmastime...I eat them so infrequently... I'm lucky that my parents didn't develop a sweet tooth in me or my siblings while growing up-- we were rarely allowed to eat junk foods or drink pop (soda). I'm sure that others were not so fortunate.... I mentioned the above, because they didn't seem overly sweet (or sawdusty) to me in texture and I thought the above alternative would be something that will help the person who knows that a chocolate bar is bad for them, but still wants to indulge in the taste occasionally to satisfy their cravings.
If anyone else has some good ideas, I'd personally love to see them! (I do like chocolate and peanut butter-- I think it's because of the saltiness of the PB)... :-)
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 11:06 PM
I'm personally not a big sweet eater, (I much prefer salty snacks to the sweet, unless it's ice cream...) but since someone else I was talking to mentioned eating some fudge, I was simply suggesting these bars as an alternative to chocolates that might be made with a heavy dose of fat and refined sugars....
Obviously, there are those who have a weakness for chocolate, and may not be able to quit "cold turkey", even though they may be aware of their "addiction".... in the meantime, I figured that some may appreciate finding an alternative to far fattier chocolate cakes, cookies, brownies or bars.... You know, like a smoker using a nicotine gum in their quest to stop smoking....
For me, cookies and cakes are something that I don't have a craving for-- (in fact, a box of Shortbread Girl Scout Cookies (one of my favorites) survived, half-opened from the time I opened them last spring until I threw them out around Christmastime...I eat them so infrequently... I'm lucky that my parents didn't develop a sweet tooth in me or my siblings while growing up-- we were rarely allowed to eat junk foods or drink pop (soda). I'm sure that others were not so fortunate.... I mentioned the above, because they didn't seem overly sweet (or sawdusty) to me in texture and I thought the above alternative would be something that will help the person who knows that a chocolate bar is bad for them, but still wants to indulge in the taste occasionally to satisfy their cravings.
If anyone else has some good ideas, I'd personally love to see them! (I do like chocolate and peanut butter-- I think it's because of the saltiness of the PB)... :-)
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 11:06 PM
I'm personally not a big sweet eater, (I much prefer salty snacks to the sweet, unless it's ice cream...) but since someone else I was talking to mentioned eating some fudge, I was simply suggesting these bars as an alternative to chocolates that might be made with a heavy dose of fat and refined sugars....
Obviously, there are those who have a weakness for chocolate, and may not be able to quit "cold turkey", even though they may be aware of their "addiction".... in the meantime, I figured that some may appreciate finding an alternative to far fattier chocolate cakes, cookies, brownies or bars.... You know, like a smoker using a nicotine gum in their quest to stop smoking....
For me, cookies and cakes are something that I don't have a craving for-- (in fact, a box of Shortbread Girl Scout Cookies (one of my favorites) survived, half-opened from the time I opened them last spring until I threw them out around Christmastime...I eat them so infrequently... I'm lucky that my parents didn't develop a sweet tooth in me or my siblings while growing up-- we were rarely allowed to eat junk foods or drink pop (soda). I'm sure that others were not so fortunate.... I mentioned the above, because they didn't seem overly sweet (or sawdusty) to me in texture and I thought the above alternative would be something that will help the person who knows that a chocolate bar is bad for them, but still wants to indulge in the taste occasionally to satisfy their cravings.
If anyone else has some good ideas, I'd personally love to see them! (I do like chocolate and peanut butter-- I think it's because of the saltiness of the PB)... :-)
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 11:06 PM
well then, since u smoked 2 packs a day, and do know addiction...can u not understand that chocolate IS an addiction for some people!?! There ARE chemicals in chocolate that send you on a "high" just as in cigarettes, alcohol, drugs!!! Why is that so hard to understand? All I was saying is that if you are here to help your peers, judging them isn't the way to do it!
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:47 AM
well then, since u smoked 2 packs a day, and do know addiction...can u not understand that chocolate IS an addiction for some people!?! There ARE chemicals in chocolate that send you on a "high" just as in cigarettes, alcohol, drugs!!! Why is that so hard to understand? All I was saying is that if you are here to help your peers, judging them isn't the way to do it!
