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New here / Master Cleanse

Hi everyone,

I'm spanking new here and joined because I like the idea of peer support. Consider me lazy and of low will-power. I'm upper 30's, WAHM, smoker, D/D free (aside from nicotine), peri-menopausal, meat-eater, chocolate lover, late-night snacker and looking to lose up to 15 pounds. 15 may not seem like much but it would mean a lot to me.

Not sure of what group to join/start yet, but I will be looking around more.

Has anyone tried the Master Cleanse? I've made it through about 3 days before and would like to try again... it's just hard to cook great food for others and watch them eat while chugging lemon water.

Sun. Jan 1, 3:31pm

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intestinal flushing

read the post on intestinal cleaning, or shankaprakshalana (dozens of sites if you google. esp good one is the yoga institute in scandinavia. type scandinavia +bindu). You can find some of the posts in the thread under 'water'.

Monday, January 2, 2006, 10:05 AM

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I did a 10 day master cleanse, and after the third day I felt like I'd be ok to never eat again. ;) I will say though there were some truely horrific things that came out of me. It made me feel great but after reading more about it I realized I should have done a liver cleanse first and I'm just not willing to drink castor oil. There's a great forum for the cleanse and there are really experienced people on there all the time. Don't look at the pictures unless you have a really stong stomach.



Monday, January 2, 2006, 2:12 PM

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Oops, that link takes you to an archived forum. Here's the active one.


Monday, January 2, 2006, 2:14 PM

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wow, what an interesting link.... Makes you feel kind of scared to do such a cleansing though!

Monday, January 2, 2006, 2:20 PM

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It can be kind of an intense process. The first time I attempted a 3 day I was a smoker and a sugar & caffiene addict. I got the most incredibly searing headache and gave up after 1.5 days. The 10 day was so much easier. I gave up sugar, meat, alcohol, dairy & wheat 2 weeks before starting & I had quit smoking several months earlier. The only discomfort I experienced was hunger but it was more of a thought than a feeling, "I want to eat" rather than real hunger and that was gone on the third day. Drinking the salt water is wierd but it's worth it.

Now I'm thinking about doing another one in the spring. OP, keep us posted if you decide to do it & we'll support you. :)

Monday, January 2, 2006, 2:35 PM

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Thanks for the replies. I may try again. I had the same feelings with the hunger. I really didn't need to eat, but I was so used to oblivious snacking. The salt water wasn't much fun either, but decently tolerable. It's amazing what the body can deal with!

Anyway, I'll be searching for just the right peer group to join and looking forward to shedding a few lbs!

Tuesday, January 3, 2006, 11:02 PM

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We just published a new article by a leading nutritionist on why the Master Cleanser is not the best approach for cleansing and detox:"


Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 10:45 AM

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