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Question about working out...

I know, lots of threads about this and I have read about changing routines around and what not but here is my question...

I do the treadmill for about 25 mins and then do aerobics for 25 mins...I have started to do about 20 mins on the treadmill and then do aerobics ( basic ones on my own) and then I do another 5 or so on the treadmill...will this change my calorie burning or the benefits I get from working out?

I am trying to shake up my routine a bit but am limited to the equipment/excersie listed above, any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Mon. Sep 17, 3:58pm

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Not sure if you're shaking things up because you're bored, or if you're on a plateau. Anyway...

As someone who has messed around with this a lot over the past 2 years, my experience is that the changes you describe are not enough to shake a plateau and won't burn more or less calories - you're doing the same activities in the same timeframe at the same intensity.

A relatively subtle change that won't change the # of calories you burn but can help with plateaus and boredom: increase the incline and reduce the speed on the treadmill one day, then increase the speed and reduce the incline the next. You'll burn about the same # of calories, but it keeps your muscles "surprised".

Monday, September 17, 2007, 4:25 PM

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OP here...

Thank you, no I am not really bored or at a plateau but relatively new to 'on going working out', I have been jogging about 6 mins ( not consecutive) and the problem is my treadmill only has one incline ( and I am using it)...

I think I may get some tapes to add moves for my aerobics....

Thank you about increasiing the tension and speed, I have been trying to go back and forth and different speeds...

Can anyone tell me what a 'typical' treadmill workout is?

I do about 25 mins and go 3.3-4.0 ( I warm up at 3.5, jog at 3.3 &3.5 and slowly increase my walk up to 4.0 ( don't stay there that long though)
but generally only burn 160 cals, today was over 200 and that is rare, I have no idea if this is good or not??

Thank you again!

Monday, September 17, 2007, 4:36 PM

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Do you have small hand weights? I see people in the gym and in the park doing their workout walks with them. I'd guess they're 1-2 lbs. Since you do this at home, just start out using canned food from the cabinet (standard can is 14.5oz plus the weight of the can, so about pretty darn close to 1 lb) or two 1/2-liter bottle of water - they're good sizes for your hands. And really swing your arms (bent 90 degrees - otherwise you'll like you're waving in an airplane).

Monday, September 17, 2007, 4:44 PM

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Oh thank you so much!!!! I really appreciate that advice!

I have started doing crunches and haven't really noticed a difference yet...does anyone know if crunches and or sit ups are better to work your abs? I have about 40 pounds left to goal, so I know when I get there that will help!

I do ww but do not use the activity points, not sure if this is hurting or helping for I do seem to be more hungry!

Thanks so much for the ideas.

Monday, September 17, 2007, 4:47 PM

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try looking for videos you can download off the net. I do taebo. I walk. I have a exercise ball. I lost alot of weight just walking and watching portions.

Monday, September 17, 2007, 5:55 PM

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Interval training is good too, to shake things up, and to improve your fitness and ability to run. When you're jogging, it should be an increased speed to the point where you cannot walk, and thus you jog, rather than just you are hopping a bit more than usual, at the same speed. So, if you can walk up to 4.0 mph, maybe at 4.5 mph you cannot walk, and are thus forced to jog. For me, it's somewhere between 4.5 and 5.0 mph where I cannot walk, and must jog. I jog at around 5.5 mph to 6mph, and walk at around 3.5mph to 4.0mph. So, a routine may be to walk for 5 minutes at 3.0 mph (warm-up), and then alternate 1 minute jogging at 5.5mph, 2 minutes walking at 3.5mph, 1 minute jog, 2 minutes walk, etc., up to about 20 minutes, and then another 5 minute cool-down walk. Then, as your fitness increases, go to either 2 minute run/2 minute walk, or 1 minute run/1 minute walk (either lengthening your run, or shortening your recovery), and then afterwards, go to 2 minute jog, 1 minute walk. And then, 3 minute jog, 1 minute walk. Then 4 minute jog, 1 minute walk, etc., until you become a runner!

Now, each of these transitions take awhile to make. For example, if you're working out 3x/week, you may make one of these transitions around every 2-3 weeks (so, for a whole 2-3 weeks, you're doing the run 1 minute, walk 2, repeat, and, then, for the following 2-3 weeks, you're doing run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes, repeat, etc.) But that will allow you to build up to more running time, and less walking time, which will burn more and more calories and get you into better and better shape.

There are a bunch of "couch to 5k" workouts you can search for online, that all use this concept. Do one of those, but if need be, spread out the time spent at each level before moving on. It's a great way to get into better shape using a treadmill!

Monday, September 17, 2007, 6:00 PM

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In Self magazine's September issue (you can read this online if you register - it's free), there's a Reach-your-Goal article entitled "Make over your body in 1 month", and one of the 4 plans you can choose from is called "Walk your way fit". The workouts are designed to be 25-35 minutes, so in the right range for you, and they explain how to do intervals.


Monday, September 17, 2007, 7:09 PM

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I would recommend mixing up longer workouts on alternate days. And add pushups, pushups are one of the best exercises you can do, women seem to always talk about when they get older their breasts start to sag. But if you work your pectoral muscles, the muscles underneath your breasts, it tends to prevent that. Also it works your arms and abs. It works your abs because you have to use them to keep your body parallel to the floor. Just increase the amount that you do every other week. You could do 10 pushups then do 10 minutes of treadmill, then 10 more pushups then 10 minutes of treadmill then 25 minutes of aerobics, then 10 more pushups then 10 more minutes of treadmill. Now that would be a great workout.

Monday, September 17, 2007, 9:18 PM

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Thank You!

OP here!

Thank you all so much, I am going to check on the 5k and jogging ( I do jog now but only at 3.4 and only in two min stretches and out of my 25 mins, I only do about 6-7 mins), thanks so much for all that time changing info, going to try that!

Thanks for the link, going to check that out as well...

Hmmm, never thought of push ups, I will try those too...

Thank you everyone for the wonderful advice, this is why I so love PT!

Thanks again!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 9:35 AM

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OP again!

Oh I have never tried taebo, I am going to check that out as well...

Yes, I generally work out 5 times a week at about 45-50 mins!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 9:36 AM

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