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:47 AM
well then, since u smoked 2 packs a day, and do know addiction...can u not understand that chocolate IS an addiction for some people!?! There ARE chemicals in chocolate that send you on a "high" just as in cigarettes, alcohol, drugs!!! Why is that so hard to understand? All I was saying is that if you are here to help your peers, judging them isn't the way to do it!
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:47 AM
To the last poster - you seem very upset. I think other people are finding your judgemental. Your post seems to be shouting.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 5:39 AM
To the last poster - you seem very upset. I think other people are finding your judgemental. Your post seems to be shouting.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 5:39 AM
To the last poster - you seem very upset. I think other people are finding your judgemental. Your post seems to be shouting.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 5:39 AM
Thanks so much for the Chocolate alternative. I like the Pudge no more bars also ther are 97% fat free ice cream cookie bars that are great! Chocolate, Banana, and peanut butter smooties are also good. Remember that Dark Chocolate is best so this can be a special treat.
I think that negative or non helpful comments shouldn't be posted back and forth on this site.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:26 PM
Thanks so much for the Chocolate alternative. I like the Pudge no more bars also ther are 97% fat free ice cream cookie bars that are great! Chocolate, Banana, and peanut butter smooties are also good. Remember that Dark Chocolate is best so this can be a special treat.
I think that negative or non helpful comments shouldn't be posted back and forth on this site.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:26 PM
Thanks so much for the Chocolate alternative. I like the Pudge no more bars also ther are 97% fat free ice cream cookie bars that are great! Chocolate, Banana, and peanut butter smooties are also good. Remember that Dark Chocolate is best so this can be a special treat.
I think that negative or non helpful comments shouldn't be posted back and forth on this site.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:26 PM
Losing weight is harder to do than quitting smoking or drinking. Eating is a way of life drinking or smoking isn't. I stopped smoking twice going cold turkey but trying to lose 10 pounds is very hard to do when food is all around you. You all have a great day.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:38 PM
Losing weight is harder to do than quitting smoking or drinking. Eating is a way of life drinking or smoking isn't. I stopped smoking twice going cold turkey but trying to lose 10 pounds is very hard to do when food is all around you. You all have a great day.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:38 PM
Losing weight is harder to do than quitting smoking or drinking. Eating is a way of life drinking or smoking isn't. I stopped smoking twice going cold turkey but trying to lose 10 pounds is very hard to do when food is all around you. You all have a great day.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:38 PM
addiction comment
asking "why feed into the addiction" does sound judgemental. Instead of telling people what they shouldn't do why couldn't you understand and offer alternatives. I also quit smoking, good for you and me. But it doesn't make either of us an expert on addiction or chocolate. I myself see peertrainer as a safe place and somewhere I turn to for support. People like chocolate - what is so wrong with that? Someone posted a healty tip for those of us that want to enjoy some chocolate through our weightloss process and that was nice of them. Maybe even just wording your comment a different way would have been better. Haven't we all heard that wording is tricky especially with a sensitive subject like weightloss. We all need to make sure we post our thoughts and opinions about ourselves and our situation, not attack soemone else.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:48 PM
addiction comment
asking "why feed into the addiction" does sound judgemental. Instead of telling people what they shouldn't do why couldn't you understand and offer alternatives. I also quit smoking, good for you and me. But it doesn't make either of us an expert on addiction or chocolate. I myself see peertrainer as a safe place and somewhere I turn to for support. People like chocolate - what is so wrong with that? Someone posted a healty tip for those of us that want to enjoy some chocolate through our weightloss process and that was nice of them. Maybe even just wording your comment a different way would have been better. Haven't we all heard that wording is tricky especially with a sensitive subject like weightloss. We all need to make sure we post our thoughts and opinions about ourselves and our situation, not attack soemone else.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:48 PM
addiction comment
asking "why feed into the addiction" does sound judgemental. Instead of telling people what they shouldn't do why couldn't you understand and offer alternatives. I also quit smoking, good for you and me. But it doesn't make either of us an expert on addiction or chocolate. I myself see peertrainer as a safe place and somewhere I turn to for support. People like chocolate - what is so wrong with that? Someone posted a healty tip for those of us that want to enjoy some chocolate through our weightloss process and that was nice of them. Maybe even just wording your comment a different way would have been better. Haven't we all heard that wording is tricky especially with a sensitive subject like weightloss. We all need to make sure we post our thoughts and opinions about ourselves and our situation, not attack soemone else.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 12:48 PM
^ kudos to the last poster... I agree, peertrainer is something I see as a support-- and if I can help someone else or they can help me with a suggestion, then that's great!
