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Has anyone seen this info-mercial for the Nu-zymes supplement? Have you tried it or know someone who has tried it? What was their result?

My daughter takes digestive enzymes for her food allergies and has had amazing results.

Thanks! Have a great day!

Thu. Sep 6, 9:06am

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bump--i'm curious too. or other digestive enzymes.

Friday, September 7, 2007, 10:44 AM

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bump--i'm curious too. or other digestive enzymes.

Friday, September 7, 2007, 10:44 AM

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bump--i'm curious too. or other digestive enzymes.

Friday, September 7, 2007, 10:44 AM

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Here's a bit of info...

I was also curious and honestly just about ready to order. I have to stop watching late night TV ;)

I found a few sites with bits of information but I really liked this one because it addressed many of the individual claims instead of a blanket statement.


Sunday, December 2, 2007, 7:41 PM

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Here's a bit of info...

I was also curious and honestly just about ready to order. I have to stop watching late night TV ;)

I found a few sites with bits of information but I really liked this one because it addressed many of the individual claims instead of a blanket statement.


Sunday, December 2, 2007, 7:41 PM

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Here's a bit of info...

I was also curious and honestly just about ready to order. I have to stop watching late night TV ;)

I found a few sites with bits of information but I really liked this one because it addressed many of the individual claims instead of a blanket statement.


Sunday, December 2, 2007, 7:41 PM

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Enzyme supplements like these are useful in things like cystic fibrosis (see link below) . Traditionally the enzymes used have been porcine (pig) enzymes, from pig pancreas. NuZymes is non-animal. There have been over-the-counter versions of the pig enzymes available for years but the FDA wants them to be more regulated. I don't know what the cellulase would do but the other ingredients should not hurt you. If they make you feel better, what's the harm? One of the enzymes, amylase, has been used extensively in the food industry for decades. Amylase comes from many different sources; there is amylase in human saliva. Most people probably would not need more amylase.


Thursday, February 7, 2008, 1:26 PM

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Enzyme supplements like these are useful in things like cystic fibrosis (see link below) . Traditionally the enzymes used have been porcine (pig) enzymes, from pig pancreas. NuZymes is non-animal. There have been over-the-counter versions of the pig enzymes available for years but the FDA wants them to be more regulated. I don't know what the cellulase would do but the other ingredients should not hurt you. If they make you feel better, what's the harm? One of the enzymes, amylase, has been used extensively in the food industry for decades. Amylase comes from many different sources; there is amylase in human saliva. Most people probably would not need more amylase.


Thursday, February 7, 2008, 1:26 PM

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Enzyme supplements like these are useful in things like cystic fibrosis (see link below) . Traditionally the enzymes used have been porcine (pig) enzymes, from pig pancreas. NuZymes is non-animal. There have been over-the-counter versions of the pig enzymes available for years but the FDA wants them to be more regulated. I don't know what the cellulase would do but the other ingredients should not hurt you. If they make you feel better, what's the harm? One of the enzymes, amylase, has been used extensively in the food industry for decades. Amylase comes from many different sources; there is amylase in human saliva. Most people probably would not need more amylase.


Thursday, February 7, 2008, 1:26 PM

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I saw the TV infomercial on this product. I did try one bottle and really liked it.
The doesn't seem to take into account that many of us lose enzymes whenwe take anitbiotics (that's why we get yeast infections right after treating an ear infection, etc). When I took the NuZymes while using an antibiotic and continued using it after my antibiotic was finished, I had no other infections. I also liked it because it cut out much of the gas that I usually experience, as well as helped balance my stools (so I wasn't having loose stools one day and constipation the next). I have had this problem since I was a kid.
I would agree that some of the comments made on the do make sense, such as the fact that the enzymes are in our bodies not in the foods we consume. For myself, I would not use this product to lose weight.

