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Soy - Good or Bad?
So now soy is bad for you, according to a new book "The Whole Soy Story" by Kaayla Daniels. According to the book, soy is one of the top 10 allergens, has estrogen-like properties that can increase risk of breast cancer, cause hypothyroidism and can actually promote obesity.
The suggestion is that the soy industry has been promoting soy as a healthy food option when in fact it is one of the worst beans for human consumption.
Who knows what to believe any more, but this book was pretty compelling.
Wed. Aug 15, 5:26pm
I've read articles on this subject, many of them. Yes, it has pretty much been determined that soy has estrogen in it. Also, if you drink soy milk, all the stuff they put in it to make it taste good is NOT good for you. (sugar, sweeteners, thickeners, artificial color). I wouldnt touch it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 6:28 PM
I've read articles on this subject, many of them. Yes, it has pretty much been determined that soy has estrogen in it. Also, if you drink soy milk, all the stuff they put in it to make it taste good is NOT good for you. (sugar, sweeteners, thickeners, artificial color). I wouldnt touch it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 6:28 PM
I've read articles on this subject, many of them. Yes, it has pretty much been determined that soy has estrogen in it. Also, if you drink soy milk, all the stuff they put in it to make it taste good is NOT good for you. (sugar, sweeteners, thickeners, artificial color). I wouldnt touch it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 6:28 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be bad for you. This always happens.
One study will say a food is beneficial because of the research they've done on people in some remote country where the natives have been eating it for thousands of years. Then the next time you are in the supermarket, that ingredient is in everything from milk to makeup. We all buy into the hype and then BAM! This just in.....the ingredient is useless. I'm so sick of it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 8:24 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be bad for you. This always happens.
One study will say a food is beneficial because of the research they've done on people in some remote country where the natives have been eating it for thousands of years. Then the next time you are in the supermarket, that ingredient is in everything from milk to makeup. We all buy into the hype and then BAM! This just in.....the ingredient is useless. I'm so sick of it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 8:24 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be bad for you. This always happens.
One study will say a food is beneficial because of the research they've done on people in some remote country where the natives have been eating it for thousands of years. Then the next time you are in the supermarket, that ingredient is in everything from milk to makeup. We all buy into the hype and then BAM! This just in.....the ingredient is useless. I'm so sick of it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 8:24 PM
Soy in moderation not all processed is probably fine...the problem is many people eat it processed in many forms several times a day.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 8:27 PM
Soy in moderation not all processed is probably fine...the problem is many people eat it processed in many forms several times a day.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 8:27 PM
Soy in moderation not all processed is probably fine...the problem is many people eat it processed in many forms several times a day.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 8:27 PM
Soy can be ok if eaten with an animal protein, and in moderation. Soy is an anti-nutrient and can interfere with the digestion of protein. I'm taking a nutrition class taught by an RD and she talked about this just yesterday.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 1:20 PM
Soy can be ok if eaten with an animal protein, and in moderation. Soy is an anti-nutrient and can interfere with the digestion of protein. I'm taking a nutrition class taught by an RD and she talked about this just yesterday.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 1:20 PM
Soy can be ok if eaten with an animal protein, and in moderation. Soy is an anti-nutrient and can interfere with the digestion of protein. I'm taking a nutrition class taught by an RD and she talked about this just yesterday.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 1:20 PM
It's just scary to learn how something which has been promoted as healthy and good for you with all the hype around it and then learn that it not only isn't , but could be unhealthy. We put warnings on alcohol.. alcohol can be good for you, but if abused it is bad. I have seen no such warnings on soy products.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 2:16 PM
It's just scary to learn how something which has been promoted as healthy and good for you with all the hype around it and then learn that it not only isn't , but could be unhealthy. We put warnings on alcohol.. alcohol can be good for you, but if abused it is bad. I have seen no such warnings on soy products.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 2:16 PM
It's just scary to learn how something which has been promoted as healthy and good for you with all the hype around it and then learn that it not only isn't , but could be unhealthy. We put warnings on alcohol.. alcohol can be good for you, but if abused it is bad. I have seen no such warnings on soy products.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 2:16 PM
2:16 why focus only on soy? There are so many unhealthy foods that you probably consider healthy. For example 1 egg yolk will put you over your recommended intake of cholesterol for a day.