Not everyone on here is at the same place in their quest for health and fitness... we should try to be more respectful of how others may feel...
Friday, January 6, 2006, 2:13 PM
^ kudos to the last poster... I agree, peertrainer is something I see as a support-- and if I can help someone else or they can help me with a suggestion, then that's great!
Not everyone on here is at the same place in their quest for health and fitness... we should try to be more respectful of how others may feel...
Friday, January 6, 2006, 2:13 PM
^ kudos to the last poster... I agree, peertrainer is something I see as a support-- and if I can help someone else or they can help me with a suggestion, then that's great!
Not everyone on here is at the same place in their quest for health and fitness... we should try to be more respectful of how others may feel...
Friday, January 6, 2006, 2:13 PM
I agree to the last 2 posters...
Negative comments do not help, they only stir up trouble. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it needs to be worded in a constructive and sensitive way.
Would you have responded in the same manner if it had been someone addicted to cheese? Something to think about.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 3:49 PM
I agree to the last 2 posters...
Negative comments do not help, they only stir up trouble. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it needs to be worded in a constructive and sensitive way.
Would you have responded in the same manner if it had been someone addicted to cheese? Something to think about.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 3:49 PM
I agree to the last 2 posters...
Negative comments do not help, they only stir up trouble. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it needs to be worded in a constructive and sensitive way.
Would you have responded in the same manner if it had been someone addicted to cheese? Something to think about.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 3:49 PM
I'd love some tips on good low-fat alternatives that are still sweet and yummy. Personally, I've never been a chocolate fan, but it seems that all the "diet" desserts are geared toward total chocoholics. What about the rest of us who just have sweet tooths, but aren't really into chocolate? I feel very left out sometimes when I look at what's offered in the supermarket. I also have problems because I refuse to eat artificial sweeteners. I think I'd rather go without sweets ... not that I do that very often, mind you. ;-)
Friday, January 6, 2006, 3:50 PM
I'd love some tips on good low-fat alternatives that are still sweet and yummy. Personally, I've never been a chocolate fan, but it seems that all the "diet" desserts are geared toward total chocoholics. What about the rest of us who just have sweet tooths, but aren't really into chocolate? I feel very left out sometimes when I look at what's offered in the supermarket. I also have problems because I refuse to eat artificial sweeteners. I think I'd rather go without sweets ... not that I do that very often, mind you. ;-)
Friday, January 6, 2006, 3:50 PM
I'd love some tips on good low-fat alternatives that are still sweet and yummy. Personally, I've never been a chocolate fan, but it seems that all the "diet" desserts are geared toward total chocoholics. What about the rest of us who just have sweet tooths, but aren't really into chocolate? I feel very left out sometimes when I look at what's offered in the supermarket. I also have problems because I refuse to eat artificial sweeteners. I think I'd rather go without sweets ... not that I do that very often, mind you. ;-)
Friday, January 6, 2006, 3:50 PM
To the last poster:
Yes!! Yes!! I won't eat artificial sweetners either... for 2 reasons:
1) nutrisweet/aspartame gives me migraines
2) why put some barely tested chemical (unlike sugar and other natural sweetners that have been around and used for thousands of years) into your body? This goes for "artificial fats" as well-- truly, if a package containing olestra says "caution, may cause cramping, diarrhea and anal leakage", do I REALLY need to put that into my mouth or body?? How do I know that it won't cause birth defects or some other weird side effect to my body?
Have you tried sticking with fruit? I find that an apple, strawberries, bananas or pineapple (or other fruit) is still sweet (especially if you get something in season and ripe...