Friday, May 1, 2009, 11:43 PM

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I saw the TV infomercial on this product. I did try one bottle and really liked it.
The doesn't seem to take into account that many of us lose enzymes whenwe take anitbiotics (that's why we get yeast infections right after treating an ear infection, etc). When I took the NuZymes while using an antibiotic and continued using it after my antibiotic was finished, I had no other infections. I also liked it because it cut out much of the gas that I usually experience, as well as helped balance my stools (so I wasn't having loose stools one day and constipation the next). I have had this problem since I was a kid.
I would agree that some of the comments made on the do make sense, such as the fact that the enzymes are in our bodies not in the foods we consume. For myself, I would not use this product to lose weight.

Friday, May 1, 2009, 11:43 PM

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I saw the TV infomercial on this product. I did try one bottle and really liked it.
The doesn't seem to take into account that many of us lose enzymes whenwe take anitbiotics (that's why we get yeast infections right after treating an ear infection, etc). When I took the NuZymes while using an antibiotic and continued using it after my antibiotic was finished, I had no other infections. I also liked it because it cut out much of the gas that I usually experience, as well as helped balance my stools (so I wasn't having loose stools one day and constipation the next). I have had this problem since I was a kid.
I would agree that some of the comments made on the do make sense, such as the fact that the enzymes are in our bodies not in the foods we consume. For myself, I would not use this product to lose weight.

Friday, May 1, 2009, 11:43 PM

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who are curious. I was a skeptic at the beginning but was aware that my papaya enzymes that I had purchased were not doing the job. The Nu-Zymes worked. I was surprised and pleased. No more rude burping, bloating or gas. I would say purchase one bottle if you are not sure. Decide for yourself. I purchase at the Dr. Newton site because I receive a better deal. Feel free to shop around. I hope this helps. Also, I have read that quack site and shook my head. I hope people make up their own minds instead of what someone else says. The product works for me and my husband. Buy a bottle and try it. If it doesn't work for you then you will know through your own experience.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 6:11 PM

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who are curious. I was a skeptic at the beginning but was aware that my papaya enzymes that I had purchased were not doing the job. The Nu-Zymes worked. I was surprised and pleased. No more rude burping, bloating or gas. I would say purchase one bottle if you are not sure. Decide for yourself. I purchase at the Dr. Newton site because I receive a better deal. Feel free to shop around. I hope this helps. Also, I have read that quack site and shook my head. I hope people make up their own minds instead of what someone else says. The product works for me and my husband. Buy a bottle and try it. If it doesn't work for you then you will know through your own experience.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 6:11 PM

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who are curious. I was a skeptic at the beginning but was aware that my papaya enzymes that I had purchased were not doing the job. The Nu-Zymes worked. I was surprised and pleased. No more rude burping, bloating or gas. I would say purchase one bottle if you are not sure. Decide for yourself. I purchase at the Dr. Newton site because I receive a better deal. Feel free to shop around. I hope this helps. Also, I have read that quack site and shook my head. I hope people make up their own minds instead of what someone else says. The product works for me and my husband. Buy a bottle and try it. If it doesn't work for you then you will know through your own experience.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 6:11 PM

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Nuzymes definitely reduce acid reflux

My wife has no gall bladder, and has suffered from pancreatitis. Without Nuzymes the reflux is terrible, with them, perfect sleep at night. The naysayer quacks just do not know what they are talking about. She does not take protonics or other such meds when Nuzymes are available.


Thursday, August 13, 2009, 1:08 PM

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Nuzymes definitely reduce acid reflux

My wife has no gall bladder, and has suffered from pancreatitis. Without Nuzymes the reflux is terrible, with them, perfect sleep at night. The naysayer quacks just do not know what they are talking about. She does not take protonics or other such meds when Nuzymes are available.


Thursday, August 13, 2009, 1:08 PM

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Nuzymes definitely reduce acid reflux

My wife has no gall bladder, and has suffered from pancreatitis. Without Nuzymes the reflux is terrible, with them, perfect sleep at night. The naysayer quacks just do not know what they are talking about. She does not take protonics or other such meds when Nuzymes are available.


Thursday, August 13, 2009, 1:08 PM

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