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Need to get rid of chocolate

My goal for the remainder of Jan is to avoid chocolate. I have 2.5 bags of milk chocolate chips in my pantry that were extra from the Christmas fudge I made. I don't like to throw out food, but I don't want to keep it either. I already made cookies out of the extra semisweet chips, and of course ate some of them first. What should I do with this chocolate? Should I throw it out?


Wed. Jan 4, 8:16pm

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toss it in the freezer!

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 8:23 PM

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Throw it out. I read an awesome article in Oprah's magazine that said the most sucessful dieters are able to throw out food. Yes, it is a waste if you throw it away, but it is an even bigger waste if you eat it -- a waste of all the time you put into your diet and exercise routine! Good luck

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 8:50 PM

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Buy some strawberries. Melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler and dip them in the chocolate and let it harden. Freeze the rest and you can have chocolate dipped strawberries or bananas whenever you want a dessert in the future.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 9:36 PM

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Throw it out! and, my advice is that if you think that eating chocolate is a big reason why you are not in the shape that you would like to be, consider making it a "Vice" and "Bust" it forever!

think that sounds like deprivation and it would ultimately lead to a binge? NOT so!

keep this in mind;
"Deprivation is NOT doing without a particular food item, rather eating it deprives us of realizing our weight loss & fitness goals and dreams!"

I know. Ice Cream was my #1 "Vice", I "busted" it 11+ years ago and have lost 130 lbs and have KEPT it off for 10+ years! Sure, there were other healthy changes made along my journey, but that ONE empowering step proved to be the start of something great!

and trust me, it hasn't caused a binge or for me to go too crazy in all these years!

Julia Havey

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 10:33 PM

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Throw it out....

Dump them out of the bag and into the trash and cover it with cooking oil or coffee grinds. Better yet - use the disposal.

I'm all about everything in moderation, but if you don't have much control, why upset yourself. Remove the temptation.

I have been know to buy a pint of frozen yogurt, eat one or two portions and then running hot water over it to make sure I can do no more damage.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 11:49 PM

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If you know anyone who you'd feel comfortable giving them to, then give them away. If not toss them in the garbage. If you manage to give them away then you've saved a friend a buck or two. If you toss them you might find it's an empowering feeling to be strong enough to throw out an old temptation. Either way you'll feel better. It's a win win situation!

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 1:36 AM

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Take it to work and give it away! This is often a great way to get rid of sweets!

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 6:50 AM

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Get rid of it now!

If you know that the chocolate is there you will eat it so save yourself from feeling guilty later.

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 9:14 AM

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Throw it OUT!

This as some thing I struggled to overcome too. Something held me back from throwing out food, always causing me to over eat. This is an important step for you in just being a healthy person! You are not the chocolate! Nothing horribly bad will happen if you throw out the chocolate. There will be no starving children in Africa who suffer because YOU didn't eat this chocolate (unless you are really going to send this to starving children in Africa and then if you really think the chocolate will make the trip, by all means mail away!).

Think to yourself "What are the cons of me throwing out this chocolate?" Well, you might feel wasteful. You might someday need it and have to buy more. (Insert more reasons here).

Now "Whare are the pros to me throwing out this chocolate?" Well you won't eat it. You deserve to be fit and healthy. It won't taunt you anymore. You will have one small victory over food! (Insert more reasons here).

Figure out what is hanging you up about throwing out food! It will really help you eat less in the long run. And throwing it out feels SO LIBERATING!

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 9:27 AM

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Don't throw it out

Just bake cookies or whatever with them and give them away to your relatives, friends, or workmates the next time you see them.

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 9:59 AM

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What interesting comments on this thread! It's amazing to hear the diversity of thoughts, especially since there are extreme opposites presented. Here's my 2 cents:

Is gaining 5 lbs worth saving $5 to you?

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:17 AM

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Baking cookies for others is a very nice thing to do IF you can do it without eating ANY of them. I won't say if you can only eat one, b/c one turns in to 2, which turns into 3, which turns into the reason that you didn't want the chocolate in your house in the first place!

If they're unopened, you can even donate them to a food drive, etc.

I've always heard that children who were taught to clean their plate, to not waste any food, are the most likely to grow up to be overweight, because they don't stop eating when they're full, they stop when the food is gone. The children who weren't taught that wasting is so bad, they're the skinny ones who can sit down with a whole bag of chips and still only eat like 5 of them, and be finished!

