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has anyone tried this system. Does it work?

Fri. Dec 30, 3:34pm

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sounds like an ad too. Please do not try to sell to us here. If this is legit, I apologize.

Friday, December 30, 2005, 4:26 PM

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I was just wondering if anyone used the system. NOTHING MORE!

Why does this sound like an ad?

Friday, December 30, 2005, 4:48 PM

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I'm sure it can work, I just don't think these plans are very successful in the long run because you are dependent on a system. But if it works for you, great! Go for it!

Friday, December 30, 2005, 7:26 PM

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I tried Nutrisystem years ago when they had a office you would go to to weigh in and buy their food. It was really expensive. The cost of the food then was 60 dollars a week plus you have to buy your milk, veggies, fruit, bread etc. I did lose 40 pounds but once I went off eating their food I gain more than 40 back. To be honest it's a waist of money any program that makes you buy their food is not worth it. Save your money! Stick with peertrainer and the great people here who would gladly help you.

Sunday, January 8, 2006, 3:38 PM

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My thoughts about nutrisystem:

I've looked at their site and if you add up the calories you get with their meals you only get on average about 700 calories a day - everything that I've read says it's not safe to drop below 1200 calories/day without medical supervision.

If I was to go on nutrisystem I'd have to add ~500 calories a day - it would probably not be that hard with 2 8oz glasses of skim milk (160 cals.) and 3 or 4 more servings of fruit and/or veggies. At the end I'd have to look at the cost per week + the cost of getting the added items from the grocery store and see if it was worth it to me.

Sunday, January 8, 2006, 4:43 PM

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