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i need help

ok guys so ive been slackin off for a month or so probably if i didnt stop i would have been at my goal weight...but hey thats here i am again trying ....i need help im going to try the calorie howmuch cals does a female actually need to take in...?? and how much do i have to burn to lose a good amount of weight? i know this guy whos taking in 1500 cals but hes making sure he burns 500 cals a day and hes losing weight very quickly ...but for some reason guys lose weight faster then women? any comments ...would help ty

Sun. Sep 9, 9:37am

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You are doing a great thing by coming back.

I would just take an easy start and track what you are doing for a week or so with meals and exercise just to get in the habit again. Then take a good look at what you have written and see where you can make some easy improvements and go with that for a while. You can start to think about calories when you are fully back in the swing of logging and you have found some good groups again. Simply logging will wake you up to your patterns and will help you plan good changes. Getting too detail oriented at the get-go may burn you out.

Just remember you are doing a good thing...there are no are living the best you can during a given time. Best wishes.

Sunday, September 09, 2007, 1:43 PM

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I don't know how many calories to suggest I never got into the figuring out how many you burn compared to comsume. And everyone tells me I am too low. But I would suggest that you just start switching out your foods. Low fat or no fat. Remake the recipes that you enjoy. For me that has been one of the keys. To have the foods I enjoy just cooked differently and without fat.
Good luck.

Monday, September 10, 2007, 3:11 AM

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Be careful with the "no fat" thing that the above poster suggested. A lot of fat-free foods are loaded with sugar or sodium to preserve the taste taken away when the fat is taken away. Lowering sugar (without replacing it with artificial sweeteners) is a very important step to weight loss.

As far as calories go, 3500 calories is one pound, so if you have a deficit of 3500 calories every week from your regular diet you will lose a pound per week (example: say you eat 2200 calories a day when not on a diet, switching to 1700 calories would give you a 500 calorie a day deficit and therefore 3500 calories a week would be gone).

Hope that helps, as confusing as it may have sounded.

Monday, September 10, 2007, 9:02 AM

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