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Elliptical Trainer

I am getting bored with my treadmill at home and always liked the Elliptical Trainer at the local gym. Any suggestions on the best one to buy and where? I am on a budget and thought of going to Sports Authority. Also, can I expect to get a better workout (translation loose more weight!) from the Elliptical rather than the treadmill?

Thu. Dec 22, 9:59pm

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If you're on a budget, try Play-It-Again-Sports, and get one used. I've seen ellipticals there that look like they were used twice as ellipticals, and then for a year or two as a laundry rack - i.e. perfect condition!

Friday, December 23, 2005, 10:18 AM

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I'm not 100% positive, but if you're walking on the treadmill, I'd expect you can get a better workout in the same time on the elliptical, b/c you're moving more, and maybe faster. If you're running on the treadmill, though, nothing's going to beat that, in terms of cardio machines... Sorry!

Friday, December 23, 2005, 10:19 AM

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Friday, December 23, 2005, 10:37 AM

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Comparison of Treadmill & Elliptical Trainer

The link will take you to the thread of a question similar to yours. A NY Times comparison of the effectiveness of gym equipment, to include the elliptical trainer and the treadmill, is included among the comments.

Hope this helps.



Saturday, December 24, 2005, 3:03 PM

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I got a great on off craigslist...It is quiet and I have been very happy with using it!

Saturday, December 24, 2005, 9:19 PM

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Personally I'd prefer to wait until I can afford a really good elliptical machine rather than buy a cheap one. The difference on your body is very noticable. If it's not comfortable, you won't use it, and that is a waste of money.
I used a newer Lifecyle eliptical machine at a hotel gym recently that was far better than the one I use at my regular gym (a Rebok eliptical.) The Rebok is still much more expensive than one they market for home use.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 2:03 PM

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treadmill vs eliptical

Do what you like.... If you're bored you'll never keep it up. My suggestion would be to wait until you can afford a good solid machine. It'll work better, smoother and last longer. The less expensive machines breakdown easily and are noisy.
Good luck with whatever you choose.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 2:43 PM

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I highly suggest this workout equipment.... by switching back and forth between weights and my elliptical trainer I have lost 30 pounds!!!!!


Monday, November 22, 2010, 10:02 AM

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I have an elliptical trainer standing at home and I never use it. I am the opposite actually. I wanted to get a treadmill. Haha. I would recommend always going to the gym. It’s easier to stay motivated there and change the machines around, etc. At home you will get bored with whatever you have. Unless you are very disciplined, I wouldn’t recommend you spending your money on one. Mine was around $100 btw, it was on sale a couple of years ago.

Thursday, November 25, 2010, 9:13 AM

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