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If I walk 10 minutes twice a day can I add them for my "30 minutes total"
meaning, I want to make sure to get in 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Can you break it up or does it all have to be at the same time? TIA.
Mon. Jan 2, 3:37pm
You can definitey break it up. However to count it as 30 minutes, you would have to schedule 3 10-minute walks (not 2).
Monday, January 2, 2006, 3:39 PM
10 min. twoce a day
The only concern I want to point out is from almost everything I have read on weight loss. Experts recomend having your heart rate up for a straight 30 min. 10 min 3 X's a day is better than nothing, but if you want it to be effective, I would say read a little but moere about heart rate and weight loss. I don't want to post incorrect information so that is why I say research it yourself. But until you can get 30 min. straight into your secedule keep the 10 min. @ a time as often as possbile.
Monday, January 2, 2006, 5:20 PM
Once upon a time when I did Weight Watchers (maybe 4 years ago?), we were actually told that dividing your 30 minutes of walking into smaller segments was good for revving up your metabolism periodically throughout the day. I don't know where their info comes from, but leaders at 3 different locations said the same thing.
Monday, January 2, 2006, 6:28 PM
I say that if u only have themotivation to walk for ten mins at a time, rather than finding a 30 min walk too overwhelming, and likely not doin it, then have at er! I try to do the same thing. it's definitely better than no walk at all! Keep it up!
Monday, January 2, 2006, 10:49 PM
I agree with it being better than nothing, but not being that effective. Body takes atleast 5 mins to warm up and get the heart rate going. And before you know it your times up.
But on busy days definitely better than nothing.
Monday, January 2, 2006, 11:05 PM
For many people this is theyway to get started because many of us can not sustain 30 minutes at a time for various reasons. This is something to build from. So those of you with better fitness, remember this for the less fit. Once I started swimming with just 6 pool laps, and within a year I could swim a mile, but I had to start small.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006, 7:22 AM
In the past, it's been a standard to exercise "all at once," but lately, I've been seeing tons of studies that say that breaking it up into chunks is just as effective as doing it all at once. 10 minutes of walking will burn the same amount of calories whenever you do it. If you don't get your heart rate up as much, then you won't continue burning after you stop exercising, but for many people, walking won't get your heart rate up anyway.
If you walk for 10 minutes at a time, try speed-walking for part of it, maybe a minute fast and then 2 slow, repeated, or more fast/less slow, after you get used to it, to raise your heart rate, and thus, your metabolism.
Good luck!
Tuesday, January 3, 2006, 10:36 AM
To posters who say working out for 30 minutes straight is better than 3 10-minute increments, could you explain what the added benefit is of the straight 30 minutes? I'm curious about why 30 min. straight is better for weight loss than a segmented workout. You should be burning the same calories regarless.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006, 7:01 PM
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