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Digby, my progress so far!
I started a "Project New Year's" eating plan on December 12th and I've lost 7.5 lbs. so far. My current weight is 186. :)
Since I've done OK so far and it feels very comfortable, I will continue doing this beyond the 29th of this month (the original last day).
My goal is to be at 133-ish by May or June. The lowest weight I've been is 142. But I couldn't pull off a bikini as well as I would have liked. :)
I will keep you posted, and thanks for all the great tips and encouragement!
Tue. Dec 27, 1:32pm
Sophie77's Progress So Far
Great progress! I'm glad for you. I'm flattered that you consider me to have in some way contributed to your success.
I'd be delighted to get more progress reports from you. It would mean that whatever you are doing is working for you!
Good luck with your program. I'll look forward to the report describing how terrific you feel in a bikini next summer.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 2:09 PM
Well, I know you have many fans, but...
you asked me to keep you posted so I did as promised. Another "Sophie" appeared, so I updated my name to Sophie77.
And don't be modest! You've been great with posting your eating plan and offering great comments and encouragement on other threads.
Maybe I'll be brave enough to post a photo of me in the bikini in the summer.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 2:17 PM
How did Soybeans Turn Out for You?
Am glad you remembered to update me. Thanks for taking the time to do so.
I recall that you asked about cooking soybeans in a thread as "Sophie", and I gave you cooking directions.
Did you incorporate soybeans into your current mealplan, by the way? If so, then how are they working out for you? They can be a bit difficult to get used to.
Just for info, I am cooking a pot of soybeans today. I depend on them as an important part of my own mealplan.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 4:44 PM
I haven't tried the soybeans yet, but I will let you know when I screw up the courage. :) I kept the recipe!
I'm actually trying to incorporate more veggies into my plan now. I even had cauliflower last week. Now the trick is to do it again!
Sorry for the confusion on the name. I just thought it'd be good to keep the Sophie's straight. lol
How do you eat the soybeans? Do you mix them into anything at all?
Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 9:30 AM
Can you post the recipe again? I tried searching for it with no luck.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 9:33 AM
Sorry I didn't realize i stole your name... oops! I'm going to start our Sophie's group, Sophie77 and you better join! heh
Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 9:39 AM
Digby's recipes for cooking pinto beans & soybeans
The link below will take you to a thread which contains instructions I posted for cooking pinto beans.
Soybeans are harder to digest than pinto beans and just about every other kind of bean, so they are a bit more difficult to cook. This URL:
will take you to a thread that contains additional info for cooking soybeans.
To answer Sophie77's question about eating soybeans, I use a half cup of cooked soybeans in my breakfast oatmeal mixture. The soybeans make it a high protein meal, and also add some fat.
When I have soybeans as the protein in a vegetarian lunch or supper, I generally will have them with a cup on nonfat yogurt, along with raw veggies such as Romaine lettuce or celery if I still feel hungry.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 2:31 PM
OK, thanks. I make black beans in a very similar manner. I just prefer them and to be quite honest, they don't give me a problem with gas like pinto beans. Interesting info. I don't know if I could eat that much beans and raw vegetables. My husband would leave me! LOL
Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 3:40 PM
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