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raw food and even no food at all
Is there anyone who lives only on raw food? I see hundreds of sites touting raw food, but can't find a group as a way of trying it out. I also read a recent story about a guy who does not eat at all after practising soorya yoga ( (basically staring at the rising/setting sun, starting with five seconds and going on to one hour at the end of one year's training).
Mon. Dec 26, 10:17am
There are people who eat only raw foods. Recently I was reading an article in Harvard magazine by a medical anthropologist who said he found that these people were the most malnourished he had ever seen (not counting those who are starving from privation, obviously). His hypothesis is that people have evolved towards requiring some cooked foods.
Monday, December 26, 2005, 12:55 PM
I there. I read an article in Yoga Journal written by someone who did the raw food thing just so he could write the article about what it's like. He had to prepare all of his food ahead of time. His conclusion was that it is nice to eat raw sometimes, for some meals, but it wasn't for him as a full-time diet. And it for sure does not give you the daily allowance of B vitamins, among others, so you have to take a supplement.
I'd suggest you take some time and read a few articles written by raw foodist and by those who are not. Weigh your options (no pun intended).
Monday, December 26, 2005, 3:59 PM
Ha ha, that should say "hi there"
Monday, December 26, 2005, 4:00 PM
I once went to lunch with a holistic health practitioner (he administers massages and colonics), and he said that you should always start a meal with raw food, like a salad, because it jumpstarts your digestive enzymes and makes your whole eating experience healthier for your system. I have no idea where he gets his info and he doesn't practice raw food as a way of life - only in this one context.
Monday, December 26, 2005, 9:12 PM
I certainly don't advocate a raw food only diet, but there is an advantage to eating a lot of raw food. Raw food is unprocessed. And eating natural, and unprocesses food, instead of the garbage that is in most stores, is infinitely better for your health.
When you eat more raw food, you eat more veggies and fruit, and few people eat enough veggies as is. Eating more veggies instead of starches or chemically laced processed food, helps wieghtloss and over all health.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 11:52 PM
Raw vegetables are fantastic and rich with vitamins.
Thursday, December 29, 2005, 10:11 AM
you have to stare at the rising sun
the sun gazing business involves looking at the rising/setting sun (sort of when it is orange and we all love to see). You look at it for five seconds on the first day, 10 seconds on the second day, 15 on the third day and gradually increase the tolerance. And it NEVER involves looking at dazzling sun.
Thursday, December 29, 2005, 11:07 AM
I would consult an ompthalmologist. Don't fry your retinas, they can't be replaced!
Thursday, December 29, 2005, 3:07 PM
i eat all raw
i have been eating this way for a while, all organic of course. It has woked wonderfully for me because i love to work out a lot and it has given me at least double the energy of what i have had. Eating raw is a great way to go and it has many benefits. i am certainly not malnourished how could i be when i eat in the raw, cooking your food kills a lot of the nutrition it has to offer. There are many substitutes for everything you love like pasta or sandwiches, but healthier because it does not take much energy from you to digest these foods or rebuild the nutrition that was destroyed by cooking it.
Saturday, January 28, 2006, 10:35 PM
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