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You can't eat it if it's not there!
Some of the best advice I've gotten was from my doctor when I first started this journey to a healthy new me. He said to purge my house of any food that would not be "good" for me, especially those foods that I tended to eat when bored or frustrated or needing comfort.
I can't tell you how many times I've be thankful for that advice! When I'm on the hunt in the evenings, prowling for something to snack on while watching TV, I go through the cabinets and fridge and only find healthy foods. Oh, I can still overeat on the good stuff but I tend not to. Mainly because the food I have around is high in fiber and water and therefore very filling with few calories. I always have a huge bowl of fruit on my counter and try to have sf, ff jello or pudding in the fridge. When I feel the need to crunch I have a couple pretzel rods with fruit or some light tortilla chips with LOADS of salsa. (The fruit and vegs help lower out the calorie-density of the snack.)
The holidays are almost over. Is it time to clean out your kitchen?
Hope this helps...... -Trish (25 lbs down since mid Nov)
Fri. Dec 30, 2:08pm
I did the exact same thing last May and it definitely works. I don't cave at the grocery store either. If you can make it through the grocery store and get home without buying junk, you will do great and be so proud of yourself. It really is all about control. Put yourself in charge. Take care of yourself and your body. You're the only one you've got!
Friday, December 30, 2005, 2:40 PM
I am going to get rid of that old christmas candy!
Friday, December 30, 2005, 3:23 PM
Yep - I had to throw away an entire platter of cookies that I received, but within days I was sooo glad I had, cause the urge hit and if they'd been there I would have eaten more than I'd care to admit. I'm doing so well, it's just not worth having it there to tempt me.
I always go to the store after I eat - cause if I go hungry it will be ugly. I can control myself if I am not hungry, but if I am it's not a good thing.
Friday, December 30, 2005, 6:04 PM
Well, this only works to some extent for me. As long as the stores are open 24 hours and I have a car that works there's no stopping me if I have a completely out of control craving. What does for for me is rather than caving in and buying a big box of cookies or something like that, I buy a small piece of better chocolate, and then my craving is satisfied but I'm in no danger of eating the whole box of cookies or whatever else I might have bought.
Friday, December 30, 2005, 7:25 PM
i try not to stock any of the junk food these days. So, I can't lay my hands on them even if I want to, which was the problem six months ago. I also make sure I eat at the table and not in front of the TV.
In the past, I have also put the cash equivalent into a jar and have watched in horror as the wads of money grew (and so did my waist!). Another thing I tried is to stick posters of good looking people on the cabinets so that every time I open them, I get reminded. This particularly was good when I put up a couple of pictures in the bathroom so that I see them first thing in the morning and that kinda motivates me. Once in a while, I also deliberately go to the doctor's office and look around the waiting room. One look at all those people waddling around with aches and pains immediately sends me exercising--well for a week at least!
Saturday, December 31, 2005, 1:54 AM
From OP...
We had guests over last night to play games after we all went out to dinner. We played for several hours so I wanted to serve a snack. I couldn't find anything "bad" to serve them! I ended up boiling up a bag of edamame which many hadn't tried before and everyone loved, and thawing some shrimp with cocktail sauce. They also had a bowl of fruit to pick from if they wanted. It was GREAT to offer them good food to snack on and they all seemed to appreciate it - every bit was scarffed-up. So, the excuse of having high-fat, high-cal food in the house just in case guests show up.....well, that one's blown out of the water for me now.
:-) Trish
Saturday, December 31, 2005, 12:18 PM
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