Let me not start on cow milk that has been derived from sick animals (Finland is the only country in western world which cattle is healthy-took them a lot of years too), full of pesticides and hormons.
I agree that soy derivatives are to be avoided, plus, now they put soy in evertyhing, even things you normally wouldn't conisder to have soy in. Read your ingredients.
As for tofu, generations of Asian people have been eating tofu, tempeh and soy milk, without consequences. The argument that soy is antinutrient, doesn't sound very convincing to me.
I eat soy, but I buy organic, and I limit 1 package of tofu for week (for two of us) and I drink soy milk organic with natural ingredients no colors or such stuff.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 2:42 PM
2:16 why focus only on soy? There are so many unhealthy foods that you probably consider healthy. For example 1 egg yolk will put you over your recommended intake of cholesterol for a day.
Let me not start on cow milk that has been derived from sick animals (Finland is the only country in western world which cattle is healthy-took them a lot of years too), full of pesticides and hormons.
I agree that soy derivatives are to be avoided, plus, now they put soy in evertyhing, even things you normally wouldn't conisder to have soy in. Read your ingredients.
As for tofu, generations of Asian people have been eating tofu, tempeh and soy milk, without consequences. The argument that soy is antinutrient, doesn't sound very convincing to me.
I eat soy, but I buy organic, and I limit 1 package of tofu for week (for two of us) and I drink soy milk organic with natural ingredients no colors or such stuff.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 2:42 PM
2:16 why focus only on soy? There are so many unhealthy foods that you probably consider healthy. For example 1 egg yolk will put you over your recommended intake of cholesterol for a day.
Let me not start on cow milk that has been derived from sick animals (Finland is the only country in western world which cattle is healthy-took them a lot of years too), full of pesticides and hormons.
I agree that soy derivatives are to be avoided, plus, now they put soy in evertyhing, even things you normally wouldn't conisder to have soy in. Read your ingredients.
As for tofu, generations of Asian people have been eating tofu, tempeh and soy milk, without consequences. The argument that soy is antinutrient, doesn't sound very convincing to me.
I eat soy, but I buy organic, and I limit 1 package of tofu for week (for two of us) and I drink soy milk organic with natural ingredients no colors or such stuff.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 2:42 PM
organic and in moderation
Soy is a huge cash crop for the US and is full of pesticides. The estrogen connection is getting more research now, too.
Soy has been in the Asian diet for centuries, but not in American quantities...and not full of pesticides. But as the above poster demonstrates with the 1 package of soy/week - everything in moderation.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 3:34 PM
organic and in moderation
Soy is a huge cash crop for the US and is full of pesticides. The estrogen connection is getting more research now, too.
Soy has been in the Asian diet for centuries, but not in American quantities...and not full of pesticides. But as the above poster demonstrates with the 1 package of soy/week - everything in moderation.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 3:34 PM
organic and in moderation
Soy is a huge cash crop for the US and is full of pesticides. The estrogen connection is getting more research now, too.
Soy has been in the Asian diet for centuries, but not in American quantities...and not full of pesticides. But as the above poster demonstrates with the 1 package of soy/week - everything in moderation.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 3:34 PM
this concerns me b/c i eat tofu about 3 times/week. I googled it and there are several references backing up earlier studies relating it to cancer (esp in women). very scary.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:01 PM
this concerns me b/c i eat tofu about 3 times/week. I googled it and there are several references backing up earlier studies relating it to cancer (esp in women). very scary.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:01 PM
this concerns me b/c i eat tofu about 3 times/week. I googled it and there are several references backing up earlier studies relating it to cancer (esp in women). very scary.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:01 PM
2:16 here
I am only focused on soy here becasue that is the topic of the thread. It doesn;t mean that I am not concerned in general.
