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Why Do We Do This?

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Why do I try to lose weight? Why do I care? It's been a particularly difficult day for me (okay- difficult month) and I need to remind myself why I want this so bad.

And I think it's because I love the way I feel when I'm at my goal weight. I've been there before, and I felt proud. And sexy. And confident. I was in control. I was focused. My body could do things it couldn't do jog for 30 minutes without stopping or recognize the difference between hunger and cravings. I loved shopping for new clothes and discovering that I could wear the "small" sizes. I loved the way my dh showed me off, even if he did it unconsciously. I loved the attention. People would say "hi skinny" and "wow- you look great!" And I knew it, inside and out. I glowed.

Sure- I have to admit that I like to stuff my face full of food. I love the sensation and taste of cookies, cakes, pies, candies, chips, chocolate, etc while I'm shoveling it as fast I can. But the pleasure moment is all too brief. The happiness only lasts as long as the food is in my mouth. And then comes the shame, the guilt, the pain (both emotionally and in my stomach!), the realization that I've just taken a step back, yet again.

Why do I do this? I guess it's because I'm happiest when I'm healthy. And I deserve to be happy. So do you.

Tue. Dec 27, 11:35am

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There was another thread on this a while earlier I have chosen to watch this thread as it helps me immensely.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 11:05 PM

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There was another thread on this a while earlier I have chosen to watch this thread as it helps me immensely.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 11:05 PM

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There was another thread on this a while earlier I have chosen to watch this thread as it helps me immensely.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 11:05 PM

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