Friday, January 6, 2006, 4:14 PM
To the last poster:
Yes!! Yes!! I won't eat artificial sweetners either... for 2 reasons:
1) nutrisweet/aspartame gives me migraines
2) why put some barely tested chemical (unlike sugar and other natural sweetners that have been around and used for thousands of years) into your body? This goes for "artificial fats" as well-- truly, if a package containing olestra says "caution, may cause cramping, diarrhea and anal leakage", do I REALLY need to put that into my mouth or body?? How do I know that it won't cause birth defects or some other weird side effect to my body?
Have you tried sticking with fruit? I find that an apple, strawberries, bananas or pineapple (or other fruit) is still sweet (especially if you get something in season and ripe...
Friday, January 6, 2006, 4:14 PM
To the last poster:
Yes!! Yes!! I won't eat artificial sweetners either... for 2 reasons:
1) nutrisweet/aspartame gives me migraines
2) why put some barely tested chemical (unlike sugar and other natural sweetners that have been around and used for thousands of years) into your body? This goes for "artificial fats" as well-- truly, if a package containing olestra says "caution, may cause cramping, diarrhea and anal leakage", do I REALLY need to put that into my mouth or body?? How do I know that it won't cause birth defects or some other weird side effect to my body?
Have you tried sticking with fruit? I find that an apple, strawberries, bananas or pineapple (or other fruit) is still sweet (especially if you get something in season and ripe...
Friday, January 6, 2006, 4:14 PM
Here's another find:
Okay, I was in Trader Joe's and decided to try their non-fat yogurts. They taste pretty good, but I am concerned about the sugar content in them...
Anyways, I tried the Chocolate Cocoa one just for kicks and it's not bad. Zero fat, but the sugar content leaves something to be desired: 36 sugars, 2 g. fiber. 7 g protein, 105 mg sodium and 180 calories for a 170g (6 oz) serving...
I'm thinking I may try to find a plain yogurt that's low in sugar and try mixing some cocoa, and vanilla (with a tiny bit of sugar or honey) and see if I can get the same taste without so much sugar.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 4:19 PM
Here's another find:
Okay, I was in Trader Joe's and decided to try their non-fat yogurts. They taste pretty good, but I am concerned about the sugar content in them...
Anyways, I tried the Chocolate Cocoa one just for kicks and it's not bad. Zero fat, but the sugar content leaves something to be desired: 36 sugars, 2 g. fiber. 7 g protein, 105 mg sodium and 180 calories for a 170g (6 oz) serving...
I'm thinking I may try to find a plain yogurt that's low in sugar and try mixing some cocoa, and vanilla (with a tiny bit of sugar or honey) and see if I can get the same taste without so much sugar.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 4:19 PM
Here's another find:
Okay, I was in Trader Joe's and decided to try their non-fat yogurts. They taste pretty good, but I am concerned about the sugar content in them...
Anyways, I tried the Chocolate Cocoa one just for kicks and it's not bad. Zero fat, but the sugar content leaves something to be desired: 36 sugars, 2 g. fiber. 7 g protein, 105 mg sodium and 180 calories for a 170g (6 oz) serving...
I'm thinking I may try to find a plain yogurt that's low in sugar and try mixing some cocoa, and vanilla (with a tiny bit of sugar or honey) and see if I can get the same taste without so much sugar.
Friday, January 6, 2006, 4:19 PM
Artificial sweeteners
To the poster who recommended fresh fruit as an alternative: Yes, I do eat a lot of fruit, and I love it. But sometimes you just need something sugary! Don't you? However, aside from hard candies, it seems like most sugary things are also pretty high in fat. On occasion I'll have some dark chocolate, but I'm not really into chocolate, so that doesn't do it for me. My favourite non-diet desserts are things like key lime pie and creme brulee. Both killers! Could there possibly be such a thing as a low-fat recipe version of either of those?
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 10:28 AM
Artificial sweeteners
To the poster who recommended fresh fruit as an alternative: Yes, I do eat a lot of fruit, and I love it. But sometimes you just need something sugary! Don't you? However, aside from hard candies, it seems like most sugary things are also pretty high in fat. On occasion I'll have some dark chocolate, but I'm not really into chocolate, so that doesn't do it for me. My favourite non-diet desserts are things like key lime pie and creme brulee. Both killers! Could there possibly be such a thing as a low-fat recipe version of either of those?