I am not sure that agree about eggs ans cow's milk, however. Eggs are nutritious, and again, in moderation are healthy. As I do not have a cholestoral issue, the fact that I have an occasional egg doesn't seem to me to be an unhealthy choice.
Cow's milk is perhaps another story since I know that dairy farmers sometimes use hormones to increase production of milk. But organic milk, since I have no issues with lactose, provides the benefit of calcium and protien (I drink non-fat) .
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:26 PM
2:16 here
I am only focused on soy here becasue that is the topic of the thread. It doesn;t mean that I am not concerned in general.
I am not sure that agree about eggs ans cow's milk, however. Eggs are nutritious, and again, in moderation are healthy. As I do not have a cholestoral issue, the fact that I have an occasional egg doesn't seem to me to be an unhealthy choice.
Cow's milk is perhaps another story since I know that dairy farmers sometimes use hormones to increase production of milk. But organic milk, since I have no issues with lactose, provides the benefit of calcium and protien (I drink non-fat) .
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:26 PM
2:16 here
I am only focused on soy here becasue that is the topic of the thread. It doesn;t mean that I am not concerned in general.
I am not sure that agree about eggs ans cow's milk, however. Eggs are nutritious, and again, in moderation are healthy. As I do not have a cholestoral issue, the fact that I have an occasional egg doesn't seem to me to be an unhealthy choice.
Cow's milk is perhaps another story since I know that dairy farmers sometimes use hormones to increase production of milk. But organic milk, since I have no issues with lactose, provides the benefit of calcium and protien (I drink non-fat) .
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:26 PM
2:42 here
Soy is under attack right now, but before that there were eggs. Now eggs are acceptable again. There are millions of nutrients in the foods that interact in different ways, we pick 1 or 2 and decide if the food is healthy. My motto is everything in moderation. There are a lot of people who will jump on the bandwagon to critisize or approve certain food or fad. Just because someone wrote a book doesn't make they are right about what they are talking about.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:49 PM
2:42 here
Soy is under attack right now, but before that there were eggs. Now eggs are acceptable again. There are millions of nutrients in the foods that interact in different ways, we pick 1 or 2 and decide if the food is healthy. My motto is everything in moderation. There are a lot of people who will jump on the bandwagon to critisize or approve certain food or fad. Just because someone wrote a book doesn't make they are right about what they are talking about.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:49 PM
2:42 here
Soy is under attack right now, but before that there were eggs. Now eggs are acceptable again. There are millions of nutrients in the foods that interact in different ways, we pick 1 or 2 and decide if the food is healthy. My motto is everything in moderation. There are a lot of people who will jump on the bandwagon to critisize or approve certain food or fad. Just because someone wrote a book doesn't make they are right about what they are talking about.
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 4:49 PM
2:16 here again
Yes, I think you are right. It is easy to get hyped abut just about anything and you can probably find a book or article out there to support just about any theory.
Still can't hurt to try to be educated. I honestly get worried about how information can be manipulated in the media and by industry. You just don't know what's real anymore.
It's very frustrating.
Friday, August 17, 2007, 10:44 AM
2:16 here again
Yes, I think you are right. It is easy to get hyped abut just about anything and you can probably find a book or article out there to support just about any theory.
Still can't hurt to try to be educated. I honestly get worried about how information can be manipulated in the media and by industry. You just don't know what's real anymore.
It's very frustrating.
Friday, August 17, 2007, 10:44 AM
2:16 here again
Yes, I think you are right. It is easy to get hyped abut just about anything and you can probably find a book or article out there to support just about any theory.
Still can't hurt to try to be educated. I honestly get worried about how information can be manipulated in the media and by industry. You just don't know what's real anymore.
It's very frustrating.
