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Calcium from sources other than milk

Trying to cut down on my dairy and wondering where else I can get my calcium and also, is it true I need vitamin D for calcium absorption? TIA.

Thu. Jan 5, 11:12am

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any dark green, has calcium, and vitamin D among other things.
I would just google it to get the exact items that has calcium

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 11:21 AM

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My thoughts on "milk"

Any leafy green vegetable will provide a substantial amount of calcium. Also broccoli is a good source. Guess what? You don't need to supplement with vitamin D if you go outside for 15 minutes a day. In 15 minutes of getting sunlight on your forearms and face your body will produce all of the vitamin D you need for the day. Also, getting calcium from sources other than dairy is a good idea because all of the animal protein in dairy causes and acidification of your body, which is neutralized by leeching calcium from your bones. Also, about 50% of the calcium in green veggies is absorbed, while only 30% of that in dairy is. The big veggie winners are: bok choy (1,055 mg calcium per 100 cals), turnip greens (921 mg of calcium per 100 cals), collard greens (559 mg calcium per 100 cals), kale (455 mg), romaine lettuce (257 mg), tofu (236). Milk only contains 194 mg of calcium per 100 calories, and research has shown that it may cause a negative calcium balance. The notion that dairy is good for you has been engrained in American culture by the dairy council, the USDA (whose original purpose was to promote the dairy and meat industries in the US), and those silly got milk ads. Another thing to note - I'm sure you've seen all of those commercials saying that dairy will make you have a slimmer waistline -- that research was funded by dairy producers.

If you find that you "can't" give up milk - give soy milk a try. It has just as much calcium as regular milk and won't cause the acidification of your blood (and thereby the leeching of calcium from your bones).

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 11:29 AM

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another source I found is Swiss Miss fat free hot chocolate w/ calcium. If you're doing WW it counts as one milk serving.

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 12:09 PM

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I use a product called Revival Soy. You cannot get it in stores but from their website. It does not taste like that junk sold in bar or one shake gives you your daily needs and then some. I have been using it for over 4 years now. I do not take hormones as I am over 50 years old and this has cured me of hot flashes, hair loss and I sleep very well now. Last year I had my first bone density test and my doctor side my results were excellent!

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 4:28 PM

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I've seen calcium-fortified orange juice, as well as Viactiv (I think that's what they call it) --which is like a tiny chocolate caramel that's calcium fortified...

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 5:04 PM

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I have never liked the taste of milk. My doctor suggested that I take calcium, & yes you do need vitamin D to absord it, but you can find several calcuim supplements that also have vitamin D. My doctor suggested Oscal or Viactiv. I tried Viactiv, but did not like the taste - reminded me of a tootsie roll, which I also have never liked the taste of. So I take Oscal.

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:01 PM

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Thanks for answering. What does oscal taste like?

Friday, January 6, 2006, 7:00 AM

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The Oscal I take is in a pill form & is fortified with vitamin D to help your bones absorb it. It's 500mg so you take 1 with breakfast & 1 with dinner. My only complaint is that it comes in tablets rather than capsules (I'm not good at swallowing pills), but they are pretty good overall.

Friday, January 6, 2006, 3:27 PM

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I have taken Revival Soy products in the past and highly recommend them. Some items are not necessarily "diet" items but taste good and give you great nutrients.

Friday, January 6, 2006, 4:57 PM

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