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losing weight- how to get started?

I know all the stuff about eating and exercise, but as they say easier said than done. How did you all actually get going?

Mon. Aug 20, 3:48pm

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Why are so many people so dang nasty on these threads?

OP -
I got started by getting prepared. I bought a notebook so I could write down everything I ate and keep track of my calories (my personal preference - random calories for me add up fast!)

I reread books that were motivating to me. In some it was merely a phrase that got me going (i.e., 'If you're carrying more weight than you desire, then you're overeating to maintain that weight" ouch - that did it for me.)

I wrote down specific, objective goals and my reasons for wanting to lose weight. I kept those in front of my notebook (which I took with me everywhere!) to remind me that every choice either put me closer or farther away from my goals.

I cleared my house of all temptations and stocked my kitchen with foods that weren't going to sabotage my efforts.

Most importantly, I made the decision to lose weight. I wasn't going to 'try' and lose weight - I was GOING to lose weight. Ultimately that made it much easier - took the struggle out of trying to decide whether to eat that donut or skip exercise - the choice was 'NO.'


Monday, August 20, 2007, 4:00 PM

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The 'nasty' thread was deleted...

Monday, August 20, 2007, 4:01 PM

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OP - Make a plan for eating and exersize. It does not have to be rigid. Just things like: I will exersize at least 4 times a week and I will eat lots of veggies and fruit, cut down on sweets, and drink lots of water.

Once you have formed your little plan in your head, try to start. Accept that some days you may not make it, you may slip up. Just get right back on it.

Then think of rewards. Sometimes I buy myself a no-fat latte as a reward, because I love them. Or a glass of wine.

After you try to do this for a few months, it will become habit!

But don't be hard on yourself, believe in yourself! You are human, just like all of us.

This takes work, there is no instant remedy.

Good luck!

Monday, August 20, 2007, 4:15 PM

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how to get started losing weight fast

1) start logging everything
2) eat a ton more fruits and veggies
3) be very active in your groups
4) exercise 3 times a week or more.

Sunday, October 28, 2007, 4:01 PM

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Well, this may not be a 'proper' answer, but I got started with Slim Fast. It was really quite easy to follow. After 6 weeks I had made some pretty good progress and I was really motivated to keep going. I followed all their guidelines to the letter: shake for breakfast, midmorning fruit snack, shake for lunch plus low cal snack, veggies mid afternoon (I went with soup often), and a healthy dinner which was often a chicken breast, steamed broccoli, salad (LF dressing) and 1 serving rice and then an after-dinner snack of hot chocolate (skim milk, dark chocolate, SF irish cream syrup for sweetening). What shocked me was that I was eating all the time.

I measured all my food to make sure I was following the plan right. Well, it didn't take long to figure out that calorically I could replace the shakes with whatever I wanted (that was the same calories) and I'd have my healthy eating plan. So at 6 weeks (I had lost ~12 pounds), that's what I did. I am 5'9", started off at 175 and am now 145 and have maintained for 2 years now.

I started logging here not necessarily because I needed to lose weight, but because now I want to make sure I am eating the right foods and exercising. I am more into my nutrition than ever before and having a coomunity of folks to chat with about it is nice.

Whatever approach you take, it's good to have a plan for what you are going to eat for the first week. I also highly recommend wieghing and measuring your food so you truly know what a portion is. And of course logging your food is a great way to stay on track and see what your emotional 'triggers' are if you have any. Best wishes!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007, 10:23 PM

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Sometimes it doesn't take much to start making a difference and changing a lot of things at once can often be daunting. I started gradually, first concentrating on exercising regularly. Once I was fairly consistent at that, I started working on my diet, first trying to put in more fruits and vegetables and listening to my body when it says its full. I've constinued to build gradually from there. It's still a work in progress, but I've lost 30lbs over the past 6 months and I don't feel like I'm necessarily on a diet. Most importantly, I'm building healthy habits that I can stick with.

Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:55 AM

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I would start off by making a goal for each week or two and build upon that. A new goal every week. Examples: This week I will go to the gym at least 3 times, this week I will eat a good breakfast every day...and so on. No punishments, just rewards. Just remember you can't be perfect. This is a life change for a healthy you...just keep chugging along. It will happen!

Monday, October 29, 2007, 11:40 PM

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I think one of the biggest positive changes a person can make is to use more veggies. I use them in everything I make. I use meat as a condiment. Like before if fI were making tacos I would have used more meat and a little onion now I use carrots and onions and cabbage and a little ground meat and so calorie wise it adds up very slowly. Compared to all the meat.

Also I exchanged full fat foods for fat free or low fat. Actually the only low fat item I use is low fat mayo. Fat free taste awful.
But everything else I use no fat.

And like someone else said get rid of unhealthy foods. If the temptation isn't there you can't eat it.
Find something to snack on that is healthy and satisfying.
Fruit does it for me now.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 4:50 PM

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