Friday, August 17, 2007, 10:44 AM
no offense, but i find the idea of soy being bad for you as absolutely ridiculous. maybe that soy milk junk they sell in grocery stores is bad for you but soy itself is not, especially eaten in soybean (edamame) or tofu form. maybe i'm biased since i'm chinese, but asians have been eating soy for thousands of years, much longer than the measly time it's been in the us. and not only are asian women usually healthier and live longer, but they certainly are NOT fat so the idea of soy which is such a staple in asian countries PROMOTING obesity is beyond ridiculous. the only fat asians you see are a result of the crap junk food like kfc and pizza hut that have been imported into asia. i think someone pointed out above, but every other day there is something published that says food source A is bad for you now and food source B that used to be bad....oops we changed our minds and now its great for you.
Friday, August 17, 2007, 11:03 AM
no offense, but i find the idea of soy being bad for you as absolutely ridiculous. maybe that soy milk junk they sell in grocery stores is bad for you but soy itself is not, especially eaten in soybean (edamame) or tofu form. maybe i'm biased since i'm chinese, but asians have been eating soy for thousands of years, much longer than the measly time it's been in the us. and not only are asian women usually healthier and live longer, but they certainly are NOT fat so the idea of soy which is such a staple in asian countries PROMOTING obesity is beyond ridiculous. the only fat asians you see are a result of the crap junk food like kfc and pizza hut that have been imported into asia. i think someone pointed out above, but every other day there is something published that says food source A is bad for you now and food source B that used to be bad....oops we changed our minds and now its great for you.
Friday, August 17, 2007, 11:03 AM
no offense, but i find the idea of soy being bad for you as absolutely ridiculous. maybe that soy milk junk they sell in grocery stores is bad for you but soy itself is not, especially eaten in soybean (edamame) or tofu form. maybe i'm biased since i'm chinese, but asians have been eating soy for thousands of years, much longer than the measly time it's been in the us. and not only are asian women usually healthier and live longer, but they certainly are NOT fat so the idea of soy which is such a staple in asian countries PROMOTING obesity is beyond ridiculous. the only fat asians you see are a result of the crap junk food like kfc and pizza hut that have been imported into asia. i think someone pointed out above, but every other day there is something published that says food source A is bad for you now and food source B that used to be bad....oops we changed our minds and now its great for you.
Friday, August 17, 2007, 11:03 AM
Quote from FAQa to Kaaya Daniels
"Soy has been a food in China for a little more than 2000 years. Farmers grew soybean plants only as "green manure" -- as a cover crop plowed under to enrich the soil. Soy was a fertilizer, not a food. The ancient Chinese originally developed the technique for making soybean paste (best known by the Japanese term miso) to preserve protein-rich animal foods. This process was first applied to soybeans and grains in the second century BC at the earliest and appeared in Japan around 500 AD. Legend holds that tofu was invented in China in 164 BC and came to Japan in the eighth century AD. Natto entered the food supply around 1000AD and tempeh no earlier than the 1600s."
Friday, August 17, 2007, 3:05 PM
Quote from FAQa to Kaaya Daniels
"Soy has been a food in China for a little more than 2000 years. Farmers grew soybean plants only as "green manure" -- as a cover crop plowed under to enrich the soil. Soy was a fertilizer, not a food. The ancient Chinese originally developed the technique for making soybean paste (best known by the Japanese term miso) to preserve protein-rich animal foods. This process was first applied to soybeans and grains in the second century BC at the earliest and appeared in Japan around 500 AD. Legend holds that tofu was invented in China in 164 BC and came to Japan in the eighth century AD. Natto entered the food supply around 1000AD and tempeh no earlier than the 1600s."