Otherwise, think of healthy ways that you're "allowed" to eat them. One of my new favorite breakfasts (got it from the oatmeal recipe post) is 1/3 cup dry rolled oats, cooked, w/ half a banana mashed in, and 5 chocolate chips stirred in/melted, sooo good! It really doesn't need more than 5 chocolate chips, and that doesn't add too many calories and it's a good chocolate fix.

Good luck!!

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 10:28 AM

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Throw them out! I just threw out a bag of chocolate a coworker gave me while I was out for the holidays. It was a generous gift, and I did it discreetly, but there was no way I was going to let it tempt me.

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 12:08 PM

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Original poster Goldenfan here, this is what I did last night. I put the two bags of unopened chocolate chips in the freezer, the very bottom back of the freezer out of eyesight. I'm less likely to snack on unopened bags, especially out of eyesight. I threw out the opened bag, not in the kitchen garbage, but in the outdoor garbage can that got picked up early this morning. If I find that the chocolate chips in the freezer are calling out to me, I will throw them out as well. You all can keep me accountable for this! I am not eating any more chocolate for the entire month.

I think for Valentines day I might use the chocolate for strawberry & banana chocolate fondue with my husband. Everything in moderation.

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 12:16 PM

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I also say throw it out, but with that being said, it's hard to eliminate a food completely from your diet. You're gonna think about it, you're gonna want it. That's just the way it is. Find a suitable alternative. Regular chocolate is bad but what about the 'new' stuff on the market these days?

I've found on the internet a chocolate truffle that is made of chocolate by a dietician. It has only 30 calories, that's right I said, 30 calories per truffle. It's very satisfying and I can pop about 3 of them and feel like I've really had some chocolate without all the guilt. I found it thru the website. I'll post the URL below. I've been buying it for about 3 months now and it's very good and puts those chocolate cravings to rest. I never really hype a product because I'm usually like, "Yeah right, how can it taste so good and not be bad for you?" I don't know, all I know is it's good and is low cal.


Thursday, January 5, 2006, 2:49 PM

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Chocolate is a habit, like all other habits. It takes 3 weeks to break a habit. If you can go 3 weeks w/o any chocolate, you've "broken" a chocolate "addiction." If you want to go a month without any, to show that you can, great! It'll be easier to add it back in in moderation than trying to only use it in moderation now.

90 empty calories on chocolate truffles is a lot to some people.

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 3:05 PM

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Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that 90 calories was not a lot. I was simply trying to state that instead of banning yourself from something for the rest of your life, there were ways to satisfiy a craving without feeling too guilty. I'm on WW and if I can have 1 point worth of something that satisfies me, then to me it's worth the cost of the one point. I personally couldn't banish a food from my life if there were a way I could get it with only a little compromise involved. Just trying to offer an alternative. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 3:20 PM

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Throw it out??! Surely the next-door neighbor would give all that chocolate a good home.

Or send it to me! It doesn't "call" me from the cabinet; it'll sit there until I need to bake something for a social function.


Thursday, January 5, 2006, 4:09 PM

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I donated my leftover chocolate

I had the EXACT SAME dilemma! Just last night, I took all my left over baking products and gave them to my mother, who runs a daycare, so she could use it all at work!! I've thrown stuff out before, Ive given it away...and of course, Ive also eaten it!! And I kick myself the most when I eat it, obviously, and I dont like to waste, but agree that it is just as big of a waste to eat t in order to get rid of it! It Just makes myself miserable! Not worth it!
All in all, just throw it out or give it away!

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 7:18 PM

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This thread puts me in a quandary.

I've always been a proponent of MUCH stricter gun control than we have in the US: I really don't think that people should have handguns. But a lot of people argue that the gun itself is not dangerous -- what is dangerous is the person who might (or might not) use the gun. I think that just having the gun is dangerous, for a lot of people.

On the other hand, having chocolate in the house is not something I've ever thought of as threatening, evil, or dangerous! Reading through all these posts, I've been thinking, "My goodness, CHOCOLATE isn't inherently bad or dangerous, it is these PEOPLE!"

hmmm. What is wrong with this picture? Maybe I should give the pro-gun stance another look.

How many people don't believe in the inherent "evil pressure in a bullet" (Bruce Sterling's expression) but DO believe in the inherent "evil pressure" in a bag of chocolate chips? Just curious.

Friday, January 6, 2006, 6:00 PM

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This thead is still going? Please, let it die here and now.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 6:21 AM

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