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Losing Weight Before/While Trying To Get PG!

Trying to get PG or plan on trying in the near future, but dread the weight that you'll put on? I know I do! Join me on the journey of losing bad weight before gaining good weight.


Tue. Jan 3, 8:19pm

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Important for you AND baby

Good for you!! As a labor and delivery RN I can tell you that your odds of an uncomplicated pregnancy are much improved if you are not obese. Many Doctors are now afraid of offending their overweight patients, but you have a much higher risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, difficult delivery, poorer healing, riskier c-sections, etc. This also puts baby at risk for increased heart defects, blood sugar problems, overly large (macrosomia) or small for size (intrauterine growth restriction) especially with hypertension. Plus the fact is, your obesity makes everything in the hospital much harder; harder to monitor, to start an IV, to get an epidural, to push effectively. So I challenge all potential moms to step up and try to get control. If you are already pregnant and struggling with weight, you can even diet successfully and limit weight gain with medically supervised plan. Good luck, I really applaud the fact that you are trying to take control. Believe me I know this is not easy, but try to visualize all the good you'll be doing for your future child!
PS Start taking folic acid if you are not already, it decreases risk of certain birth defects such as spina bifida, IF taken in the first few weeks of pregnancy and preconception. All the best! RN Deb

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 11:36 PM

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losing weight before TTC

Hi, I am interested in losing about 25-35 lbs before TTC baby #2! I have a 16 month old daughter and we are talking about expanding our family but I'd really like to work off this 1st baby weight and a little extra before expanding my body once again!
I was wondering if I could join?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 2:34 AM

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Just use the link in the first post!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 5:38 AM

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pre baby weight loss

hi all

I have been trying to conceive for 5 years. My doctor has told me that my best chace of motherhood is if i lose weight. so im trying to do that!
I could use some encouragement!

Thursday, January 12, 2006, 8:34 PM

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