Friday, August 17, 2007, 3:05 PM
Quote from FAQa to Kaaya Daniels
"Soy has been a food in China for a little more than 2000 years. Farmers grew soybean plants only as "green manure" -- as a cover crop plowed under to enrich the soil. Soy was a fertilizer, not a food. The ancient Chinese originally developed the technique for making soybean paste (best known by the Japanese term miso) to preserve protein-rich animal foods. This process was first applied to soybeans and grains in the second century BC at the earliest and appeared in Japan around 500 AD. Legend holds that tofu was invented in China in 164 BC and came to Japan in the eighth century AD. Natto entered the food supply around 1000AD and tempeh no earlier than the 1600s."
Friday, August 17, 2007, 3:05 PM
soy bad for human consumption
I used to eat those frozen soy-based products regularly. In retrospect, I should NEVER have had them, not solely because of the soy, but the other chemicals and sodium content. I noticed that I whenever I would consume these soy-based products, I would have palpitations (no caffeine) in my throat/heart. I wonder if the palpitations from my throat area is a sign of a thyroid condition. I stopped eating these unhealthy processed foods and don't have the problem as much; only when I eat other foods which may trigger the problem (chocolate, cabbage, caffeine beverages, etc). I occasionally(once/twice a month) eat tempeh which does not bother me. Also, I wonder if cosmetics which contain soy (along with other unwanted ingredients) is unhealthy, because what we put on our skin also affects our health in similar ways as does what we put in our body.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 1:25 PM
soy bad for human consumption
I used to eat those frozen soy-based products regularly. In retrospect, I should NEVER have had them, not solely because of the soy, but the other chemicals and sodium content. I noticed that I whenever I would consume these soy-based products, I would have palpitations (no caffeine) in my throat/heart. I wonder if the palpitations from my throat area is a sign of a thyroid condition. I stopped eating these unhealthy processed foods and don't have the problem as much; only when I eat other foods which may trigger the problem (chocolate, cabbage, caffeine beverages, etc). I occasionally(once/twice a month) eat tempeh which does not bother me. Also, I wonder if cosmetics which contain soy (along with other unwanted ingredients) is unhealthy, because what we put on our skin also affects our health in similar ways as does what we put in our body.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 1:25 PM
soy bad for human consumption
I used to eat those frozen soy-based products regularly. In retrospect, I should NEVER have had them, not solely because of the soy, but the other chemicals and sodium content. I noticed that I whenever I would consume these soy-based products, I would have palpitations (no caffeine) in my throat/heart. I wonder if the palpitations from my throat area is a sign of a thyroid condition. I stopped eating these unhealthy processed foods and don't have the problem as much; only when I eat other foods which may trigger the problem (chocolate, cabbage, caffeine beverages, etc). I occasionally(once/twice a month) eat tempeh which does not bother me. Also, I wonder if cosmetics which contain soy (along with other unwanted ingredients) is unhealthy, because what we put on our skin also affects our health in similar ways as does what we put in our body.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 1:25 PM
I had read that protein (casein) in cows milk interferes with calcium. I wonder if that is true? Also, they add the vitamins in pasturized milk, because THE HEAT DESTROYS ALL OF THE BENEFICIAL NUTRIENTS (including friendly bacteria) in pasturized cows milk. I wouldn't drink raw milk either, because of the potential health risks (leukemia, mad-cow, etc).
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 1:34 PM
I had read that protein (casein) in cows milk interferes with calcium. I wonder if that is true? Also, they add the vitamins in pasturized milk, because THE HEAT DESTROYS ALL OF THE BENEFICIAL NUTRIENTS (including friendly bacteria) in pasturized cows milk. I wouldn't drink raw milk either, because of the potential health risks (leukemia, mad-cow, etc).
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 1:34 PM
I had read that protein (casein) in cows milk interferes with calcium. I wonder if that is true? Also, they add the vitamins in pasturized milk, because THE HEAT DESTROYS ALL OF THE BENEFICIAL NUTRIENTS (including friendly bacteria) in pasturized cows milk. I wouldn't drink raw milk either, because of the potential health risks (leukemia, mad-cow, etc).
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 1:34 PM
Wow, I probably have soy 2x per day. I feel great!