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 10:28 AM
Artificial sweeteners
To the poster who recommended fresh fruit as an alternative: Yes, I do eat a lot of fruit, and I love it. But sometimes you just need something sugary! Don't you? However, aside from hard candies, it seems like most sugary things are also pretty high in fat. On occasion I'll have some dark chocolate, but I'm not really into chocolate, so that doesn't do it for me. My favourite non-diet desserts are things like key lime pie and creme brulee. Both killers! Could there possibly be such a thing as a low-fat recipe version of either of those?
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 10:28 AM
I give in when I crave something chocolate. I find that if I don't feed the craving, I binge more. My big treat is's a nonfat, very low sugar, very low cal frozen yogurt...I get it at places like Yogurt N Such or I'll get Tasti Dlite. 1 serving of chocolate graham crackers w/ lite cool whip frozen works too. Or smart ones, skinny cow or no pudge bars. I find a treat that's somewhat healthy and go with it, dieting can't be torture, that's when I fail.
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 10:59 AM
I give in when I crave something chocolate. I find that if I don't feed the craving, I binge more. My big treat is's a nonfat, very low sugar, very low cal frozen yogurt...I get it at places like Yogurt N Such or I'll get Tasti Dlite. 1 serving of chocolate graham crackers w/ lite cool whip frozen works too. Or smart ones, skinny cow or no pudge bars. I find a treat that's somewhat healthy and go with it, dieting can't be torture, that's when I fail.
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 10:59 AM
I give in when I crave something chocolate. I find that if I don't feed the craving, I binge more. My big treat is's a nonfat, very low sugar, very low cal frozen yogurt...I get it at places like Yogurt N Such or I'll get Tasti Dlite. 1 serving of chocolate graham crackers w/ lite cool whip frozen works too. Or smart ones, skinny cow or no pudge bars. I find a treat that's somewhat healthy and go with it, dieting can't be torture, that's when I fail.
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 10:59 AM
to one of the above posters:
Easy Lime Pie
1 9 inch lowfat graham cracker crust
1 14 oz can nonfat sweetened condensed milk
1 6 oz can limeade concentrate, thawed
1/4 cup key lime juice
1 8 oz carton lite cool whip
1 or 2 drops green food coloring if desired
Mix nonfat sweetened condensed milk with thawed limeade concentrate. Stir in lime juice and food coloring (if using). Fold in thawed lite cool whip. Pour into pie crust. Freeze
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 11:03 AM
to one of the above posters:
Easy Lime Pie
1 9 inch lowfat graham cracker crust
1 14 oz can nonfat sweetened condensed milk
1 6 oz can limeade concentrate, thawed
1/4 cup key lime juice
1 8 oz carton lite cool whip
1 or 2 drops green food coloring if desired
Mix nonfat sweetened condensed milk with thawed limeade concentrate. Stir in lime juice and food coloring (if using). Fold in thawed lite cool whip. Pour into pie crust. Freeze
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 11:03 AM
to one of the above posters:
Easy Lime Pie
1 9 inch lowfat graham cracker crust
1 14 oz can nonfat sweetened condensed milk
1 6 oz can limeade concentrate, thawed
1/4 cup key lime juice
1 8 oz carton lite cool whip
1 or 2 drops green food coloring if desired
Mix nonfat sweetened condensed milk with thawed limeade concentrate. Stir in lime juice and food coloring (if using). Fold in thawed lite cool whip. Pour into pie crust. Freeze
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 11:03 AM
here's another key lime pie one:
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 11:05 AM
here's another key lime pie one:
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 11:05 AM
here's another key lime pie one:
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 11:05 AM
The Trader Joe's Keylime non-fat yogurt is pretty good if you can get it in your area! :-)
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 12:06 PM
The Trader Joe's Keylime non-fat yogurt is pretty good if you can get it in your area! :-)
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 12:06 PM
The Trader Joe's Keylime non-fat yogurt is pretty good if you can get it in your area! :-)
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 12:06 PM
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