We all have to make our own decisions as to what we eat. Look at the difference between the government's food guide pyramid and Harvard U's food pyramid. Quite different. I'm going with Harvard on this one. Look at the messages being flashed across our TVs. Junk food, fast food, sugar-laden everything! You don't really see a lot of "Eat your fruits and veggies" commercials. Why? Because no one is making money on the healthy stuff. Especially not the government. I think the government sees soy as a threat and can feel a vegetarian movement occurring (since soy can be a big part of a vegetarian diet). They have seen this and have paid several people to do a few "studies" (swayed, obviously), and write a few books pointing out the "negative" effects of soy. My point is, do what feels right to you. Everyone has an opinion about everything.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 3:37 PM
Wow, I probably have soy 2x per day. I feel great!
We all have to make our own decisions as to what we eat. Look at the difference between the government's food guide pyramid and Harvard U's food pyramid. Quite different. I'm going with Harvard on this one. Look at the messages being flashed across our TVs. Junk food, fast food, sugar-laden everything! You don't really see a lot of "Eat your fruits and veggies" commercials. Why? Because no one is making money on the healthy stuff. Especially not the government. I think the government sees soy as a threat and can feel a vegetarian movement occurring (since soy can be a big part of a vegetarian diet). They have seen this and have paid several people to do a few "studies" (swayed, obviously), and write a few books pointing out the "negative" effects of soy. My point is, do what feels right to you. Everyone has an opinion about everything.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 3:37 PM
Wow, I probably have soy 2x per day. I feel great!
We all have to make our own decisions as to what we eat. Look at the difference between the government's food guide pyramid and Harvard U's food pyramid. Quite different. I'm going with Harvard on this one. Look at the messages being flashed across our TVs. Junk food, fast food, sugar-laden everything! You don't really see a lot of "Eat your fruits and veggies" commercials. Why? Because no one is making money on the healthy stuff. Especially not the government. I think the government sees soy as a threat and can feel a vegetarian movement occurring (since soy can be a big part of a vegetarian diet). They have seen this and have paid several people to do a few "studies" (swayed, obviously), and write a few books pointing out the "negative" effects of soy. My point is, do what feels right to you. Everyone has an opinion about everything.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 3:37 PM
who knows??
Soy protein powder makes me feel sick (although edamame and tofu do not) that b/c I am a guy?
why would you not eat whey protein instead - it is better for you and tastier, I haven't ever heard anybody posit that whey is about to kill us all since humans have been consuming it since the dawn of time.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 5:40 PM
who knows??
Soy protein powder makes me feel sick (although edamame and tofu do not) that b/c I am a guy?
why would you not eat whey protein instead - it is better for you and tastier, I haven't ever heard anybody posit that whey is about to kill us all since humans have been consuming it since the dawn of time.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 5:40 PM
who knows??
Soy protein powder makes me feel sick (although edamame and tofu do not) that b/c I am a guy?
why would you not eat whey protein instead - it is better for you and tastier, I haven't ever heard anybody posit that whey is about to kill us all since humans have been consuming it since the dawn of time.
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 5:40 PM
Whey is derived from dairy and doesn't fit in with veganism and some forms of vegetarianism.
Friday, March 14, 2008, 12:38 AM
Whey is derived from dairy and doesn't fit in with veganism and some forms of vegetarianism.
Friday, March 14, 2008, 12:38 AM
Whey is derived from dairy and doesn't fit in with veganism and some forms of vegetarianism.
Friday, March 14, 2008, 12:38 AM
You do know that the government pays farmer to grown soybeans, just like wheat and corn?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 3:28 PM
You do know that the government pays farmer to grown soybeans, just like wheat and corn?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 3:28 PM
You do know that the government pays farmer to grown soybeans, just like wheat and corn?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 3:28 PM
Here is a new article on why soy can be bad for you:
Why Is So Bad For You?
Friday, October 26, 2012, 3:58 PM
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